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Everything posted by lhmcr1

  1. "that was a comment from another user not the person concerned in that blog." I understand that dx, but the fact that no-one posted afterwards, something along the lines of "this is what to do next" is what makes me hesitant, just like going to court after an FOS ruling, I have searched for, but was unable to find any similar cases. I do not mean to sound negative, but as I said earlier, I cannot afford to spend £60+ in court fees if these rules don't apply. And I'm sure you and others would agree that it best to do thorough research before jumping in feet first. It's just that through this research I have found arguments on both sides.
  2. What concerns me are threads like this: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/content.php?829-Charges-successfuly-reclaimed-from-RBS-last-year Whilst it's great that the person claimed successfully, the only comment under that thread, saying that his bank ignored his letter, got no response and was took no further.
  3. I have already played a game of verbal and letter tennis with the Hfx, which included 40 mins of going round in circles with their money management service and when I followed the CAG template for the "complain about Hfx new charges" they in round about way said "we have you over a barrel and there is nothing you can do about it" That is why I think it will end up in court. Yes, I should have acted sooner, just like with my Creation PPI and Egg/Barclaycard charges thread, but personal circumstances dictated otherwise. There is nothing I would like better than to make progress with this and the other threads as it would make thing a great deal better, but despite my searching, researching and trawling the internet and such like, I am yet to find anyone who has had a successful claim after the FOS has said "No claim" Obviously if anyone knows different I would love to hear about it.
  4. O.K. Not quite what I expected, but that extract I posted above IMHO questions whether BCOB applies at all. To a non legal person like me I was looking for some sort of reassurance that BCOB applies, something along the lines of "yes, it applies because of xxxxxx" As I said, I have read the relevant BCOB rules but it may as well be in another language to me. I just don't want to take it to court, pay the £60+ fees, only to be told that they do not apply. As I said earlier, I am not here to cause arguments, just to be sure I don't waste my money on a non starter.
  5. Can't see the newsletter dx, on the mobile site at the mo, do you have a link? Also what are your thoughts on this? ''In November 2008, the Financial Services Authority (FSA) issued its consultation paper 'Regulating retail banking conduct ofbusiness' (CP08/19). On 24 April, the FSA reported on the responses it received to its consultation and published the final version of the BCOBS. Currently, the Banking Code Standards Board monitors and enforces voluntary Banking Codes which govern banks’ day-to-day relationships with their customers. *From 1 November [2009], retail banking will be governed*primarily by the FSA with some matters, eg overdraft charges, subject*to the jurisdiction of the Office of Fair Trading (OFT).''
  6. BTW, I don't want to cause arguments about who is right or wrong here, just some solid evidence that BCOB is relevant as both forums show all sides of the BCOB rules and if they apply. I would just like to get things watertight if it goes to court
  7. Have you read the post on BCOB on legalscenthounds.info dx? If so, what are your thoughts on the arguments? I have searched BCOB on CAG, most threads end with the OP being told to use BCOB regs, then the thread stops. I have not actually found one where BCOB has been successfully used in court, unless I have missed something!!!
  8. I ask about whether the BCOB rules are applicable to overdrafts because while researching BCOB, I found a post on legalscenthound.info, which I am unable to post. Which basically says not to get to excited.
  9. I have read this and other posts on BCOB with interest, as I would like nothing better than to reclaim charges from and sort out reducing my Halifax overdraft. I have read conflicting information about BCOB mostly about if it even covers overdrafts at all, some say these fall under the OFT. I may look at claiming back charges under hardship rules. I would be interested to know if anyone has actually been to court through BCOB and if they have, what the outcome was.
  10. Could do with some help here folks, the Halifax say the account charges can't be frozen and come November will be going up to £90 per month, how were accounts with overdrafts closed and the interest rates frozen when the new charges structure was brought in in 2009?
  11. I have finally sent a letter to Halifax about closing my account due to the further increase in overdraft charges from November, I received a letter saying that they won't freeze the charges. Is there anything I can do?
  12. I know it may be futile and too late but I have finally sent the letter requesting that my Hfx account is closed and the overdraft charges frozen. I received a reply saying that it was not possible to freeze the charges and the new charges will come into effect in November. Is there anything I can do to dispute this?
  13. I have the demands and needs statement and can fully remember the sale of the PPI policy, especially the "it's free so you may as well have it" The Ombudsman basically said that this could have happened, amongst other points of the sale, but could not take my word agaunst Creations.
  14. Thanks ims21, I will get all the necessary info together and use the spreadsheet to find the total. With regards to proving that I was mis-sold I would be able to provide a verbal account of the sale and why it was mis-sold. Will this be O.K?
  15. Well it's been a while, been moving amongst other things, but now I would like to revisit reclaiming the PPI. Just to recap I went to the FOS with the PPI complaint and they rejected it. I now have funds to take it to court and see what happens and would like to hear suggestions about how best to start, what with it being over six months since I did not accept the Ombudsman's decision. Do I write to Creation informing them that I am going to court, or just go straight to Moneyclaim without informing them. Or should I just drop the whole thing. I would also like to pursue Egg/Barclaycard through MCOL with regards to credit card charges, again do I inform them that I am starting court proceedings as it has been a while since their final decision. Or again do I start MCOL proceedings anyway. Any thoughts and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
  16. Hi, just a quick note to say I haven't forgotten about this thread, I will be back in the new year to try and move forward with it. In the meantime I hope you have all had a good Christmas and have a happy new year.
  17. I tried to put in the monthly payments and also the start date but I am not sur e that this is the correct way to input the figures as the monthly payment is to pay towards the finance as well as the PPI.
  18. Tried the spreadsheet, always comes up with incorrect figures.
  19. Seems a bit more than a co-incidence to me, I have never received these types of call before but still.. Back to the claim, the PPI is single premium so it was added on to the agreement at the start, will the spreadsheet allow this? I will more than likely start a court claim in the new year, I have sent the FOS letter back saying that I reject the decision. You still think it's worth continuing then?
  20. That figure is from the agreement, where is the spreadsheet? What's a co-in? Even on a figure of £350, do you think it is worth taking it further?
  21. Just had a look and the total of the PPI including interest is just over £350 so that would be the claim. Also a concern to me is that I have recently started to get calls from PPI reclaim companies, I have not given my details to anyone, so I wonder where they are getting my details from. Is there any way of finding out?
  22. dx100uk, what I meant was the PPI is built into the monthly payments, so any settlement figure obtained would include the PPI e.g. cost of loan £500 plus PPI £151 the add on interest.
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