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Everything posted by sj01

  1. Its crazy. I am so surprised its not been made more of a fuss of. Why should people who have a mortgage have to pay so much more out of the same benefits through no fault of our own. Some people are getting hundreds of pounds in rent. What are we supposed to do, I cannot sell as I would not be left with enought to even buy a small flat.
  2. Could it be your work focused interviews. I had to go on crutches but I did manage to get a lift. Mine were before I was awarded ESA because it took so long for my appeal to be heard. They are a waste of time cos who is gonna give us a job? I went with 'pathways to work' and it was compulsary but only 6 times.
  3. Hi, have you had your medical with ATOS yet? I had to go to 6 work focused interviews, I think every one does.
  4. They seem to be looking for any excuse to save money. If it was me I dont think I would mention it. I get I.I for a work injury and always take in my pain medication and consultants letters. If the doctor asks me to do something at the medical that I find painful I tell him I dont want to do it. Even though I would consider my condition to have got worse they never increase my % of disability.
  5. Hi, I had to do that too and attend an interview at the job centre.
  6. I dont think that this would be accepted in any other profession, totaly wrong.
  7. Of course they mean something, how else would the doctors know what was wrong with you? I have had tests, scans etc and because of them I passed my ESA tribunal.
  8. So what happens to the royal mail 'signed for' then ?
  9. Hi, You can apply on line today. directgov benefits on line, You can apply for Employment support allowance, thats what I had to do when my ssp ran out. I was getting income support as well as ssp but when you go over to employment support allowance it was big drop in income for me.
  10. Hi, Only send a copy, and have it signed for.
  11. Hi, What if a person has come to the end of their treatment though. This year I was awarded Industrial Injuries but I had a lot of consultants letters. There is nothing more that I can have now and just see a pain clinic. Next year I will have no evidence when I go for my medical.
  12. Hi , My mum has osteoarthritis in her knees and and a crumbling spine. She is nearly 78 but says that she didnt like the forms for claiming as they wanted to 'know too much' Its not as if they have money under the bed or anything. She and my Dad would get extra money but they wont claim.
  13. Good luck, its not fair at all. How can they change their decision if your health is the same.
  14. Sorry if I sound thick but does this mean that the next step is tribunal or do you mean a panel will look at the appeal letter.
  15. Can some one advise please. No DLA awarded so asked for a reconsideration, turned down again. Written an appeal letter not sent yet. Is this looked at again so the decision can be changed or is straight to tribunal now? I am still waiting for the G.P report that the DWP said they based their decision on. Thanks
  16. Thank you very much for your advice.
  17. I hope you find the strength to carry on and appeal the decision. My medical was a complete farce too. When I got the results I actually thought they had sent some one elses report by mistake as it differed so much from the actual facts. Gather as much medical info from your doctors as possible and go to tribunal. The DWP actually wrote to my GP and told them I had been found fit for work so not to give any more sick notes, lucky for me my doctor was on my side. He was the one who knew my condition, not an Atos doctor who only saw me for 15 minutes. Appeal quickly because then you get the benefit money and housing benefit reinstated. Good Luck.
  18. Do you or have you worked for the DWP?
  19. The main difference is that during your ESA medical you are asked questions while the doctor fills in your answers on the computer. The medical exam did not differ much. During the Industrial injuries interview the doctor writes down your answers and then you get to read it and sign at the end to say you agree with what is written. If this happened at the end of the ESA exam then there would not be so many appeals.
  20. A while after I first failed my ESA test I had a industrial injuries exam and the results were totally different. I was awarded Industrial injuries as 30% disabled yet the ESA exam said I was totally fit. When I complained, the DWP said that the two exams were different and wouldnt take it into account. The two exams were by the same doctor too.
  21. Hi, My husband has had his DLA renewal turned down. The decision letter says that they based their decision partly on a report from his G.P. I have asked several times now once in writing, twice by phone, for a copy of this report but despite the DWP saying they have sent it it has not arrived. I have been asking for 3 weeks. Has any one else had this happen?
  22. Hi, I have been through it but for an injury not depression. Only you know how you feel. I just wanted to let you know how important the form is. I'll leave you to get help from some one else. Good luck.
  23. Hi, Give as much detail as you can. If you eventually get to tribunal the answers in the ESA50 are really taken into account.
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