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Everything posted by sj01

  1. Hi, I asked the same questions here last week. I was accepted fro a grant of £3500 last year. I used just over £300 for cavity wall insulation. My boiler has broken so I rang warm front and was told I needed to reapply but cannot because the scheme has been suspended. My question was, who has the rest of my grant. My circumstances have not changed and ofcourse I realise I would need to prove that. No one can tell me if Warmfront have the money or the government do. I am going to write to my M.P I think.
  2. Nastymite, Why should they pay your rent? Its no different. We are not gaining anything more than people that rent, the house is not being paid for , only the interest. My mortgage interest is probably a lot cheaper than most peoples rent. My child didnt take out the mortgage and has high travelling costs and car loan etc and already pays me keep. If he too were unemployed then our mortgage interest would be paid. Maybe I should throw them out. There is no easy solution but the system that is in place now discriminates against people with mortgages.
  3. I dont get my mortgage interest paid any more because I have a working child at home. I have to pay ALL of over £400 a month plus all the insurances etc. My son isnt responsible for me and cant be expected to pay the mortgage plus keep. A lot of people are about to lose their houses now. We are not lucky to have a mortgage. When we lose the house we will have all of our rent paid by DWP, makes no sense.
  4. Thats if you can ge a job. Employers are spoilt for choice at the moment with so many unemployed. I know of a company director who is now working part time in an old peoples care home. Apparently if you are over 50, even with out illness you dont stand much of a chance. I am on the work activity ESA and look every day for a job but there is nothing to suit my illness. What employer is going to give me a job when the first question I would have to ask was if they paid sick pay, can I stop work when pain gets too much and strong medication would probably make me uninsurable.Yet I am in a scheme to find me work. Unless the government are going to start to manufacture pretend jobs for ill people then there isnt much hope. My back to work advisor said there was nothing I could do in my condition on my medication but the ATOS people always know better.
  5. Living on the assesment rate is very hard and it is easy to get behind with bills etc. Maybe the money is needed to catch up with bills. When were the DWP ever fair. It was the DWP's mistake to over pay this person so why should they suffer. Just because he has managed living on the assesment rate doesnt mean he doesnt deserve the back pay.
  6. I suppose it may have benefits but we have to have a telephone consultation at a set appointment time then if you need an appointment you may or may not get one. If people are at work they have to ask if they can take a phone call and hope it can be done in private then have to have more time off for an appointment. The doctor is dealing with people twice in a lot of cases. The system used to work before the country was flooded with new people and now there is no money and no new surgery doctors to cover the extra people. It does not take a genius to work out why we can no longer cope with school places, doctors and hospital appointments or afford to pay sick and unemployed people an amount they can actually live on.
  7. Hi, I am under 60 but unemployed and disabled so dont get an help unless the temperature drops below zero for 7 days in a row. You cannot heat any rooms if your gas boiler has broken. We are not in a 3rd world country yet.
  8. I have always thought that as our doctors and specialists have already been paid by the tax payer, then why not ask them if we should get disability benefits. Our doctors know us better than any one. But now I have been told by our surgery that we are to have telephone consultations with our G.P, I can see some one dying before long. We are to be questioned on the phone to see if we actually need to see a doctor and then as in my husbands case had to wait 11 days for an appointment. I was recently sent a report that my Husbands G.P did for DLA, he knows his gp well and has a good relationship with him. The report was terrible, scribbled, hard to read, very short and missed loads of recent info and he got paid £33 for it. It could only have taken the G.P a minute a the most. I despair for ill and disabled people in this country, itis getting out of hand and there is nothing we can do.
  9. Thank you for your help. Maybe not many people have applied for this grant yet and now its probably too late. It was not ok for us to freeze to death last year but this year it is. We are having to live on a pittance through no fault of our own and life is just getting harder. I think a lot of people are going to take to a life of crime.
  10. I didnt have a boiler fitted with the grant, I was granted £3500 but only used the £300 so do warm front have the rest of the money. My old boiler has gone wrong now and as I was awarded the £3500 I thought I could ask them for a new boiler now. I wanted to know if any one knows who has the rest of the grant money is it warmfront?
  11. Hi, I thought my report had been sent to the wrong person when I received it as it clearly wasnt about me. I complained to every one, M.P, the DWP, ATOS but it just seemed to make them dig their heels in deeper. I even had a member of the DWP tell me she thought I had been dealt with badly. They admitted I did have some limited capability to work but they wouldnt change their minds. I went to tribunal eventually and won but it was a truley horrible year and I just know I will get called back soon.
  12. Hi, Last year I applied and was accepted for a grant for my house for insulation etc. I was accepted and was allocated a grant of £3500 and had cavity wall insulation put in at the cost of about £300. My boiler has now gone wrong so I rang the company 'Warmfront' but they said that I had to reapply on 1st of April. Does any one know if this is right because when I went on line today to reapply I couldnt as there is now a government consultation about the grants. It looks like they could be stopped, surprise surprise. I would like to know if this company 'warmfront' have the rest of my government grant or do you really have to reapply.
  13. None of this is the kids fault though. My mum always worked and my gran looked after me. Pay the grans I say.
  14. What do these mums do in the school holidays? There can't be many jobs that let you have the holidays off. I cant stand the thought of little ones not being looked after properly.
  15. if the numbers who need help are small then why cant they help people on an individual basis so people who need help get it.
  16. Hi, I'm in a similar position with C&G, I want to down size but would still need a mortgage of about £40,000. My mortgage at the moment is £97,000. I am now unemployed though so the C&G have told me they wont give me another mortgage, I have never defaulted. So I am stuck here and will eventually not be able to pay the mortgage, the DWP have just cut the help they give to people with mortgages even though I was getting less than people who pay rent. I 'ported' my mortgage from my last house to here as I did not need to borrow any more money but I still had to fill in forms so they would probably know your financial details. Its not getting any easier. Good luck though.
  17. Hi, I think that if you get the care element of DLA you get more help but I could have got the wrong end of the stick. These documents are so hard to understand .
  18. Isnt child tax credit for help if you are working?
  19. hi, I dont understand this, have you got all your medical letters and consultants letters? I would have thought that if you are on morphine every day then you should definitely qualify. Do you go to a pain clinic. I won my tribunal because I was due surgery and had proof of prior surgery and I was on strong pain meds.
  20. No, I dont. I get £525 a month. I have a child at home and because she earns good money I have now got to pay my whole mortgage interest at £425 permonth. My child pays keep but I cant ask her to pay keep PLUS all of the mortgage, she has debts and a car loan etc My bills are just about covered. But hey, I'm watching red nose day and looking at those poor little babies I should never complain. Good luck.
  21. Hi, No as soon as my tribunal was successful I didnt need to send notes any more.
  22. I know that some people cant afford to buy, thats not the fault of the home owners, most of us dont own even half of the house yet. I am having to find my mortgage money from no where when people who rent get their rent paid, that cant be right. If you managed to swap your rent for an interest only mortgage you would have to pay for it or for part of it but you dont have to contribute to the rent, hows that fair. Could you afford it out of your benefits because I dont get any more than you.
  23. Thank you. Its a mine field isnt it?
  24. Hi , I never got told how long it will be until I am reviewed. I have been claiming ESA now for 18 months I think. I'm scared to ask because I cant face going through all this again.
  25. Is it possible to get DLA care but nothing for mobility. Also, could a person get mobility even if they could walk but was on strong medication because of their pain. You see people all the time get out of disabled cars who can obviously walk, even if they do have walking sticks, what does virtually unable to walk mean?
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