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Everything posted by sj01

  1. Hi thanks, its not permitted work i want to do. I want to sign off, see if i can manage and then sign back on for ESA again if the job is too much, I wanted to know if I would have to claim again from scratch
  2. Hi, I am currently claiming ESA. I want to try working and see how I get on. Can some one tell me, if I start work but I cannot manage it do I have to make a claim from scratch? Will the benefits people allow me to try to work with out penalising me. Thanks.
  3. Hi thanks for the reply. Is there anywhere I can find out how often or how many times I need to see my provider. Is there a set of rules they have to stick to on how often I must see them? The provider has obviously lied to me about the voluntary work being mandatory which I find unbelievable.
  4. Hi can some one tell me what is mandatory. I was told that I have to attend voluntary work that suits my illness, maybe work from home and also go on a course in the new year. he said this was mandatory. He told me that these are new rules and to ask citizens advice if I didn't believe him. I cant find anything on the internet that says what is supposed to happen. Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi, If a mum moved in with her grown up daughter and her two grandsons and the daughter claimed working tax credit for her and her two sons would the grandmothers income be taken into account with the daughters household income. Thanks in advance.
  6. Hi, I sent my esa50 in February. I requested a recorded medical on the esa50 form and there was no problem. I don't know if asking for the equipment delayed my medical though. You are right, the thought of the process makes me feel ill. I dread brown envelopes too. I am really dreading the medical day and wish I could win the lottery. Like everyone on here I would love to be getting up for work on Monday and being normal. Having holidays and most of all not having to jump through these hoops. Hey ho, keep our chins up x
  7. Hi, I have a recorded medical in two weeks so I will let you know the out come. I have letters from the surgeon and am on strong medication apart from that they just have my word against theirs that I am in pain. I'm not looking forward to it.
  8. Hi, If I have my medical recorded and I bring medical evidence to back up my condition and I answer all of the descriptors honestly as I couldn't sit or stand for half an hour or walk 50 metres without pain then what are my chances of being put in the WRAG group. Has any one lost their ESA after having a recorded medical.
  9. During the Industrial Injuries medical everything you say is written down then read back to you and you have to sign to say you agree, this would be a better system for ESA. Why are the systems so different. This would save a lot of people asking for reconsiderations and tribunals.
  10. Thank you both, I will just have to wait and see. I'll update when its all over. I will send it back at the last possible moment. I am waiting for a result from an Industrial Injuries medical so if thats good news I will be able to use the results in my new ESA50.
  11. Hi, I have a new ESA50 to fill in before the end of November. I have been in the WRAG group for some time now after going to tribunal the first time after a looong wait. Can someone tell me how long it takes from when I return my ESA 50 for ATOS to arrange my medical now. Will they contact me by phone or letter to arrange an appointment. I just want them to leave me alone until after christmas, I have butterflies just thinking about it all again. How quickly will they move once they receive my ESA50. Thanks. SJ
  12. Hi. Can you just clarify this for me please. If you are waiting for a reassessment then you do not have to send in Doctors certificates. I have just received a new ESA50 to be sent back before 30 th Nov. Will I carry on getting my ESA until I fail my medical. Then I presume I will have to send in Doctors notes until my tribunal. So if I keep asking for a recorded medical I will carry on receiving my ESA without a medical. I am just dreading going through all of these hoops again. Does anyone get awarded ESA without a medical but just by your supporting evidence with your ESA50. My medication alone should rule me out of being able to work. Thanks in advance. SJ
  13. Thank you. I asked for help a little while ago for breathing space. I am already on interest only and the building society said they could not help me with a mortgage break at that time. I have just been informed by them that my interest only deal is ending and unbelievably my new payment is £20 per month less. I dont understand it but you would have thought they would have told me this when I was asking for help. I shall ring round a few places tomorrow and see what I can do. Thanks for all the advice.
  14. Thanks for your reply, Yep thats what we want to do but the place we want is £190,000 and thats only a 2 bed flat where we live. With costs it would mean we needed to still borrow a bit and thought that wih all the equity and never being behind in payments they would just let us port the mortgae but no luck. Never mind, the government say there is help for people getting into trouble but in reality there is not much help until your actually in a big mess.
  15. Hi, I have a mortgage of about £97,000 and my house is probably worth £270,000. I am now unemployed. I want to buyer a cheaper house that would then reduce my mortgage to about £20,000 but my mortgage provider wont give me another mortgage even though it will be much smaller. I have never been in arrears and always paid on time. I am now stuck here and can't move and soon I will find it hard to pay the mortgage. I dont get help with my payments because I have a child who earns living here. Does anyone know of a lender who would help me. Thanks.
  16. Have you got a child living at home who is working?
  17. Does any one know if there is a monthy limit that the council can expect me to pay off my council tax debt. My council say the minimum is £15 a month which I will find impossible. I thought that f I could only afford a £1 a month then they had to accept that. Thanks for your help.
  18. Deleted as I may have given too much info and be recognised. Thanks.
  19. I have discovered that you can email our local council (Council tax) benefits department so if I have any change of circumstances or any other query I email them, that way I have proof of sending information and they always seem to email back. It would be great if we could email DWP.
  20. I got a letter before Christmas saying I may lose this benefit, it was not law yet but they were just telling me in case. Does this mean that it is definitely going to happen. As I only get benefits and no other income apart from my child's keep money would I be eligible for income based ESA.
  21. Hi, What medicine are you taking. I was put in the work group with osteoarthritis and am on Brutrans patches and anti inflammatory tablets. S.J
  22. Hi, Try not to worry. My ESA didnt go into my account last week. I telephoned and was told it was just a mistake and they put it in that day. Just a blip in the system sometimes. I would have thought that if they had doubts about your claim they would tell you before they stopped your benefit. Ring first thing on Monday.
  23. Well, is it ok to pay a private land lords mortgage for him then with housing benefit when the DW are paying your rent. What if a tenant was asked to pay the rent back to the DWP when he gets a job. I have a mortgage and because of that my out goings are a lot more than a person who rents because of extra insurances etc.
  24. Hi, I have my yearly assesment this week. I have had no surgery or any consultants letters this year, just my prescription medicine. I have had all of the treatment for the time being so will just have to rely on my medical examination. Last time I went they said that if I was still the same this time they would give me the benefit for life. I'm worried, looks like they are targeting this benefit too now.
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