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  1. I am on Metaformin for diabetes, leflunomide for arthritis control to help prevent disease progress and amytriptilene for pain & sleep, I take dehydrocodine/paracetomal when pain is intolerable and just stick with paracetomal on it's own if I can. Latter plays havoc with your insides if you get my meaning
  2. I have severe arthritis and have been put in the work activity support group. My G.P had said once they know what medicines I'm on they will accept I am unable to work but obviously didn't happen. Benefits adviser said once they see me they will accept I'm unable to work however I'm worried they won't see. They can't see how much pain I'm in. They also seem oblivious to people a lot worse than me. If I wait until they call me in for interview that might be beyond the cut off point for appeal. Part of my anxiety is also that with my high rent I would need housing benefit, I think most people claim tax credits but that means working 16 hours which I would never manage. They also don't take exhaustion into account through interrupted sleep patterns. What kind of job could I do? Acting part in Sleeping Beauty or the Zombie Dead? One has to wonder what planet they are on. Any advice? Thanks
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