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  1. Well I opened a dispute but paypal closed it because the dispute was showing as having a dispute with paypal card (as it's them who take the money from paypal) they told me to contact paypal card, i'll contact them tomorrow and ask about a chargeback but won't hold my breath, it's not a nice feeling being ripped off and being completely powerless.
  2. Yes it's mastercard but I do not think they do chargebacks as i'm guessing they would have mentioned it if they did, they probably have something in their t&c relating to them not taking anything to do with problems with purchases, they just sent me a disputed transaction form but i'm not sure why because it doesn't really have anything to do with this situation, it's all about card theft. The problematic company website claims in their terms and conditions that the order will be fulfilled within 30 days.......which hasn't been the case.
  3. I guess it's the prepaid card, there is no credit with it, it's just what money is available in ones paypal account, as stated they have sent me a disputed transaction form but it's mostly questions relating to card theft which is not the case. I'm looking to find out if there is anything legally I can do, who I could contact or who to report this to? I have since found another person complaining online regarding the company who are in the same position as me, it's been 4 weeks now since I purchased and I have not received my order. Surely it's not legal what this company are doing, I can't believe there's nothing I can do and that they are allowed to go on stealing peoples money and committing fraud.
  4. I paid with my paypal card, unfortunately paypal take nothing to do with it and asked me to contact paypal card.
  5. Hello, i'm looking for some help, I bought goods online around 3 weeks ago and I am still awaiting delivery, the company I bought from are based in the UK, I have never used them before, the company claim to have dispatched the items via courier but state they have no tracking number and no proof of postage, the value of the goods were below £100. Unfortunately after having all this hassle I googled the company and found that they used to trade on amazon and have very bad feedback relating to non delivery of goods, this has never happened to me before and i'm not sure what to do, is there anything I can do? I paid with my paypal card and they have sent me a disputed transaction form but the questions on the form mostly relate to card theft so I do not think I am going to have any sort of resolution through them. Any help or information would be appreciated.
  6. 'Doctors/carers/psychiatrists' I don't have anything like that, the doctor has told me about therapy but there is currently a 5-6 month waiting list, the only people who care for me are family so it's not anyone professional and I did ask the doctor if I needed a letter to submit but he's very busy and he didn't think i'd need it in this initial stage, he seems to think i'll do fine but I don't think he realises how many people have hassle with all this, not sure what to do in those regards then? also when answering the questions, should I answer them in terms of how they will restrict my ability to work? rather than saying I don't do this/that, do I need to word it in such a way as aiming it towards how it would be if I was working? Also, do I need to state on the day if i'm on medication or do I need to take and show the medication that I am on? as that will effect how I am on that day and the person I see may not think I have the generic signs of anxiety or depression, the medication is of the effect that when I take it, someone could slap me and I wouldn't be phased by it because that's how it works in terms of relaxing, I can't even consider not taking it because then I just wouldn't be able to go.
  7. Thanks for replying anyway sj01, from reading some posts on here I know how important the form is, I guess that's why i'm worried i've maybe not put down exact things they want or if i've missed things out that someone else could suggest but that I wouldn't think of to write about, if that makes sense?
  8. I'm not sure to be honest, i've not had any help in relation to the form, did try to get to see CAB for some direction but they were fully booked for weeks, i'm just not sure i'm answering what they are asking to the full extent they are asking, I guess i'm just worried i'm missing things out because I can't concentrate or think about good examples to highlight the extent of it, it's hard to put into words I find.
  9. That's the point I was trying to make above.... I don't know exactly what I should be writing, is there anything specifically they want to know as I could be writing something which they aren't interested in, do they want to know what a day is like for me, do they want to know only about the medication i'm on, I don't know specifcally what counts to them as information they really need and want because their questions pretty much sum up what day to day is like therefore I don't see the point in me writing it again except in one big paragraph, unless that is what they want? I just don't know,I thought someone who went through the process would have given some insight but I guess not.
  10. Hi there, i'm just looking for some help with filling in parts of this form, the main parts I mean are the part that is 'please tell us about your illness or disability' on page 4 and at the back of the book on page 25 titled 'other information' is there anything specific they are wanting to know in these parts? my mind has been quite blank filling this form in, it's for depression/anxiety, my family tried to get an appointment for CAB but the appointments were weeks away and there is nothing else close to me in terms of help, I have what I think should be put in the question boxes wrote out on paper but i'd have liked someone to go over it and check it to see if that was exactly what was being asked or if there was anything else I should have wrote before writing it on the actual form, does anyone know if there is any sort of online help for this? This whole process has been incredibly stressful and I know this is probably the easiest part given the hassle i've read about which follows after sending this away. I just find it very hard to concentrate being on three lots of medication and a lot of the questions seemed to ask the same thing but were worded differently, I just have no clue if I have answered them properly and I know it's important to fill it in properly, I just feel completely helpless
  11. alex456

    atos medical form

    No one has any advice?
  12. alex456

    atos medical form

    Hello, I'm just looking for some advice about filling in my medical form for ESA, I'm on medication for depression/anxiety and I know that when I go to the assessment I will most likely be asked what has caused it and I just want to know how honest I can be, the main reason as to why I feel the way I do was being brought up around domestic violence and that was something that was never reported to the law or anything and it all happened when I was much younger, if I say these things will it be taken further? I don't want further stress to deal with and I'm just worried that making it known will cause trouble, I could be over thinking it but I just want to know if anyone knows that the information given is private and only passed around the medical professionals/dwp? even typing this was tough, it's not something I've ever spoken about either so I'm sure when I do have to talk about it, it won't be easy. I was also going to ask, is it okay to staple extra paper to the form that is to be sent back or has the information got to fit on the form? there's not a lot of space and I know the back of the booklet has a full page but I write quite big and don't think it will fit in that area. I also meant to ask, i've been referred to therapy by my gp but he said the average wait time is 5-6 months, should I add that into the form that i'm awaiting that kind of treatment even though i've not been yet? or would they not take that into account because i've not been?
  13. I have claimed before but it was only £150 and that is now paid off, does it matter the time between claiming for them? as it was only paid off last month, I don't know if they have rules about how often you can claim per year etc, I am single and do not have a child.
  14. Hello, quick question, I applied for a budgeting loan and it says on the form that you have to be claiming benefit for 26 weeks atleast then lists the benefits, now I have been on benefits for a little over 26 weeks but not on the same one, I switched from Income-based Employment and Support Allowance to Income-based JSA, will I still qualify? there was not any time gaps between the claims, when one finished I went straight onto the other, I did call and ask about it as I couldn't recall the exact dates of when I started claiming one and when I finished etc and they said just to write basically what I said above about being on two of the benefits listed in a little over 26 weeks but the way it is written on the form, it sounds like it has to be the same benefit for the 26 weeks, does anyone know if I will qualify? many thanks.
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