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Everything posted by radmm0

  1. Hi BF Hope the answers below will clarify some of the remaining confusion. Rgds. radmm0
  2. Hi BF Sorry for causing the misunderstanding. The bank broke their own agreed overdraft limit by a very long way by paying the charge card balance from the 'joint' account. Rgds. radmm0
  3. Hi BF Thanks for your post. I have answered as best I can most of your queries below. Rgds. radmm0 .
  4. Hi Andy & Tex I have been following this thread for a while now, as I have a very similar issue with RatFest. Not knowing too much about the recent changes in the Banking Code, would one be able to use the BCOBS for ANY issues in these type of cases? Or is it too late when it has reached the courts? i.e. can part of your c/c actually be a reference to the BCOBS, as they have been treating you unfairly or is that only possible to be used when referring the case on the FSA? Rgds. radmm0
  5. Did you send the letter suggested by 'The Mould'? If so, what, if any, has been their reply? If not, what else have you done since the so called 'solicitor' letter arrived? I have a very similar situation with NatWest and their 'linked' organisations Triton and Green & Co, but in our case they haven't been able to produce the CA under the CCA request AND we were already taken to court when we CPR31.14'ed them!! Everything had gone very quiet for a long time (may be 5 months) and suddenly they have started the whole process from scratch! The court case is 'hanging in the air', but we haven't heard anything from the court or their real solicitors, just the usual threatening letters and harasment phonecalls, which we have replied to by letters only. Kind regards. radmm0
  6. Where are with this now? Any news? Rgds. radmm0
  7. Where are you with this? I have very a similar case/amount with NW and they have already attempted the CCJ route without success, as they couldn't produce the CCA or correct DNs (Default Notices). They then started again with new DNs and Termination Notices (many months after the original court claim date). The account is in dispute and therefore they're in breach of many regulations and have been told so by letter. All quiet at the moment, but they won't give up easily as Seminole suggests, due to the amounts involved. But, you have to be prepared for their stupid actions by reading as many posts as possible on CAG and speaking to your local CAB office or similar organisation. Two very important hints I have learnt from the brilliant people on CAG. NEVER speak to anyone from the OC (in this case NatWest) or DCAs on the phone, always request / ask them to write to you. Secondly, carry on paying a monthly amount towards the debt, even if it's £5 per month. This will definitely work for you in any future court hearing. Just like yourself NW refused a much higher monthly figure that I had offered and decided to go for the jugular without success. So, my question to senior CAGgers and the industry people reading these forums is WHY? The desperate debtor is more than willing to pay a 'substantial' monthly amount towards the debt, but the creditor refuses and decides to take the matter to court and potentially get a much lower monthly amount ordered by a judge. Bizarre! Rgds. radmm0
  8. Thanks dx100uk. So, obviously nothing of any use has been added to this thread?! Do you think anyone on CAG can respond to the OP? Rgds. radmm0
  9. Hi Guys Would appreciate if you could put the link up for the moved thread please, as can't find it anywhere on the site! Rgds. radmm0
  10. I have recently had the servicing and ownership of a MINT Loan taken over by Idem/Arden and would love to know what happened to your case with them. Did they give up and you carried on with a min monthly payment or have they accepted that the debt is disputed and left you alone? How have they behaved in general? Also, post #5 by 'formister' quotes from the amended OFT guidelines on CCA requests. However, how can they state that the Creditor CANNOT get a CCJ against you, but they CAN take you to court? It doesn't make sense! Rgds. radmm0
  11. So, 'Iamharrased', what was the outcome? Did they back down or continue with their letters and other harassment techniques? My MINT Loan has recently been passed to Idem/Arden and I came across this thread when searching CAG for 'arden'. The CAG guys have been giving some very useful general info on this thread about dealing with harassment, which I am getting from other creditors. They'll be receiving some seriously forceful letters from me soon too! Any news about Idem/Arden's tactics would be very helpful. Rgds. radmm0
  12. So, what did you do with Arden in the end? Did you give them your I/E or refuse, as it is well within your rights to do so? My MINT Loan debt has just been sold to Idem/Arden and very interested to find out as much as possible about their tactics! Rgds. radmm0
  13. Subscribing to thread, as having loads of probs with NW myself!
  14. Any advice on the above post and below info? I have been reading conflicting posts regarding whether or not a creditor can re-issue a DN post termination of an account/CA. Can they re-issue. Can they do what they're attempting here? I responded to the DNs informing them that we're seeking professional advice and will be in touch in due course. But, have now received the TNs giving us 7 days to respond. Unfortunately these were sent to our OLD address (even though the TNs were sent 2 days AFTER they received our replies to the DNs with notification of our changed address). Time is getting very tight and we need to respond to their TN by Wednesday this week. Any replies would be very much appreciated. Rgds. radmm0
  15. Thanks for the background 'newstarter', extremely useful. It just proves what I stated in my previous post that these guys have got the Govt. and other people in power (e.g. Judges) on their side, since they also have their snouts in the 'money trough' via back-handers, party donations and free holidays to exotic places. So, does your post indicate that these types of 'vulture' outfits are part of the 'mainstream' financial world now thus coming under FSA and other rules or still on the edges following their own rules?! I still can't believe that in this day and age we have such people/outfits roaming the 'financial' world and screwing the public with impunity just like the Victorian times! Rgds. radmm0
  16. Stevealbert Some may be asking themselves; 'why would Mint (RBS) sell a portfolio of bad debt that includes ones like yours, which is secured via a CCJ charging order? Surely these are the ones they should keep in order to pay the tax-payer back!?'. Well not really, as it is obvious that the portfolio of debt would only be of interest to potential 'vultures' if it had some good stuff included (i.e. meat as well as dead skin), like your secured loan! So, I would imagine idem will look after 'customers' like you, as you're effectively the cash cow, but others like myself will be treated with the cosh until they give them more money or settle out of court as a result of the continuous harassment. Happy days ahead then! Is anyone on the site team familiar with this sort of activity and whether or not the new 'servicing' company can actually start changing the interest rate and charges - legally? Rgds. radmm0
  17. One of my unsecured debts is a Mint loan, which I pay a small monthly amount due to financial problems. They have also just notified me of the transfer of the account to this brilliant new entity created by some greedy vulture corporation - idem servicing! It amazes me that these sorts of people and companies can still exist & thrive in the UK, when most of 'backward' Europe wouldn't even look at such applications for financial / banking licences, only to go ahead and screw their own people - shame on you UK Financial Services / FSA / Government. No wonder the powers that be are always talking against us being in Europe - it obviously interferes with their greed and illegal activities. On another similar note, did you hear about the 'vulture' funds that have bought up 3rd world country debts from unscrupulous and corrupt third parties (e.g. a Bosnian govt official) for say $3m and demand $100m from the poor state!! The poor countries took legal action and stopped all demands in the UK, however the devious vultures turned to their greedy lawyers and used an existing loophole and are demanding the money from the 3rd world country's accounts in the Channel Islands, where they had thought their money was safe & secure! Isn't that amazing, exactly as they’re doing with bad/distressed personal debt in the UK? There's lots of money in debt collection and distressed debt recovery, especially in the UK, as they know the authorities and judges are on their side. Anyway, back to the real issue. Can these idiots seriously change the interest rate of a loan if it was stated in the original agreement that it is fixed for the duration (unlike secured loans, where it is more than likely 'variable')? Can they start adding charges as they wish, even though there were no interest or charges being added by the original creditor (Mint)? I think the best advice for anyone getting these letters is to quickly ask for confirmation from the creditor (e.g. Mint) about these two important issues - in writing of course, before the official 'handover' date to idem. Also, if currently paying a small monthly amount towards the original debt, you should get a confirmation of this 'agreement' from the original creditor in writing BEFORE the 'handover' date. Does 'servicing' the account actually mean 'owning' the debt, i.e. does anyone know if idem tend to 'buy' the debt or just 'service' it for the original creditor. Even if they 'own' the debt, can they really tear up the original agreement and start adding all sorts of charges and interest? Does the transfer notification letter from the original creditor and the 'welcome' letter from idem have to categorically state that they will be 'owning' the debt, or is it enough to state that they'll be 'servicing' it, as legally they’re different things? Rgds. radmm0
  18. They're all different. The amounts on the latest DNs are different to the original PoC amounts. However, I don't know where and for what date the Statement of Account should be taken? Is this the amount shown on the final Bank Statement I received for the O/D and the P/L by the bank? If so, then they're different to the above amounts aswell. Hope this makes it clearer? One other question, these latest DNs mention closing the accounts. However, this was already done PRIOR to taking me to court, so can they close accounts that were already closed and doesn't this fact have an affect on the case too?! Can a bank actually raise DNs on 'closed accounts'? Rgds. radmm0
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