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Everything posted by radmm0

  1. Hi Rob Thanks for your query. I have to first congratulate you on your major success with NatWest. I was going to contact you soon to ask a few questions about your case. I have been waiting to hear from NatWest regarding my complaints before updating this thread. They have been taking their time in replying with any sort of answer, but only last week wrote to fob me off with a 'compensation' cheque!! Of course, I won't be replying until I have spoken to the experts first! I am really glad your case has come to a successful end, as I believe there are a number of us on CAG that have very similar cases to yours and Texanbar. Unfortunately their thread just went dead after their final court hearing, so don't really know what happened there, but yours will definitely give many of us the confidence and know-how to fight and win our cases too. Hopefully! Rgds. radmm0
  2. I have been advised to do so and I have been paying £5/month towards the debt.
  3. Thanks a lot for the update. Let's hope they've gone away and are going to leave you alone! Are you paying anything towards the debt at all? Rgds. radmm0
  4. Thanks for the details of your case Rocky and well said Bazooka. I'll most probably go down the OFT & TS route very soon, as the boys and girls at FatFest are a total waste of everyone's time. They keep sending me the same letter stating that they'll be in touch within the next 20 days with answers to all my complaints and account in dispute letter sent last Nov. This has been going on since Dec 2011!! Just one question; does one have to raise both OFT & TS complaints together? If not, which one should be first? What about the Financial Ombudman Service? The strange thing is that FatFest actually suggest in one of their many 'will be in touch in the next 20 days' letters that I should go to the FOS if I'm unhappy with the way my complaint is being handled! What does that mean to you?! Don't bother with the FOS, as they're a complete waste of time, since they seem to act FOR the financial institutions in many cases brought in front of them?!! Rgds. radmm0
  5. Excellent news! Just as an extra important point; in future everyone should try and visit their local INDEPENDENT IT store to get things sorted BEFORE going anywhere near the big shops, as you definitely can't rely on ASDA, TESCO, PC WORLD or any other large retailer's staff to know anything about what they're selling, especially technology stuff!! Maplin's and J Lewis staff are sometimes a bit more capable, but even they are hit and miss. One other hint for you and all CAGgers is never have your battery in the laptop if you mainly use the laptop with the electricity cable, as it can tend to ruin the battery and shorten its life. A lot of our clients used to think the battery has to be in the laptop for it to work, with or without being connected to the electricity! Rgds.
  6. Caro, there are many factors that can affect this sort of issue with a laptop's adapter. Have you definitely set the Voltage on the new adapter to 20V? All I did was plug it in. So, did you see if the sales assistant set the device to the correct Voltage? Did he/she even mention anything about this to you?! If so, then try setting it to 19V and try again. How do I set it? Load the product link you posted in #3 and click on 'Download Manuals' on the left of the product information page. Download the 'Quick install manual' at the top of the table shown, which will open a PDF file. There is a round part to the device, which has a dial for setting the correct Voltage, as shown in Diagram 1 - Find your laptop's Voltage. What about the tip, are you sure you're using the correct tip size for your laptop's power socket? It fits very well so I thought it was ok. Is the old adapter the original laptop one or an old replacement? An old replacement. Is your laptop's power socket 'loose' in any way when you connect the adapter's tip into it - the old or new one? The new one seems better than the old one which had a tendency to fall out quite easily. The new one seems more secure. Does the light on the new adapter come on when plugged into the mains? Yes You state that the adapter worked in the store, but how did you test this? Was there an exact same model open in the store or just another adapter? The sales assistant asked if I'd definitely buy it if it worked and when I said yes he plugged it into my lappy. The power light flashed amber as it usually does when charging so I thought it was ok. You can also double-check the correct ratings for your laptop (i.e. Voltage & AMP) on the battery and the bottom of your laptop (if still visible) just to make sure what Voltage you should set the new adapter to. Rgds.
  7. Caro, there are many factors that can affect this sort of issue with a laptop's adapter. Have you definitely set the Voltage on the new adapter to 20V? If so, then try setting it to 19V and try again. What about the tip, are you sure you're using the correct tip size for your laptop's power socket? Is the old adapter the original laptop one or an old replacement? Is your laptop's power socket 'loose' in any way when you connect the adapter's tip into it - the old or new one? Does the light on the new adapter come on when plugged into the mains? You state that the adapter worked in the store, but how did you test this? Was there an exact same model open in the store or just another adapter? Sorry for all the questions, but I used to run my own IT business and know a little about diagnosing this classic problem with laptops! Rgds.
  8. Thanks for the update Emma and sincerely hope they don't get their filthy hands on your home. Just one note from me though; try to communicate with these idiots by letter as much as you can, unless it is absolutely necessary and so urgent that you need to speak with them on the phone. I have a lot of issues with our mortgage company that when we have done a SAR (subject access request) they have not sent any of the transcripts or date/time of the many calls made by my wife and I in the early days of us falling behind with our mortgage payments. So, in any court case it will be their word against ours to prove any conversations that took place or promises they may have made. Please keep us informed about your case though, as the experts who have been directing and advising you on this thread will always be able to help you to stay in your home. Like they did with me. Rgds. radmm0
  9. Yet again we don't know the outcome of a case/thread! Any news?
  10. Aren't these guys now called 'Acenden', which is the servicing company behind the owners of the mortgages who are called 'Mortgage Funding 2008-1 PLC'? So, are you absolutely sure that the above is the correct address for them, as Southern Pacific has nothing to do with them any longer? Of course I may be totally mistaken. Rgds. radmm0
  11. Any news on your situation with Barclays Emma? I do hope you're still in your own house and they haven't been able to carry out their threats.
  12. So, CB, do you know what has happened to texanbar's case with NatWest? I have a very similar case with them that may require the same tactics, so any guidance from this case would benefit all in similar cases. I just find it rather strange that the OP doesn't want to make ANY open comments after the hearing. Do we take that as a good or bad sign?! Rgds. radmm0
  13. Hope you don't mind us asking, but any news on your claim?
  14. Trusting that all the brilliant input from Suetonius did the trick and the Ombudsman came back with the right 'final' decision? I am extremely interested to know where you have got with your case Slgsue, as I have two such cases that will need similar solutions, so any additional input would be very beneficial. Thanks. Rgds. radmm0
  15. Thanks for the correction and sorry for the potential misleading of a CAGger. I was told by my mortgage company on the phone, when enquiring about their lack of response to my SAR, that they have '40 business days' to respond. I should have guessed that the respondent was most probably some 20 somthing or younger person who doesn't even know what SAR stands for, let alone the response time limit! Rgds. radmm0
  16. What did you do in the end? Did they budge on their ERC?
  17. just starting a very similar case myself, so subbing.
  18. Hi DX Re a CCA request vs a SAR; why would the request for the signed copy of an agreement have more 'weight' than requesting it via a CCA?
  19. Any news on this, as I have a similar situation with a number of my creditors?
  20. Did you ever get anywhere with this? Also, did you use PMs on CAG to get the response to your questions? If not, where have you taken this case with NatWest?
  21. Thanks for the quick response. What is the significance of the pre April 2007 agreements? radmm0
  22. Hi guys, just a quick question about CCAs in general: do DJs / courts still regard a 'true' copy of an agreement one that is a COPY of the actual/true original agreement signed by the customer or will a 'reconstituted' or basic CCA WITHOUT a signature be accepted by them? as I have recently seen a number of posts on CAG that point to the latter being the case. Any answers would be much appreciated. Rgds. radmm0
  23. Hi Twoman Has anything happened to your case or did it just die off? Rgds. radmm0
  24. Hi BF Please note that I mentioned the use of BCOBS within another thread (by Texanbar http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?176136-Natwest-taking-me-to-court-**-CLAIMS-STRUCK-OUT**&highlight=green+co), which then resulted in yourself replying to my own thread. This is fine, but, please note that our case is near enough exactly the same as Texanbar's. So, even if the BCOBS isn't ideal, I'm hoping there are many tactics/defence examples used within the Texanbar thread that we could adopt/use? At the moment my wife and I are playing letter ping pong with them, although it seems to be mainly us that is doing the 'pinging' without much 'ponging' from them! My intention is to apply for Strike Outs of the claims and complain to FOS/FSA/OFT about their recent behaviour. It has never been my intention not to pay any unsecured debt, but I'm really angry at the way they have behaved from day one, even though I have banked with them for nearly 30 years AND held 2 separate business accounts with them in the past too! I have had to go on medication since these guys started on us last year and am currently without work - the prospects aren't good either. My wife is bringing in the bacon at the moment and we're trying to hold everything together for our small young family. Rgds. radmm0
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