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Everything posted by radmm0

  1. Thanks guys, much appreciated. Let's hope the debtor doesn't try to hide behind a 'liquidated' company scenario, which is highly likely. Rgds. radmm0
  2. Hi Andy Thanks for the info. The England & Wales version of the procedure is: https://www.gov.uk/recover-debt-from-elsewhere-in-european-union Rgds. radmm0
  3. Thanks for the info AndyOrch. So, can I act as my friend's agent, as he lives in Italy? Or do non-residents have to use a different procedure for making a Claim? Rgds. radmm0
  4. Thanks for your reply BF. 1. could my friend use my address for service and raise the claim himself online? 2. could I act as my friend's 'attorney'/'agent' in this matter or does he have to raise the claim himself? Rgds. radmm0
  5. Hi everyone I have a friend who has an EU based business that trades with the UK and other EU states. They sent 2000 Euros worth of products to a business in the UK in Nov 2014 after discussions about building a relationship for the long term, so my friend sent them the goods as a starter. Unfortunately after repeated requests for payment, the UK buyer hasn't paid up what he owes. They either ignore all attempts of communication or lately pretend that they will pay shortly, but never do. My friend has sent them a final notice letter requesting payment by 31/3/15, which obviously hasn't happened. My friend would like to know what's the best and quickest course of legal action for him to take to recover the goods and/or the money owed to him. Any advice/help would be very much appreciated. Thanks radmm0
  6. you're very right renegadeimp. let's hope they did cancel it as promised, which I intend to check with the floor manager the next time I'm in the store. I'll then ask for a written confirmation/proof. Thanks for your help. radmm0
  7. I hope not, as the store manager took both the printed FREE parking for one hour ticket AND the 'ticket' from Horizon Parking. So, I don't have anything in my possession! I'll refer the matter in writing to the store manager if I do receive a Notice to Keeper from Horizon. I also know the floor manager, that the store manager asked to cancel the 'ticket', quite well, so it should be ok. radmm0
  8. I really don't get why the supermarkets go down this route, as the local medium-sized Tesco with 4 levels of parking by the high street doesn't have parking attendants/companies. They do however, have their own regular shop floor staff who watch for repeat offenders that leave their cars all day or longer than 3 hours and give them a 'warning'. This seems to work fine, as most people don't leave their cars longer than 2 hours anyway. Tesco did in the past try the ticket & barrier set up, as did the local M&S food store and Waitrose, but they've all removed this totally crazy method, as it proved way too costly to 'police'!! radmm0
  9. Nothing in writing, but the manager asked one of the floor managers to take the paperwork ('ticket') and cancel it online. So, don't ever accept any excuses that they can't delete/cancel the 'ticket' because this proves that they can. It's just how much you're prepared to push for a resolution. radmm0
  10. RESOLVED ++++Update++++ Hi everyone Happy to report a very very nice man from Sainsbury's cancelled the 'ticket' (Notice), as he quickly realised how stupid the whole concept of giving such 'tickets' to their customers is! I had first called the supermarket branch and spoken with the deputy manager. He asked me to go in to 'discuss' the whole affair. On the day only the store manager was there, so I decided to speak with him. He was a very fair man and quickly realised that the Horizon Parking attendants may be 'abusing' their 'powers'. As a bonus, he's actually going to ask their HQ to review their association with these cowboys! Result!! Thanks everyone for the help. radmm0
  11. Date: 15/1/15 Overstay of FREE time by 20 minutes (ticket for FREE parking on dashboard) Got to the car just as the attendant was writing the Parking Notice.
  12. Thanks a lot for all your replies and suggestions/advice. So what happens to the fact that they say, just like 'proper' police/council Penalty Charges, that the 'charge' will DOUBLE to £60 after 14 days of the issue date (15/1/15)? Do I need to 'worry' about that at all?!
  13. I recently received one of these annoying notices from Horizon Parking a t a Sainsbury's car park that I have used for the past 4-5 years without ever getting one even when leaving my car there for more than the free 60 minute period! Should I ignore the notice or pay it? It's £30, which will increase to £60 after 14 days. I've read on many forums that one should just ignore these. Is that right or has the law changed? Rgds radmm0
  14. I recently received one of these annoying notices from Horizon Parking at a Sainsbury's car park that I have used for the past 4-5 years without ever getting one even when leaving my car there for more than the free 60 minute period! Should I ignore the notice or pay it? It's £30, which will increase to £60 after 14 days. I've read on many forums that one should just ignore these. Is that right or has the law changed? Rgds radmm0
  15. Hi suewell just read through the thread and would be interested to know where you are with your case, as I have a very similar one myself? Rgds. radmm0
  16. I confirm that I'm not taking 'any drawings' from the Company and that there are no 'profits', as the Company owes me loads. So, any funds that do come in are taken to repay the Director's Loan. Obviously at some point this will change, but that's a long way off, may be a couple of years!
  17. I hope someone can help with this query? Thanks. Lost home 3 years ago and have been renting since. I'm a limited Company Director. Company has never made a profit in over 10 years. Closed retail unit in 2011. We tried every which way to avoid getting any benefits, but had no choice in the end. applied & granted Housing Benefit in April this year (provided wife's PAYE details/payslips & 3 years worth of the Company Accounts for myself, which they took copies of at the time of the application). Company is still 'alive' and 'active' as far as the HMRC and Companies House are concerned. The reason the company has been kept 'alive' is that my accountant suggested it would be the best approach for getting some of my initial investment in the company back through the Director's Loan being in Credit, i.e. the company owes me money, which can be obtained from the Company using HMRC guidelines on Director's Loans. any 'income' is payable to me without being an 'income', as it's the Company entity owing me money. This is the exact opposite of most enquiries and descriptions about Director's Loans, which tend to be in Debit, i.e. the Director owes the Company money and has Tax & Benefit in Kind implications with the HMRC. I have today received a letter from the council wanting me to confirm my 'income' and if I have been 'earning' anything from my role as a Director of the Company. My wife & I are concerned and would like to know if anyone can shed light on any of this? My accountant states that: 1. Any funds coming in is effectively the Company earning the money, as it is a separate entity to me. 2. I'm working as the Director of the Company, but not earning anything as the Company is earning the money. 3. Any money used for personal costs from the Company account is being set against the huge Director’s Loan that the Company owes me. will the council view my directorship of a limited company as a 'job' and the money I get back as 'income'? What should I send them as evidence, since they already have the Company Accounts for the past 3 years? Rgds. radmm0
  18. Hi guys Potentially in a very similar situation with my local council re Housing Benefit after receiving a letter asking to confirm things after months of receiving the benefit! Can you please let everyone know what happened to both your cases? Thanks. Rgds. radmm0
  19. Yes, as I found out later when wanting to appeal the decision. The arbitration service wanted over £300 upfront in order for me to make an appeal and I had less than 3 or 4 weeks to make my mind up. I couldn't believe this, as it forced me to give up pursuing the case, as I didn't have the money at the time, the time to do the paperwork required AND felt it rather unacceptable that I had to pay anything until the appeal was heard/processed. So, you're right, the decision is final and legally binding, but only after you have either accepted the initial decision or after the appeal. So, I can't take Thomas Crooks to court over this matter now, which is really annoying, as I know I was in the right and their staff had lied and colluded with the police to get me off the plane on the way out. radmm0
  20. Just thought. Doesn't the other side in such cases have to pay all costs? So, does that mean Mr Durkin will actually get all the money back? Enlighten us please someone with the right knowledge! radmm0
  21. Excellent news, but poor Mr Durkin has lost his livelihood, home etc, as the case has taken SIXTEEN years to get resolved!! This is absolutely disgusting of our legal system. So, no mention of all the money the legal 'profession' have made from this case even though they're the ONLY winners for now and some future consumers with similar problems. Has he got the right to 'appeal' on the measly £8k compensation he's received or is that it for him now? Rgds. radmm0
  22. So, what do you think she meant?!! Even if we were to disregard it as not racist, then surely it is not acceptable for a person of authority to speak to a customer in such a way, is it? We don't know, but the 2 remaining were 17kg and 18kg.
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