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Lee Vodafone Company Rep

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Everything posted by Lee Vodafone Company Rep

  1. Hi Ian, I've got your email and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  2. Hi Littlepetal, So I can get this looked into further, email me with your details via the Contact us form here. To access the form, you'll need to enter the code "WRT135". As well as stating your query in the question box, please also quote "CAG Forum". Once sent, you'll receive an automated reply with a reference number. Post it on here and I’ll check I've received it. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  3. Hi AndreaMc, Thanks for your time last week. As promised, I'll come back to you as soon as I have an update. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  4. Hi MrKD, If you still need help with this, email me with your details via the Contact us form here. To access the form, you'll need to enter the code "WRT135". As well as stating your query in the question box, please also quote "CAG Forum". Once sent, you'll receive an automated reply with a reference number. Post it on here and I’ll check I've received it. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  5. Hi Matthew, I'll chase this up today and update you as soon as possible. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  6. Hi James_London, Thanks for making me aware of this. For further information on planned network improvements, check our network status checker here. If you'd like any further help from me, email me with your details via the Contact us form here. To access the form, you'll need to enter the code WRT135. As well as stating your query in the question box, please also quote "CAG Forum". Once sent, you'll receive an automated reply with a reference number. Post it on here and I’ll check I've received it. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  7. You're welcome jordangills. Thanks for updating the thread to confirm that this has been resolved for you. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  8. Hi Matthew, I've got your email and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Owen - I'm aware that your case is being dealt with by our Customer Relations team. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  9. Hi AndreaMc, I'm sorry to see that you're no further forward with this. So I can access the account, email me via the contact details provided by dx. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  10. Hi Cat_skinner, I've received your last email and I'll come back to you later today. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  11. Hi jordangills, I've got your email and I'll call you at midday. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  12. Hi CaptainBalrog, Thanks for confirming that this is now resolved. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  13. Hi jordangills, I've found your last email and I'll come back to you as soon as I can. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  14. Hi yang608, Thanks for letting me know that the account is no longer showing with Equifax. I'll come back to you regarding your compensation claim as soon as I can. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  15. Hi gianbocch, Thanks for making me aware of this. So I can get it fed back and help you further with the cancellation of your account, email me via the contact details posted by fkofilee. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  16. Hi 46m, I've not received your email. If you've received an automated reply with a reference number, please update the thread with this. If you haven't, email me via the Contact us here and quote the code WRT135 - CAG Forum in the subject line. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  17. Hi fkofilee, As promised, I'll check things later this week and update you then. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  18. Hi all, Just to clarify that we also use the 7726 code for spam reporting as well as 87726. For further information on how to deal with nuisance calls and texts, see our website here. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  19. Thanks for the update HB. Hopefully things will get sorted out quickly. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  20. Hi 46m, Once I've got your email, I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  21. Hi HB, I've just replied to your PM. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  22. Hi uosman, Thanks for your time yesterday. As promised, I get back to you as soon as I have an update. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  23. Hi yang608, Thanks for making me aware of this. I've got your email and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  24. Hi JanineM27, If you still need help with this, email me via the contacts details provided by silverfox and dx. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  25. Hi fkofilee, As promised, I'll come back to you once I have an update on your SAR and account balance. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
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