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Everything posted by finaldj

  1. Well the stretch of road they say she was speeding on which is about 1.5 miles long so the speed camera got her somewhere within that 1.5 mile stretch according to the paperwork but didn't state where they were parked at the time. the photo evidence isn't clear as it shows the car and next to the car is a lamp post that is all you can see. I appreciate the advice hopefully they accept some kind of plea on the day.
  2. Don't get me wrong I can see it from the courts eyes. I wasn't in the car with her at the time but I can only go on the fact that my OH is telling the truth 6 miles in about 14 mins with roads works down to one lane and peek time traffic, traffic lights and that there is about a 5 min walking distance to clock in where she parks her car. I guess it is upto the court to decide if she is telling the truth. Would she be wise to take her car with her on the day? she has 6 points and whether the court decides a ban would this be instant as the letter doesn't state anything about whether you shouldn't drive or not.
  3. re-read the letter actually now it makes sense hearing on that date
  4. Just an update for this...wife sent in the initial court papers to attend court and they have sent a letter today... The case is for the 9th May but underneath this letter is says.. you might have to wait your turn etc Reasons: The matter has been adjourned because: For case management hearing to discuss and identify the issues in the case and then fix a trial date. letter then goes on about witness. So just wondering does she need to attend on the 9th or has this now been adjourned? or is this just a pre hearing because she is contesting it and they want a hearing for it instead? Not sure how it works from this point?
  5. I'll leave this thread I think now there isn't much more to add now. Thanks
  6. Well perhaps my wife has been stupid then because her conversation at the time was that could she have Thursday afternoons out and I can assure you she was attending uni to do the work as had her bag full of books and her laptop taken with her to work in the morning ready to leave in the afternoon. She often didn't get home till gone 7/8pm some nights. My point in this that the head usually authorised leave for people on a week by week basis so if he knew at the time if she was out why didn't he say something at the start he's waited a year and if it had been a problem it could have been sorted before it got to this stage. She thought she was allowed out for study time around her lectures but his point is that it's not that she wasn't allowed out it was that she was paid for it as it was misleading. Paid or not getting paid for it was never discussed in the meeting. But in any event HR will be doing the interview then decide if it should go to a disaplinary. I came to this forum for some guidance at a time when I thought someone might have been able to offer advice it's not just her 15 years down the pan she'll lose the university place my daughter will lose her nursery place and we'll be 30k in debt and my wage alone can't support our family. Gross misconduct is a possibility she'll be lucky to ever work again.
  7. BazzaS can you alter posts/thread if so can you delete this one and my other one or lock them and I will make a new one inc both as originally lates were not inc in the disciplinary but he has decided to inc them now but didn't find out until today (was under union protest) but I can at least make the new thread a little clearer now? if not could an admin sort it out thanks
  8. She has been to the meeting today (her sickness meeting went ok no problems) but as some said they decided to inc the lates into the meeting. Emmzzi my wife has never been misleading when she applied for the university course she asked for 2 1/2 hours out on thursdays and has attended university to do this course which was granted by the school. the issue the head teacher has had is that she was dishonest in that when the semester ended at the end of May she was still going to Uni to do her work and getting paid for it. He hasn't actually stated in his letter to her whether she should have been out or not only that she was getting paid for it and hasn't said she cannot go out to continue doing the course. My wife assumed that it was ok to be out during term times and nothing was said even when she booked her shifts for it right through he never mentioned it wasn't ok and has waited a whole year to pull her on it when the problem could have been dealt with there and then at the time and this would never have been an issue her defense is that he has been about as clear as mud with the whole situation. do you think she was taking time out and going shopping instead? by being misleading? She's not going to throw away 15 years a Degree and our daughter lose her nursery place through it for the sake of £140 and 30k+ worth of debt. As for the lates as per my other thread these were due to our daughter having problems moving across into the 2 year old nursery and she wasn't settling but in any event they decided to inc them in this meeting. They are saying that she has put times down on the time sheet for example 9.07 arrived and put 9.01 and the person in the office that altered the time sheets as said that she has corrected the time she saw her sign in to the time she put on the sheet and there was other witness in the office. When my wife got the management instruction for being late it never mentioned anything about altering times only about being late however when she approached the head to say someone had been changing her times and he stated I know who it is nothing was done about it. it wasn't till now in this meeting that the admin officer admitted that she had been altering her time sheets. my wife has stated that these sheets should never have been touched and if they had a problem with it then why wasn't it brought up in the management instruction when he supposedly knew about it then. she was concerned that times has been altered to make her later than she was as she said to the head I was already late at 9.01. So the Union person has told her not to speak to the head anymore unless its school related matter regarding pupils and to contact the HR person on the letter. she is having an interview in 2 weeks time with HR and they will decided after this if it should go to a disciplinary they have told her if found guilty it could constitute to "gross misconduct"
  9. But that is a separate issue not associated with this thread and not something being accounted for in the disciplinary
  10. Thought I would just update this thread. Wife asked for some copies of the time sheets and was told by the person (head admin/business person) that had been changing them that she wasn't allowed copies of them as they are private and confidential, a fire register and used for working out staff overtime and that a "sickness meeting" she is having tomorrow this head admin person for the school is bringing some in with her tomorrow that she has hand picked out and it can be talked about tomorrow. Her Union is with her in the meeting but her sickness is ok and on track to that side of it will be ok but wife is concerned that this admin person who is coming in taking notes is the one that has been altering the times as well and will be present in the meeting and she has hand picked the sign in sheets for the meeting which my wife is seeing this as a conflict of interest as the head has said to wife that he couldn't say who has been changing them or what the out come is but when wife pressed him for an answer she said was it who you thought it was and he said "yes" and "no" and I can't discuss it any further. So wife is going to bring this up tomorrow before the meeting. because on one of the sheets it was 9.01 so was already late by 1 min but noted that a line had been put across the 1 to make it a 7 saying 9.07. she did asked the office staff who had changed it and they all denied any wrong doing but as the wife stated to the head there was nothing to gain from changing it as I was already late it's not like a lied. As for taking photo's for evidence she has been told it would be a sackable offence
  11. Looking for some advice, Wife has been working in a school for about 5 years now and has run into no end of problems with a new headteacher that took over about 1 ½ -2 years ago. She wanted to do a course at Uni about the same time the head started and she stated to them that the course would be paid for through loans from the Uni and wouldn't cost the school for it and she was asking for thursday afternoons out which amounted to 2 ½ hours of work time. So for a year now she has been doing this Uni course and the head pulled her into the office a few weeks ago and asked if she was still doing the course and she said yes and he wanted dates she was in. So she explained ever thurs afternoons. He then said well doesn't the course run on semesters and she said it has been yes so he asked her why she was out of school on thursday afternoons out of these times and she replied that she was still doing Uni work in those hours and he said ok but can you get the university lecturer to contact me as I want to speak with them. So this call took place as the headteacher didn't seem to believe she was attending the course and the lecturer explained her course to the headteacher and times she was in. Wife was called into the office on Friday and given a letter stating that after speaking to the course leader he was satisfied she was still attending the course however after speaking to HR he will be taking the matter to a disciplinary for “dishonesty” for taking paid time out of school out of the semester time zones and getting paid for it between “May-July” (roughly 8 weeks) and wife has worked it out to be about £140 My wife tried to explain to the head that when she first approached him and the deputy head for this course she asked for thursdays afternoons off and they agreed she was unaware that it was only for semester dates only as they never stipulated this. But he dismissed her and wasn't interested. They have what is called office 365 online and the staff can log into the school and input there own dates they are out but like a calendar and the whole staff can see what others are doing around school e.g meetings and courses etc. So the head has access to this and would have seen a year ago that my wife put in the dates out of school for thurs afternoons from Jan 15 to July 15 and for some reason hes waited a whole year to pull my wife and then get funny about it but never stipulated that she had to be in school when not attending lectures. But she has been doing her Uni work all this time. She is really worried now that 15 years in a school background and half way through a BA (hons) that she is going to lose her job and well lets face it she wont get school employment again and will have to stop the uni course as well. At the moment he's doing more investigating but there isn't much more to dig out.
  12. You've actually raised a fair point and it didn't occur to me until I read your last post. I suggested to the wife how far back could this actually go where the time has been altered and how many other staff members time has been altered what else has this person done as they have access to everyone records e.g sickness and so forth. I said to the wife some of the late records you can see they have been altered but how do you know there has been some you can't see etc my wife has admitted that there have been times she has been late but now you have to question how much of this is actually a true account and not and with the head actually acknowledging that the records have been tampered with she is defiantly taking it further. first port of call is taking photo copies of recent signing in sheets as far as November
  13. That is all good and well giving me those statistics but add in peak time traffic, different speed limits in different zones added to the fact the some of the lanes were down to 1 lane of traffic due to a cycle lane being put in place and traffic lights. and nobody is vouching for her it's a fire register that she has to sign in with that she will be taking a copy of to court as this is also used for personel for paying wages and is classed as a legal document. whether the court accepts this as evidence I don't know but it is worth trying.
  14. You appear to be making out that my wife is some kind of psycho driver that takes every opportunity to speed at any given time. This is not so and while most people drive over the limit I don't mean 80mph in a 20 zone I'm talking like 36,38 or 40 in a 30 zone as an example. I'm not justifying that it is right I'm saying that most drivers do go over the limit I think it is just unfortunate that she has been caught she doesn't speed everywhere. When she was caught doing 58 in a 50 is was a straight road for at least 2 miles the car infront was doing 20mph and the road was clear both ends so she over took the car. the White van was parked further down the road on the opposite side and looked like an ordinary white van it wasn't till we were ontop of it that it said police on the bonnet with the front of the van having cameras sticking out at the top. but as I said in my post at the top she had overtaken a car and had slowed to 40mph anyway so at what point they took the photo I don't know as the letter that came said there was photo evidence but when I went and checked it was a blank image and said no photo was available. So I suggested she accepted the points for it taking her to 6 points. She needs the car often because her parents aren't very well recently so has been doing a lot of running around for them and my stepson is special needs and often runs him around in the car as he sometimes has a break down traveling around on public transport coupled with the fact that she works around 7-8 miles from where we live and our daughter goes to the same nursery it takes roughly 2 buses and about 1-1 1/2 hours to travel in that time to get there depending on buses and traffic in the morning so loosing her license is going to cause a all host of problems. She has had a clean driving license for over 25 years hence the reason she doesn't speed like a boy racer, in our area it is a 20mph zone but you stand there for 20 mins with a speed camera and I can guarantee every driver in that time would have 3 points on their license so they must all be dangerous drivers that think speeding is acceptable. I don't believe for a second in your 35 years that you have always stuck to what the speed says in an area unless you have some kind of motoring equipment in a company van. I can appreciate some of what you are saying I've told her straight myself she needs to be careful from now on especially if the courts decide to take a lenient view. I'll come back and post an update once I know more. what is usually the time frame getting this to court?
  15. Well Most garages often give an advisory if taking a car away that needs additional work doing, maybe this was so in the guys case and maybe they got him to sign something I guess we'll never know
  16. Thanks I can see what you are saying. I would have preferred her to just suck up the 9 points and left court out of it and drove like miss daisy till they had cleared but she said she is knows she couldn't have wasn't there at the time stated on that day. The time sheet at her work is just her signing in and can get a copy for that day for when she attends court. I just hope the court take a lenient view. As for the times late these have been happening since November 15 and have been due to the transfer of our daughter from the baby room of the nursery to the 2 year old room she hasn't been settling in so well on some days. this nursery is attached to the school that my wife works at. However she has to sign in after putting her in nursery and not before so this has been the reason for her being late not because she was arriving late in the car she was actually at the school before her starting time. My wife can show times have been altered and get copies of these although I guess this wont have a baring down on the speeding offense only that she can show the court her signing in time on that day as being 8.59am. Would the court bring up the other speeding offenses? I suppose her only other saving grace would be to go into the court shame faced, all apologetic, make them aware of the dangers of speeding and plead her job role and may how she has had a clean record for so long. I appreciate you advice though thanks
  17. Looking for some help, Wife was caught speeding doing 51 in a 40 zone. She has asked to attend court as they had the time at 8.46 (photo evidence) however where the photo was taken was at least 6 miles from where she works and starts work at 9am. The road was down to 1 lane due to the cycle lane being built and traffic was at peak time when she set off. She signed in at work for 8.59am and her case is that she couldn't have been pictured at the time stated as it would have been impossible to get the 6 miles in the allotted time they apparently caught her speeding. Not sure how this would hold up in court? I have warned her myself that the court could look at the view that the reason she got to work at the time she signed in for was because she was speeding. She has been driving for over 25 years and never had any speeding fines just lately she has had a spate of bad luck. in the last 12 months. She was caught doing 35 in a 30 by a road side camera and didn't notice the sign had changed from 60 to 30 in about 20 feet it was only me in the car with her at the time that suddenly clicked and said I'm sure that said 30 and we were crossing over the white lines as I said that and she hit the breaks but it was too late got the flashes from the camera. She took the speed awareness course for that one. She then got spotted by a mobile camera in Oct doing 48 in a 40 and took the points for that one. giving her 3 points She then got caught on the same stretch of road in Dec doing 51 in a 40 and this is the one she is going to argue over with the time. Start of Jan this year she was court doing 58 in a 50 after over taking a car doing 20mph and didn't notice it was a police van as there was no markings on it as it was facing forward. however when the letter came there was no photo evidence present as stated on the letter as she had slowed to 40 after overtaking the car and this could have been present on the image. I've asked the police for the photo but they said they didn't need to provide this as evidence for her speed but would produce it in court if they needed to. I have suggested that she just take the points for this one as well. This will take her to 6 points (not inc) the one she is going to court over that would take her to 9 points. She is worried and annoyed at the same time that in 25 years she's never had a speeding ticket and all these have come at once and scared she might lose her license. This would probably cause her to lose her job as couldn't get across the 7 miles journey to get our daughter to Nursery in time for her to start her job at 9am as 2 buses are needed to get where she works and in peak time wouldn't make it on time. Just wondering if anyone has gone through anything similar and could offer some advice.
  18. I suggested that she take a photo of her signing in as well. She is aware that she has been late on some occasions a lot of this has been down to my 2 year old daughter moving into the 2 year old room and not settling so well for a month or 2. Found out in the end that one of the nursery workers she didn't gel to so well. Head Teacher was aware that there was some problems though so the issue was being addressed. Wife has worked for the school for 5 years and time keeping was never a problem before so it isn't something that has been a long term thing. After speaking with the Head about the alterations on the signing in document he didn't seem too bothered that they had been altered and was aware of the person doing it with no response that he was going to address the issue. Wife has a meeting coming up soon and will be talking it through with her Union
  19. I can understand long term sickness they want to see if they can help with anything, but for 4 days especially since you actually informed them that you would be back for the meeting I can't see why you would actually need to keep in touch. in all honesty I wouldn't bother. The only concern here is that they might be concerned for your well-being considering the situation and might just want you to check in daily to make sure everything is ok.
  20. Just wondering have they given you a copy of their investigation and findings in writing that they are going to use in their disciplinary meeting? because you are entitled to a copy of this and I'm unsure of the time frame to build your own case but I'm sure someone will correct me but I think they only have to give 5 days notice?
  21. Looking for some advice, Wife works in a primary school and has been late on a number of occasions 15 in total since Nov 15. most of this has been due to our daughter now 2 having problems with nursery attached to the school she works in. Headteacher pulled her into the office about it and gave her a management instruction and told her if she was late again it would go to a disciplinary. She explained to the headteacher that she was actually waiting to speak to him about the times. she said someone had been altering her signing in times on the fire register giving and example of 9.01am being changed to 9.07am with someone altering the 1 to a 7 making it appear she was later than it actually was. She also pointed out that some times had been altered showing she signed in before 9am her starting time to show after 9am. At first she thought it was a mistake but after seeing a few of these she though she better speak to the head as the office staff didn't seem to know anything about it. She stated to the Headteacher that this was possibly fraud and he said well that is a bit harsh I wouldn't put it like that. But I think I know who has been doing it, it was the office manager but in any event the management instruction still stands and that's the end of it. My wife is thinking if getting her union in for a meeting as the head seems to think it's acceptable for someone to alter a legal document?
  22. I was accused of abusing my own stepdaughter in 2003 (6years old at the time) even went to crown court on trial with 9 charges. I was found innocent, ended up some of the witnesses were telling lies my ex couldn't get her story straight my barrister managed to dig out a load of information that I hadn't been the only person she had accused but was the unfortunate one that managed to end up in court. there was no evidence even from a pediatric doctor that specialized in cases like this with 25 years exp. child psychologist report said my ex had manipulated her own daughter. end result was acquitted of all charges. I then tried a few years later to get a Job for the NHS and when the E,CRB check came back it showed under "other relevant information" about 2 pages of A4 what I had gone through, what ex had said what stepdaughter had said, witness it was like a whole transcribe of the trial. My heart sank about a 1000 feet. I tried about 5 times to get a job with the NHS and was turned down soon as they saw the CRB. I ended up going to the information commissioner who looked at the case and took it to court themselves they got the information changed to be more factual but still listed the charges I was accused off and that I was acquitted. after 12 interviews I was finally given a break and given a job but not after one of the Matron had phoned the police to get information on the case then I had to have an interview with 2 of them going through my case then I had to wait a week while they thought about it. I've not had another check since been nearly 9 years now since I was employed would be interesting to see if it still shows up when my next check comes.
  23. Looking for some advice. I've got a first formal attendance meeting coming Tuesday 3rd November unsure if this is actually a stage 1 meeting at this point or just a formal meeting. As I work for the NHS I'm above the Trust's 3.5% threshold over the last 12 months. my sickness stands at 4.7%. I was off sick in April for about 2 weeks putting my sickness to 5.5% from an earlier episode that had my just under the 3.5% cut off point. The Junior sister had a back to work meeting on the 7th April but because it was 5.5% had to refer this to the Senior sister. this can sometimes take a week or 2 depending on how busy the ward is. however the meeting didn't take place till late June where my sickness had dropped to 4.8% She set a target of 0% sickness until our next review date end of September putting this in writing what our meeting was about however she put 5.5% instead of 4.8% on the letter, an oversight of course that I pointed out.. However September came and went and the week we were supposed to meet never took place as she had decided to book leave for a week. I reminded her when she came back start of October that our meeting never took place and she said she'll sort something out but this never happened. towards the end of October I was off 2 days with D&V. She had a back to work interview with me on Friday 23rd October apologised for not having the review meeting and talked about my sickness again. But because of the 2 days it took my sickness from 4.8% to 4.9% So she said it hadn't improved and that this would have to go to a Formal Meeting. but I pointed out that it had improved as it was 5.5% in April and now only 4.9% and that I only had 2 days sick in 6 1/2 months. She didn't even respond to that. She did point out that 5 days sickness was about to come off the rolling months soon and would contact HR to find out what to do next as once the 5 days come off my sickness would have dropped below 4%. She knew I was on holiday last week so I returned home yesterday to find a letter had come dated the 27th October for a formal meeting to take place 3rd November. They want a meeting because. My attendance remains unsatisfactory despite the recent monitoring period My level of absence for the last 12 months remians above the trusts policy of 3.5% I feel they haven't given me enough notice knowing I was away on leave not even giving me a chance to contact a Union as I am with Unison (will contact these on Monday) I don't even have a copy of my sickness record for the last 12 months to look at which I assume would have been inc in the letter. I know this is no big meeting but these can easily escalate to something bigger if not dealt with sooner.
  24. I have to agree with some on here no point at this stage writing a complaint to the S.Manager. Instead they have to provide all paper work of allegations against you in a time dated order with at least 5-7 working days notice I believe? from the date they want to do any disciplinary meetings. If you aren't in a Union you can take someone with you or if there is a possibility at this stage I would join one now. I think you could also get some advice from Acas as well they might be able to help you in this situation but don't quote me on that. With regards to this email it is something you could take into a meeting with you with all relevant information for your defence. At this moment in time you need to avoid any and all contact with the company and anyone associated with it unless told otherwise as you could make problems even worse for yourself.
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