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Everything posted by stevehatesbankers

  1. Hi Harrassed09, I dont have a copy of the LBA but will try and get you a copy. I believe this site has a template but I will ask my CMC to forward me a copy of the letter. They rang me again on Tuesday. Quite surley and tried to put words into my mouth by saying I was happy to accept a reduced offer. I reminded him that I had never accepted an offer nor have I received a written offer. I will be interested to see if they are prepared to put any offer in writing but I aint going to hold my breadth. I may consider a £0 offer though. They lie, contradict themselves and are obviously desperate.
  2. Evening Caggers. As I await confirmation from Barc regarding my claim, I have managed to find a majority of my statements dating back to 2002. The majority of my fees and charges are predominently for the last 2 years. Barclays increased my overdraft facility considerably about 4 years ago and needless to say the interest I have been paying is a decent amount each month. Am I to assume that I can only claim for the fees and charges plus interest on these fees and charges. Is there a dummys guide or claim form on the site to help me complete my claims. Your help is appreciated
  3. nks22, they must like you. I have just had a phone call from them a couple of hours ago. Having given one of their abusive arrogant muppets the runaround for a few weeks, one of their managers rang to "help me". I was another of the 34% victims. If I could pay them 40% tonight they would write off the remaining balance (very kind of them). I advised him that my outstanding balance was all charges so he reduced it to 30%. I have a CMC dealing with my claim and have already been advised it is unenforceable. The solicitors have already issued MBNA with a letter before action so they are obviously running scared. I wont be accepting any offers other £0
  4. Thanks YB and Slick. Letter sent to Barclays this morning. I will keep you upto date in due course. Thanks once again
  5. Thanks Yourbank. I also meant to ask if I can make a claim against the interest I am charged on my account as I have a sizeable overdraft facility and if so is there a formula for calculating it. I presume I have to write to Customer Relations at Churchill Place
  6. I am to start the process of reclaiming my bank charges against Barclays on 2 accounts I currently hold. I know which template I am going to use but first I am hoping some of you kind folk can help before I start. 1/ Whats is the best address to send my letter to. 2/ Do I have to send £20 because its to cover 2 accounts. 3/ Have far back can I claim to 4/ Can I reclaim their £22 daylight robbery reserve account charges. Any help would be appreciated.
  7. Keep your chin up donein and try and be strong. Very sorry to here of your loss. Kensington make up their own rules but fortunately people are fighting back. Although interest rates plummeted last year, they kept me on an extornionate rate which they shouldnt have done. Only when I stopped paying them did they reduce my payments. Law firm is currently dealing with this
  8. Hi CharlesGGG, CMC is a Claims Management Company who audit your agreement and provide legal representation if required
  9. Hi SiliquaeSid. Great letter to MBNA but I have to disagree with your comment regarding most of their agreements being enforceable. I have a number of claims with a CMC and introduce business with them. I took this route (after considerable research) because I didnt have the time to do everything myself (and I am not the best at drafting letters) aswell as the fear of possibly attending court without legal representation. MBNA have a high percentage of unenforceable agreements like everybody else so if any of the top guys on here cant help, I can put you in touch with someone who will do it on a No win, no fee basis
  10. I am using a CMC and have been advised that my loan with these is Unenforceable and its currently going through the legal process now. Until recently I was being charged just under 13%. It wouldnt surprise me if they have dropped my rate this month knowing my agreement is unenforceable
  11. First of all, this is my first post and may I say what a fantastic site. I stumbled across the site by chance and have personally experienced much of what existing Caggers have endured in the past. I too have had numerous calls from Barclaycard, Moorcroft, Mercers and others as my cards have mounting arrears and had it not been for this site would have had numerous sleepless night. I have quite a bit of debt on my cards but make a decent living and could pay my cards on time, however, these mercenaries have hiked up the rates to amounts that I cant afford so I decided to fight back. I am about to claim back my bank charges but have used a claims company to handle my credit card claims (they appear to be doing things correct) I am at the stage now where these companies are now in default as they havent returned the original agreements in the required time, however the phone calls have been relentless these past 2 weeks even stooping to the depths of telling my young kids that I must call these companies back immediately. Well, the war is underway. Many thanks to you all
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