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  1. Hi Thanks but I'd already sent the complaint off before I read your post . But to be honest I have given them plenty of opportunity to send it out, they just conveniently ignore what my letters actually say and send out any old rubbish they can get their hands on.
  2. right, here we go, click on the images and they come up larger: Pictures by joolsie - Photobucket
  3. Hi there Thanks for your replies, I think I will go down the complaining to FOS etc as you suggest as it appears that corresponding with Barclaycard is like hitting your head against a brick wall. I'll dig out the letter and post it up. Thanks again
  4. Hi Sorry this is going to be a bit long winded but I want to give you as much info as possible. I have been trying to get a signed copy of my credit agreement for about 9 months or so now but have so far failed. I originally CCA'd them and got back the standard terms and conditions. At this point I sent them an account in dispute letter and stopped paying. I then wrote a complaint and they sent back a letter saying that in order to get a copy of the original agreement I would need to submit an SAR request, which I did. They sent me a load of print outs but no agreement. I then sent another letter asking where the agreements were and was sent back the terms and conditions again. I then sent another letter saying this was not the original agreement and was not legally binding. Their response was quite a rude letter going through the legal requirements of the credit agreement act and stating that this would be there final response- this was despite the fact the request was a SAR and not a CCA. I then pointed this out to them and made a formal complaint. I just received another letter stating that they have sent all my information under the SAR and they hope this clarifies the matter. I've had no response to the complaint. My question really is, does this mean they don't actually have the agreement? During this time they have passed my account firstly onto mercers, then calder financial and now onto callserve who are threatening to take me to court. Any advice would be appreciated.
  5. OK thanks I'll take a look at that
  6. Ok so marbles still haven't produced the CCA and have now sent me a default notice and the threat of passing my account on to a DCA as I stopped making payments. Can anyone tell me, if they find the agreement am I still liable for all the interest and charges they added whilst the account is in dispute, and would it be worthwhile making a token payment just to get them off my back?
  7. OK thanks for your replies, somewhere else on this forum I read that if they sent the original and current terms they are complying with the request but I can't find it now, it all gets a bit confusing.
  8. Hi there I got a letter from barclaycard saying that they have complied with the consumer credit act as they had supplied the terms and conditions and if I wanted to see the signed agreement I would have to send an SAR. Is this correct? Secondly, after this I tried to negotiate with mercers by offering to pay £10 a month as this is all I could afford, but they refused it saying I had to pay at least 1% of the balance. I did originally have an agreement with barclaycard paying £10 a month but fell behind with payments after a bereavement, so I don't know why they are now refusing it. Has anyone had any luck negotiating with these people?
  9. Thanks for your replies, I'm not trying to avoid the debt, it's just my interest has doubled since I opened the account and I want to see the original agreement, I don't think thats unreasonable and I think their tactics are distgusting.
  10. Hi guys Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, I received another letter from them after I sent the 'account in dispute' letter saying that they took over administration of the card from HFC and so have to request the documents from them. Despite this, I received my latest statement and they and applied interest and charges, so I am going to write to them again. Does anyone know of a follow up letter I could send asking them to remove the charges etc? Thanks
  11. Thanks, OK so this is where I am at with the barclaycard on behalf of littlewoods card. Sent CCA, they sent back terms and conditions. I then received a default notice from mercers so I sent them a letter saying the account was in dispute and sent an account in dispute letter directly to barclaycard. Today I recieved a letter from mercers saying they are going to send someone around so I am going to send off the doorstep visit letter. Can I report them now because they passed the debt on when it was in dispute? And who do I report them to? Thanks for your help
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