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Everything posted by wheelergeezer

  1. Even set to external monitor, comes in after the bios. You should still see the initial startup. Sounds like the screen lamp. Try tipping the screen and looking at an angle. Is the display actually there but VERY faint? As said though, the 12 months warranty does not mean it is ok to pack in after 12 months and a few days.
  2. I have found frequently that the forum is just 'off line' recently. You know, you go to have a look and you get 'server not found' or similar. Then after whinging like this yesterday, the site went off at about 4pm with the message 'site upgrading, back about 5pm'. which wasn't back after several looks up to 11pm. So, I am saying right now that if the people who run this forum cannot get their act together and just leave the effing thing alone, I will leave. I don't get paid to be here. I am not one of the directors of what is after all a limited company. Pull your finger out, sort it out and then leave it alone. The very next time I see 'server not found' or 'upgrading' will be the last time I bother visisting. You are taking a good and popular forum and spoiling it.
  3. I couldn't agree more. Just because you can screw up the site layout, doesn't mean that you should!
  4. What warranty? they are not doing anything!
  5. Guys. I like this site, but if you keep moving everything around on an almost nightly basis, I have to ask if you have considered another hobby - like getting a life? LEAVE IT ALONE. It was fine!
  6. Well well. You did say you were studying law and you did admit to using someone elses card - frequently. Now, if you regard my comments as 'making fun' then you are even more of an ass than I thought. Being foreign does not give you the right to break the UK law just because you feel it is morally right. You broke the law, you got caught. The offence you call 'petty' is the very reason why UK fares are so high. £ Billions of revenue are lost every year by people just like you cheating the system. You had no problem with cheating until you got caught. You are/were a guest in my country. If you do not like the rules and laws I suggest you stay in your own marvellous country.
  7. Just my tuppanec worth, but I totally agree with my dear friend (choking as he speaks) Buzby. There is no way on God's earth that a berlingo would ever be classed as a bus. As also mentioned, he was not even using it as a bus. Just popping off for some chores.
  8. UNFAIR?????? What a bl**dy cheek! The irony of it! Ha!
  9. Well, you have only had the car 5 weeks. The fault is thus asumed to have been there when purchased as it is not a consumable like the battery or brake pads. The entire cost is down to the dealer.
  10. I have a phillips magic something or other. Let me go and see what it is. Back in a mo OK, mine is a Phillips magic S voice. All in one fax/ansaphone etc. Not the same machine. But by the sound of what you describe, either the cogs for the feed are not engaging or the belt for the cartirdge is jumping the cogs. I may be wrong, but that is wherte my thought is. HTH
  11. Cheapest option? Pay her deposit BUT do not let her move in until she repays the deposit to you.
  12. If it is a 6 month lease, they pay and the lease ends all luvvy duvvy, then no problems, However If it is a 12 month lease or there are any problems - believe me family are the worst - you could well end up wrecking your credit history when you don't pay as a guarantor. The fact you moved to US will not stop them wrecking your credit history. Having a brother who sole £42,000 from me I can assure you that the 'family' bit is the big red flag for me.
  13. You posted at the same time as me. If that is the case, you have not seen the agreement thus the signature is invalid. However, what is to stop them swearing in court that you were given it at the time?
  14. You may have a cooling off period like any contract, by I am not sure in the case of a tenancy as if the tenancy has already started (say today) you can hardly unwind everything. If the tenancy has not started your only real possibility ius to fax a signed letter withdrawing your agreement.
  15. No, it is a belt. 1.0 3 cylinder is a chain and 1.3CDti diesel is also a chain, all the rest are belts.
  16. And, more importantly, the timing belt tensioner(s)
  17. When I was a bus driver in 1990, working for London transport as it was then, my instructions were very clear in circumstances like this. As the bus driver you do not slam your brakes on to avoid another motorist - you hit them. Then they are not going anywhere and you have the cause of the problem right there. I kid you not, this was their official advise. Needless to say, I was a real fly in the ointment and would not crash a double deck bus if I can avoid the collision. Can you imagine the court case if some car driver ended up as a quadraplegic. 'Well, I could have stopped but I wanted to make sure I had proof they pulled out in front of me, so I rammed them with my 13 tonne bus.'
  18. The landlord is an idiot. Original lease has expired. No new lease signed thus rolling tenancy with 1 month notice.
  19. Oh really? And how did you conclude that? Was it the 'I've been caught using somebody else's oystercard... but I think I have even less excuses than the other OPs, because I've done it several times' that makes him an upstanding citizen? I would rather trust Al Queda with a nuclear weapon rather than employ a dishonest lawyer.
  20. Reject the car. Not fit for purpose. Don't take 'no' for an answer.
  21. I will second that. Well, except for the most negative. That prize must go to Green & Mean.
  22. e or e or e or e ought to know better. Sounds like a right donkey,.
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