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Everything posted by sunflower99

  1. I am writing them the above letter as i refuse to see my money dissapear in a void which it seems to be doing at the moment!I did not pay that money in the Blair oliver and Scott account but paid it into my normal Halifax credit card account which i been using for years to pay my credit card payments into,.But that should not matter as Blair Scottamd oliver and Halifax same orgainisation.But wonder if they being silly beggers because i paid it into ordinarly Halifax card account and not to that special accout set up by those pond feeders Barmy Orrible and stupid
  2. Dear Sir /Madam Account reference ----- On thexxxxxx 2010 I wrote to your in house debt collectors Blair Oiver and Scott to express concern over issues I have at the way I have been treated in respect of the above credit card account I have with you . One of the concerns raised with them was the fact that failed to acknowledge the sum of £xxx paid into my Halifax credit card account through my Internet bank account on xxxx2010. This was the first payment I agreed to make on the proposed payment plan as advised in my letter of xxxxxx2010 and sent for the attention of Halifax/Blair Oliver and Scott. This letter was enclosed with the above mentioned letter dated xxxx 2010. I would point out that the proposed payment plan of £xxxx for a period of 6 months was advanced on the condition that you acknowledge the payments by way of statements in order for me to see the reduction of the balance. Also for me to see that I was not being subjected to further interest and charges. As mentioned in my letter dated xxxx 2010, I am very concerned that Blair Oliver & Scott have failed to advise if they have taken the amount of £xxx and I am not in receipt of any statement detailing any payments made. I must therefore advise, that until I do receive acknowledgement of monies paid by me on on xxxx 2010 and that you confirm that I will be receiving regular statements, then I will not be making any further payment. I am sure you will understand that is extremely discouraging if I am unable to see that payments are being applied to the account and that I can see the balance being reduced. I look forward to hearing from you in. yours sincerely **********************************************************
  3. Hi Carpinjoy Nice to see you back! I have decided not to send Halifax anymore money until they start acknowledging the payment i already made:mad:Last Blair Scott and Oliver threatogram had not deducted the token payment i made them last month so it seems the money i paying them at moment is just going down a big black Halifax hole and no record of debt going down and confirmation that no other interest or unfair charges being added,I might as well be flusing my money down the toilet,So i am going to send them a letter pointing out i am not going to countinue with my proposed payment plan until they acknowledge it and start sending statments or confirmation of money received as it is not very encouraging paying them when i not seeing any evidence of balance going down and that the token payment plan was only on condition that they sent regular statements to show balance going down and that no interst or charges being added!
  4. Good for you carpinjoy.I bet that Dca did not know what hit her! LOL:D
  5. he letter from Halifax shows that they are treating it as a compliant,But all I am asking them to do is to accept my payment plan of what i informed them is all i can afford at moment and pointing out if they issue procceding against me i will be defnding myself against them vigously using the points that their cca is not very legible and the fact that there has been irresponsible lending pursuant to the unfair relation ship act whcih can be used as a defence in court!
  6. I just got Halifax reply in answer to the above letter I wrote them a while ago pointing out that they had not acknowledged the payiment i had made to them last month and had not dreduced it of the balance that Blair Scott and Oliver were chasing me for.:evil:I also pointed out that if they issued legal procceding i would defend on the issues of cca not being verly legible and also on iresponsible lending! etc etc
  7. Well done! Pdaddy At least for your wife now it is another one bites the dust!:DwOnder who she will get next ,Some people in the crapital one fan club have had had NCO set on tem next! or Lowells the leeds loosers! Hopefully you will be getting same lettter from capquest soon!
  8. Yes that is a new excuse they seem to be using:rolleyes: ! Just ignore them and keep sending unsigned letters,It up to them if the twits choose to ignore your letters! Tha main thing is you sent them and shown them you know your rights! as the pillocks must have read your lettter to notice you not signed them! LOL
  9. Dunno! But if there is one or a similar one i think i will be giving them my vote! Will get more sense out of them than one of the major parties!
  10. Hi babydoll Very strange they keep asking for your signaturefor a s78 request,! I sent my s78 to them about 18 months ago and they never asked for my signature,I know they sometimes do for a sar request but it is strange they asing you k for a signature fora s78 requst,as you say maybe it stallling tactic,I suppose you could send them an unsigned letter and point out that they they are happy enough to send other confidential information to your address without a signature or proof of identity and there is no legal requirement for a signature on a s78 request and why are they insisitng on a signature from you when other people gets responses without having a signature request!
  11. LOL1 I love your short and sweet version! A bit easier on printer ink! LOL
  12. HI Warner Unsigned ts and cs are not enforceable in a court! Letterl a load of cobblers! I would send them this letter -- Re: my request under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 Thank you for your recent letter sent to me, the contents of which are noted. I appreciate your quick response to my original letter. However, the reply received by me does not fulfill your requirements under the Consumer Credit Act 1974. The Act demands that I be supplied with a true copy of any properly executed credit agreement that exists in relation to the above account. I may ask for this on demand providing that a fee of £1.00 is paid. This fee was sent with my original letter. My request remains outstanding. An unsigned credit agreement with no personal details on it, like the one you sent in your reply, does not constitute a true copy of any credit agreement that may or may not have been signed by me on the opening of this account. A blank agreement neither confirms that I am liable for any alleged debt to you, nor gives me any chance to evaluate whether any original agreement was ‘properly executed’.[/font] I still require you to send me a true copy of the original credit agreement that you allege exists. As you will know, under the Consumer Credit Act 1974, a judge is not permitted to make any enforcement order unless the creditor can provide a true signed copy of the original credit agreement. This means that unless you can produce such an agreement, this alleged debt is not enforceable in law. You had until ??/??.2009 (12+2 working days after the request was made) to provide me with the true copy I requested. You are now in default of my request. Any account I hold with you is now in legal dispute. Whilst the account remains in dispute, you are not permitted to ask for any payment, nor am I obliged to offer any payment to you. Furthermore, whilst the dispute remains, you are not entitled to charge any interest on the account, nor make any further charges to the account. Additionally, you are not entitled to register any information on this account with any credit reference agency. To register information with a credit reference agency, you must have written consent from the customer to collate and share such information. This consent is given in the form of a signed credit agreement, so until you produce such an agreement, you may not do this. The requirement for consent to share data is a clear requirement of the Data Protection Act 1998. Any such attempts to share my data without my consent will be met with a complaint to the Information Commissioners Office the time limits, which are laid down in the Consumer Credit (Prescribed Periods for Giving Information) Regulations 1983 are clear. You must supply an executed credit agreement within 12 + 2 working days of a proper CCA request. If you fail to comply with a legitimate request the account enters a default situation. To sum up, I will not be making any further payments to you until you provide me with the document I have requested. Whilst you remain in default of my request, you are not permitted to take any action against this account. This includes adding further charges and passing any information to the credit information industry.[/font] I expect you to write to me confirming that the account has been closed and no further action will be taken. I look forward to your reply.
  13. Ok night owl will make you a nice black coffeee too! Any other drink requests folks?
  14. I am just going to get myself a nice soothing hot drink!
  15. Hi PCB Yes i love reading the quotes on the article,Some people talk sense and look at the bigger picture that greedy banks and DCAs are to blame instead of trying to blame and critisise the consumer for standing up for themselves and redusing to be held to ransome by these banks behaviour and mistakes for the rest of their lives!
  16. HI Sod em Yes you will probably get more sense out of him! I am seriously thinking of voting for the raving loooney party ! as they got to be better than the choice we got between labour and conservative!
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