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Everything posted by sunflower99

  1. My friends at MBNA have started trying to get through to me at work again!Luckily everyone knows that i dont take any calls from them and dont put call through to me,My husband said that the phone was constantly ringing all day ,In the end he unplugged it.I think i will have to send them a telephone harrasemment letter.I spoke to soon saying they had stopped bothering me at work!
  2. Hi everyone! Thanks again for all your support and advice!I am thinking about makeing an appointment to see citizens advice soon as it seems from everyones opinion that they seem to be very helpful.I am going to try and wait till october though as i think by October there are some good thing going to happen! One unsecured loan to NatWest gets paid of in september which frees us up from £120 a month and a Life insurance linked savings plan for me which i shouldent have really kept up when things got so bad but as it is gave me a bit of peace of mind and was so near to maturing and apperently i was told i would loose a lot of bonuses from it if cashed in early and as it only had a few months to go and there was not a huge monthly payment on it i am trying to keep it on until it matures in October.This sum will give us two thousand i think ! .This amount will not do much to clear much debt as we owe well over that to credit card companies and it will only clear our overdrafts for a while but at least it will be a slight help to us.I thought if i waited till october our fiancial situation would look very slightly better if we wait till then to ask for fiancial advice and we would have a little more money to include in our budget when calculating our bills. I would like to take Fred advice about writing a CCA letter to MBNA eventually when we have got a new printer and scanner that works! as i understand from some previous threads that it is always best to send printed unsigned letters to these credit card companies as some try to copy and paste your signature to be used on agreements you have not signed?I was very shocked when i saw that advice and it just shows what lengths these banks go too! Being on this forum has been a real eye opener!I was wonering how this CCA Letter affects MBNA? As i am not very knowlegeable about these matters! How does it give me an advantage over MBNA?Do they often send out dodgy agreements to their customers which can not be enforced?If that is so that would be great! As being such a horrible bank they derserve all the weapons i can throw at them! LOL
  3. Hello Maz Thanks for your advice and giving me some hope that there is a chance something can be done about these awful debts! Everyone has been brilliant on here.I owe money to five credit cards and am in a months soon to be two months arrears with three of them and my husband has got a Natwest credit card which he is in a months arrears in.I must admit until i visited your forum i dident think there would be any chance of some of our debts would be written off at all and that if we did we manage to come to any agreements over payments to crediters we would face a lifetime of stress and misery being in constant debt and the worry of countinual hassle from credit card companies.All your responses have given me a glimmer of hope .To be honest my husband and me were getting so depressed over our fiancial state that we were both getting to hate life and wish we were not around anymore especially my husband as he already feels bad that his health stops him from going out to work and though it is not his fault i thnk he feels guilty that he cant go out to work to help pay of credit cards.I keep telling him i dont want him to as i know that he would make himself worse and it would kill him if he attempted to go back to work and even the jobseeker plus people who are known for their bullying tactics in trying to get people back to work quickly backed off when he was summoned to their office for one of their why are you not working interviews,The woman there very quickly realised realised that she couldent bully him into going back to work when he had a bad angina attack and breathing difficulties during interview she was making him so angry and stressed.i think she was worried that he was going to have a heart attack in the office and that she was concerned that there would be a bad report about the local jobseeker plus office driving a man to heart attack.when he got like that she bundled him out of building with a pile of forms for claiming Disability Living Allowance,So i am extremley grateful to everyone here that you have given me and my husband some hope and moral support. Good luck and cyber hugs to you too!
  4. Hi Spiritgirl and everyone else on this thread thanks for all your advice and moral support you all have been life savers to me.and given me a bit more of an idea how deal with these bullying tactics by these banks.I logged onto here today feeling very down as though they seem to be leaving me alone at work for moment my husband said the phone was ringing several times for me yesterday as most debts in my name. my husband said that he can usually tell if it is a call center as he says there is a bit of a pause before person speaks when this happens he just puts phone down! but he was feeling very down with the amount of times phone keeps ringing and says he has given up answering it now and is seriously thinking about unplugging it though by doing that he is risking not allowing people who need to get through to him to get to him which is a worry.I said that he ought to start giving out his mobile phone number to people important ,so we were both very depressed yesterday.I am trying to pluck up courage to make an appopintment with CAB and thanks for reassuring me about them.I did use debt lines online calculator a few months ago where you give budget expenses on a calculater online and they give you an automated reply to your budget,It did not make very encouraging reading as i was told that after our houshold expenses bills and secured loan payments we were not left with enough to live on and therfore had no money left to offer creditors which was scary.I suppose though using an online tool like that not the same as speaking to a real person but that finding was not very encouraging we wouldent be able to get away with not offfering any money at all so was worried about this online advice and did not feel very encouraged to contact them by phone.
  5. HI spiritgirl59l Thanks for moral support!So you have problems with MBNA as well.They certainly seem the worse bank for hassling people.They never let up do they! i just sent them a repayment of last months minimum monthly payment of £185 but they still keep hassling us for the extra charges and this months installment.The only good thing is they seem to have given up for moment bothering me at work but my husband who is at home all the time says somedays he gets at least one phone call a day from them and if he dosent answer it the phone rings several times When he does answer it they keep trying to get another contact number for me.My husband says that he is going to stop answering the phone as not being in good health he finds the calls extra stressful and very annoying as well.Trouble is that we are in so much of a fiancial muddle and in a complete credit card trap,If we pay all our minimum repayments on all our credit cards we have no money to live on ,In fact our outgoings now greatly exceed our incoming money,I am at a loss to know what to do or who to turn to advice for help with our debt problems.Someone at work said i should try citizens advice another person said i should approach one of those debt counselling agencies yet someone else said try and get a secured loan to at least pay of MBNA and make more money available from income to pay of other debts.I did wonder about citizens advice or debt agency but someone said that they will want to investigate how you got into debt and judge you!so that has put me off and i am terrified that they might say we have to declare ourselves bankrupt or something!Which would be awful I really dont know which way to turn or what to do to try and get ourselves out of this debt trap.
  6. so far so good! I thin MBNA have given up for moment trying to phone me at work!I havent had any calls at work for a few days now! Fingers crossed!Though my husband said i got several calls at home but at least at home i can just ignore them and husband just says im out all the time!
  7. Hi Fred .Thanks for advice about dealing with these bullying phone calls from MBNAi i will certainly be using that letter if they persist.At least coming across this forum made me feel slightly better as i know i am not alone in having these problems with MNBA and enjoyed reading some of the posts that people on here write about their unique ways of getting their own back on MBNA. and gave me a smile in spite of my grim circumstances Before i came across this forum i was feeling vey down and when they started calling my work place that was the last straw.Ive never taken any of these calls but it is awful being made to be scared of answering your own telephone!and now on top of this im being made to feel scared to answer work phone.It really is to much and i did suspect this behaviour is verging on illegal harresment.I do accept though that i have to bear responsibility for running up debts in first place.Things have been extra difficult for us these last five years as my husband had heart attack in sept 03 and has been unable to work and only gets incapacity benefit.We did get very depressed and i suppose we were tempted to use our credit card for everything including things we shouldent have bought to try and cheer ourselves up as my husband quite often felt very depressed and i found it difficult to say no either to myself or him and MBNA and other credit cards kept upping our credit.We kept saying to ourselves we will use this card one more time and then we must stop but trouble is we still never got to the stage where we stopped as life seemed so bleak.Now all our income goes on minimum reapayments and bills so we dont have any money left so i suppose we are in what is called the credit card trap.i dont earn much as i am a shop assistant.I am going to try and keep up minimum repayments as much as i can and try and get a second job to try and cope but there will be months when a credit card company will have to have a month missed as i cant pay them all each month.But that copy of that telephone letter will come in handy! Thanks again !
  8. Hi i am new to this forum .I found it by doing a search on MBNA bullying tactics as i now have severe fiancial problems and also have problems with being pestered at work and home by them.They have phoned my workplace a few times and told people who work there that they are are MBNA!So they are trying to hassle and embaress me at work.i have told my work colleagues to tell them i am not available! but i agree it is awful and totally out of order when they start to bully you at work! My husband who has a heart problem and at home all day also gets several calls from them! asking for me.At least by looking at this forum i realise now that it will be a wise tactic not speak to them.All these phone calls started because of one overdue payment which i cant afford this month.Another thing that happenend to show what a pathetic bank they are was that a few months ago from a geniune oversight on that occasion i missed of a payment of 30 pence! LOL and AS A result my huband got several phone calls at home from them trying to contact me and one day when i reached work my superviser said she had just a phone call at 8.00 am in the morning !I couident beleive it when found out that the problem they were so concerned with getting in touch with me was over an under payment of 30 pence! for goodness sake!i couldent beleive it and now i have severe fiancial problems with me finding it difficult to make my minimum repayments i see i from all your experiences of MBNA that life is going to be a bundle of fun dealing with **** like MBNA! What a life!
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