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Everything posted by sunflower99

  1. LOL!:grin::grin::grin: Yes Needed to get a better look !:grin:
  2. I Just thought of another funny story concerning my experiences on facebook!LOL though this one does make me look like a twit! A work collegue had just persuaded me to join facebook and got me involved in this game on facebook where you buy and sell l each other pictures and photos with virtual money.The game is called owned and i suppose many facebook members will be familiar with it and it is a way of having a bit of a laugh on face book and to sometimes meet new friends! ..Well in this game a rather cheeky bloke bought one of my pictures with a slightly cheeky but flattering remark and when some one does this one of their own pictures on this game owned pops up along with the message in the message box on this application in facebook,I remember looking at his picture and puzzling over it as my eyes are not quite as good as they used to be,To me it looked like a picture of a back of a mans bald head ! LOL and i thought what a strange picture why is he showing of the back of his bald head! LOL and i was puzzinling over it for days when it was in my message box,However one day i loooked at it a bit closer and i had to laugh as i suddenly realised what it was! The perve had photographed the end of a very personal part of his anatomy!eeek:eek:I called over my OH to look and he imediately identified what it was! LOL How embarresing! I will have to get myself a pair of decent specs! I couident believe that i had innocently for so long though it was the back of someones head! LOL
  3. HI pdaddy may be worth a complaint to Oft if both capquest and fredrickson been est on you at same time.They both use different solictor as well Capquest uses H L Legal and fredricksons use a solictor called Bryan Carter
  4. Dottys one on post 1455 still working! I will have to get you to post up all my links Dotty!
  5. Dottys link still work but mine dosent,so if anyone wants to look at link the latest one on Dotty post still seems to be working!
  6. Reposting link as it seems putting message above helps to keep link! Hope it stays a link now! http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2009...-debt-websites
  7. Hi David At moment Dotty link appears to work! very strange after a while the word debt turns into a large bold letters and the link sort of breaks up!
  8. Well done Dotty! the link you put up appears to work
  9. strange i though i put that link up earlier about DCAs throwing rattles out thir prams! but seems to have stopped being a link so reposted it
  10. edited this post to try and put up link again http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2009/dec/02/credit-services-association-debt-websites
  11. Hi Pdaddy as your wife and you got seperate crapital one accounts you should post your wifes Default notice cca and lettter up as well as yours .That why i think it may be a bit less confusing if you had one thread for your crapital one problems and another thread for your wifes crapital one problems!
  12. Hi Pdaddy Beachy is right and given you good advice there ! Both you and your wife must keep on top of sending letters to capquest and fredrickson and any other DCAS,and doubly so when t they make those sort of threats or theywill asume you dont know your rights and perceive you to be easy prey,people here like Beachy seen of capquest but you need to be firm with them and keep up with a barrage of letters like Beachy advises.
  13. If a website gave advice on how to shoplift, consumers – and retailers – would be up in arms, so how can it be right for a site to effectively encourage people to make off with money that isn't theirs?" I love the above quote! about sites like CAG! LOL What about all the huge unfair charged banks take of the consumer such as charging them nearly £40 a time for a failed DD when it cost nowhwere near that to bounce a DD or the huge unfair interest rates the misold PPIs not to mention the behaviour of many DCAs with people being driven to suicide by many bank?Dcas s behaviour
  14. Debt collectors hit out at advice websites | Money | guardian.co.uk Seems DCAs are throwing their rattles out their prams:D
  15. If you got fpc and capquest both chasing you it not very fgood,I have heard that it is supposed to be against OFT guidlines chasing one person with two DCAs,May be worth phonning up Oft and asking them about it,I never heard of FPC what does that stand for out of interest?
  16. Hi Pdady So have you got capquest chasing you as well as your wife?
  17. Hi Pdaddy I dont want to worry you but Capquest can be quite a nasty piece of work and very persistant ,So it is very important your wife sends them some firm leters like the one above to show she knows her rights and capquest is a dca you will find you are advised sending a few letters to and responding too.I am trying to get some advice from someone else who had to deal with capquest before..But youshould send above one of as soon as possible
  18. Have you sent the above letter to capquest ? for your wifes one?
  19. HI Priority I am a bit worried that you panicked yourself into using a defence which was tailored to another caggers case and thread ,As their circumstances may have been very different to yours,Ie they may have had a good back up second defence of not having a correcly executed or even an unrnforceable cca their default notice and account termination may have been a bit different to yours and you may have missed a chance to try and see if you could find another couple of good back up defences to stregthen your your case ie such as irresponsible lending unfair relation ship.As they can be raised as valid defences too..Now you have entered your plea i am not sure if you can change or add anything if turns out that some of the more experienced caggers thinks you shoud change or add something,Hopefully somebody will pop on here to have a look and give their opinion
  20. What year did you take your card out? Have you considered doing a cca request on them?If your card was taken out before 2007 it will be worth doing it and if your card was taken out before 2004 even better ,As Barclaycard are not very good with agreements before then,So if you had your Barclaycard for many years if you do this cca request goood chance that they will have problems supplyng it and chances are that they may have destroyed original and only relying on a mirofilch and that will be imprperly executed,or even better some people find the bank has lost their credit card agreement completly and not even got a microfilch,If this happens many people put the account in dispute and are more in the driving seat as the bank will have problem trying to enforce these agreements Many people who have done this have managed to get rid of all the harrasement from that banks DCAs eventually once the bank realises the person knows their rights and starts standing up to these bullies,The best way to start is sending them a cca request particulary if your caard is several years old ie the more befor 2004 the better! I had problems with Barclayshark and sent them a s78 cca ie credit card agreement for my 2002 credit card ,For about several months after that i did have quite a few letters phone calls and got passed to a few of their other DCAs further down the food chain and like you go door step callers but each time they set a new on me i just sent them a stongly worderd letter and now i have been left in peace for several months,They never did send me a signed cca in my case,So worth a try and many people on cag have been lucky enough to have got rid of them and their horrible DCAs this way! even if it takes a while and if you do get problems you will get help on cag .As the way i look at it they have been ripping me of with their unreaosnable interst rates and unfair charges for years and then to add insult to injury ignoring any agreement i tried to come with them and harrased me both a work and home as they even tried to embaress me in my work place by phonning me at work and demanding money of me at work which was highly embarressing and made me loose any respect for them!and made me even more determined to put account in dispute!So they deserve you to give them hassle!
  21. Hi dozymoo I am from Cag Barclayshark fan club too. most peoples experiernce on here is they never want to negotiate and as you found will hassle you regardless .You also learnt the hard way no use talking to these bullies on the phone .All they see when you ring them is £ signs and when you ring all the DCA wants to do is get his commision and make you pay him or agree to pay him something there and then so he gets his commison and reaches his target,,Most DCAs seem not to care in people hardship or distress all they want is to get a promise of payment out of you even if it is something you can not afford
  22. National Debtline England & Wales | Debt Advice The above link to dbtline page has a link on this page to various hardship letter templates for uk residents,Maybe one of those amended to suit may give you an idea of what to write
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