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Everything posted by sunflower99

  1. Never heard of them till today but just loooked up their site! How awful ! You say they charged you £12.00 every phone call:eek:
  2. But i suppose like Bookworm says we should all cast a vote to keep the moral high to have a grumble when things do go wrong! even if it is for the raving looney party! As it still makes a statement!
  3. I got no idea who to vote for either as both Labour and conservative will be a diaster if they get in.I saw somwhere that there was an opinion that if enough people voted liberal democrat it migh make the parilment a hung parliment and not so strong! for labour or conservative to wreak havoc if either get in.
  4. LOL! well done sounds like you seeing them off.What Were you thinking aout complaining about to sink their pirate vessell further?I beleive you can make a complaint to OFT office of fair trading if you think they behaved badly and gone agianst OFT debt collection practices or are you thinking about claiming unfair charges?
  5. Meant to say BB nice to see you well again and back on forums !
  6. Hi Dozymoo My Barclayshark card taken out in 2002 too and they seem to be giving me peace now! so hopefully if you take slicks excellant advice cca them and sar them and stand up to them ! Dont let them worry you just ignore their phonecalls and text messages ,I got similaer threats but like slick said just learnt to toughen up ignore them and took advice on these forums what sort of letters to write once they failed to respond properly to my s78 request!and set third party DCAS on me. i just took advice on my barclayshark thread about what sort of response or letter i should write in reponse to each new pond feeder,threats and now i have had nealry 5 months of peace! So it does get better,During the worse of the mercer/calder barclayshrk phonecalls when they were leaving loads of text messages on phone answer machine myself and my OH learnt to treat them as a bit of a joke.Do you have an answer machine to screen calls? well worth the money? so you know when it ok to answer phone? Alright so there is a chance Barclayshark may have another go but i will just hop on my thread and ask for more advise and get some more moral support if they ever have another bop!
  7. However i do admire other caggers who do go after them to get unfair charges claimed and i proabalby letting Barclayshark of lightly !
  8. Hi Bigsyd I am afraid many of these banks will countinue to deny the account is in dispute and possibly still add interest unfair charges and play pass the parcel with various other DCAS further down the foood chain,In my case after they did not respond properly to s78 request and ignored letters i wrote prior to that I just stopped paying them and just stopped worrying about what they chose to add to it! as i stopped paying them anyway,Everytime they set a third pond feeder on me i write them a firm account in dispute letter and so far a firm letter ot two sees them off, So far after their usual Mercer/Calder charades and one visit from scottcal and a couple of scotcall letters i have not had to much of pass the parcel imposed on me,I have only so far had the outside DCA wescott set on me and they backed of after a firm letter or two,Now i have not heard from Barclaycard for several months. So it normally gets easier ,Just write a firm letter or two to each pond feeder and hopefully they will back of like they did with me
  9. LOOks like you right pompeyfaith ! Just noticed there are quite a few letters on that site saying they wish they had not signed it because their e mail got spammed,However i luckily i just treated it as a joke and a sort of joke site and like you did not sign it!I hope DD did not get lots of spam
  10. HI pompeyfaith I must admit like you i was a bit worried about actually putting my e mail adress in there even though its an excellant idea!
  11. LOL!:D:D Trouble is My Oh will never forget it though! and every visiter we get he always tells them about me filmimg the polecats escaping! Sandy and spike the two most wanted polecats in England! LOL
  12. Another little inncident concerning our polecats,Onc day our polecats manged to escape out of their run in the garden:eek: It was bbit of a panick but we eventually manged to find the beggars ,Howvwe my OH could not believe it when he played bback some video film I had taken where i was actually filming them escaping! LOL As they could quite easily be seen clear as day diging this big hole to use an escape bolt! At time i though they were just doing a bit of harmless digging and did not think to question the hole they were digging and that the begars were going to plan to dig under fence! My oh never let me foeget i had actually filmed then escaping!
  13. I remember once we used to keep a couple of Polecats and i held one while my OH took a video shot of me holding Spike this Polecats name,One minute i was smiling at the camera the next minute i was shouting as spike had got hold of my ear and started biting it and pulling on it! That madee quite a funny shot! My rotten hubby started killling himself laughing!
  14. Oh poor you.! That really made your day! I think not:eek:
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