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Everything posted by beyondhope

  1. Is it the whole of cattles going under though or are shopacheck and TLG being saved etc?
  2. I have searched high and low and cannot find 'court buddy' unless it is another name for one of the things I have already described
  3. Standard disclosure has been sent. Received Trial date today....this will all be over one way or another by 15th January at the latest
  4. sounds to me like the sneaky bathplugs rewrote it over a longer term hence the amount owing increasing maybe they rewrote it to what the DMP was going to be paying towards it and the rest is interest upon interest if that makes sense. Without seeing any/all agreements its hard to guess where figures came from Hope they send your SAR back quickly.
  5. can you link to that postggj because nothing is coming up for me when I do that? nothing court related anyway!
  6. Hiya I most certainly can advise on this as we became rather unstuck by it and it cost us £625 in their costs when they tried to get it struck out. There is something called a Litigation Friend - this is for minors and those that arent of sound mind due to illness and such There is something called a McKensie Friend - this is where you would go into court with your wife but not speak to anyone other than your wife you are basically moral support There is something called a lay representative - this is where you speak on behalf of your wife but your wife has to be there Look into these and see which suits you best We came unstuck by calling me a litigation friend (when i wanted to be lay representative) and as such my signature was on the claim form issued and they wanted the case struck out as I am not and have never have been a customer of welcome and was therefore classed as vexatious thankfully the judge was on our side and allowed leave for a new N1 to be issued and slashed their costs to less than half what they asked for!
  7. Hi Scoffa thanks for the PM, unfortunately figures are not my strong point so im unable to help but if you post on the PPI forum I linked above im sure someone there will be able to help
  8. No problem, just dont get sucked in with all the its unenforceable talk when there is more than one way to skin a cat court and fos are both routes you can take court being costly and time consuming and fos taking an age just bear in mind even with these queries you can dispute the account but agreed payments should still be made as unfortunately account in dispute means nothing as our friends dont register to the banking code and can therefore chase any missed payments whether you are disputing the account or not. Remember everyone is here to give advice but look into what you are advised as none of us know everything
  9. In my opinion and it is purely that.... To claim back all the charges you need to write to them and request the amounts be refunded to the account as they are unlawful. Claim the PPi as soon as you are ready! Sooner the better given welcomes own financial circumstances. Unenforceable isnt as easy as it appears and takes time and usually court, you first need to get a copy of the agreement and find out why you think it is unenforceable. As long as Welcome keep reporting on your credit report they will continue to trash your rating, they can also use that report to trace you so think carefully about 'disppearing' as they will far too quickly add a ton of charges for trying to trace you.
  10. received a post card from TLG today asking to call a number with the same reference as their letter dated 3rd sept so they are chasing this account again!
  11. dont ring them keep everything to writing so you have a paper trial
  12. if you click on emanevs name you can see when they were last active if that helps
  13. Reading back I would recommend you write to them offering your proposal for payment along with a telephone harrassment letter whilst you wait for cca and sar to come back that should keep the wolves from the door so to speak, I would also cancel the direct debit and ask for giro slips or information for you to set up a standing order that way stopping bank charges and their charges for missed direct debits. Once you have your sar you can start claiming back all these unlawful extortionate charges.
  14. Hi Gemmag, I dont think anyone here would ever advise what you are suggesting, Have you checked out your credit report? they can trace you through that it holds all your linked addresses and names, are you on the electoral register? Ill have a read back through of your thread and see if i can suggest anything
  15. I spoke to her via text earlier she didnt go she had a better offer lol
  16. Yes definately as this will contain things such a computer notes so then its more than your word against theirs as there will be notes regarding the telephone calls, they usually make a good read
  17. Offer to settle sent first recorded this morning..... Received directions today too... Trial set for January
  18. they have asked for a suggestion and I have offered one not alot else I can do
  19. response printed and ready to go to post office tomorrow morning
  20. The £1504.04 is what was paid on the agreements
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