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Everything posted by blinkyblinkyblonk

  1. hi marilyn thank you and yesssssss i done it oh yes well worth the hassle especially when she was counting out the £400 odd tee hee and yes it was lovely to have it in my hands ive got a £28 charge and £38.68 debit interest, after the claim was settled,I shall be writing again. teeheee roll on!!!!!!!!!
  2. judy thank you very much, i must admit i was confident when i went into the branch today i thought i am not budging until they give me that money to MY SATISFACTION. sorry to hear about your internet, and good luck to you. (you wont need it just CONFIDENCE) lol im following your progress .
  3. not this morning they didnt, but this afternoon they did!
  4. Hi mechs and mrs it does become a habit keep looking lol even when i signed off this morning i sign back in again!!!! the interest went in first then the full balance went in ive just posted a reply on here about the hassle i had.
  5. I quote "awaiting the money to be paid into today or tomorrow, have asked the lady to supply me with a cash card, according to her the account has just been downgraded to a cardcash account and is still active, so i get to keep the account, and in my situation thats a good thing cause no-one else will have me lol WHAT A JOKE rang them this afternoon to find out if the account could be unlocked and they said no sorry this account is being closed having been told this morning that i could have it as a card cash account. advised to go down to branch with id and withdraw the money out. I had to see someone couldnt just draw it over the counter so had to wait 1/2 hour to see someone, so............. luckily (having not got my licence or passport) I just took my council tax bill and my water bill, all the statements i could find from them, anything that would convince them that i am who i say i am, she was very nice and said dont worry about the identity as i have clearance already as she had rang head office while i was there. anyway, withdraw the rest of the cash and put it in my parachute account phew. hope this makes sense (people who have been following my post will know what hassle i've had) anyway i can safely say it is ALL DONE AND DUSTED NOW
  7. brilliant all you do now is wait, impatiently like i did watching the letter box every day lol but I can assure you it will come
  8. if she hasnt heard anything from the preliminary letter then its letter before action now dont give them an inch more time, if the 14 days have passed hope this helps
  9. hi I believe you dont need to at this stage if this is your preliminary letter i would just send the preliminary letter after all they have copies of what you have! I didnt send a spreadsheet in until I filed court action. hope this helps
  10. your not thick at all barry, just go to halifax bank forum and then post new thread the button is at the top left hand corner and fill in your details like you have just done it just makes it easier for the moderators and other peeps to help you as you have all your details in one thread, if need any other help dont hesitate to contact me
  11. good luck with it (you wont need it though)
  12. update: awaiting the money to be paid into today or tomorrow, have asked the lady to supply me with a cash card, according to her the account has just been downgraded to a cardcash account and is still active, so i get to keep the account, and in my situation thats a good thing cause no-one else will have me lol. so everything in the garden is rosy apart from getting a puncture on my car taking the kids to school this morning:mad: its menial to what i have acheived though!!! my shopping list with the amount left over: buy my children a swimming pool:D carpet my lounge:D grrrrrrr get new tyres for car:mad:
  13. hi michelle congratulations, im just waiting for mine to go in today or tomorrow i have just spoke to them about another charge and the interest on the account that went on after i put my claim in, and she said the bank wouldnt refund any more charges!! I said to her I will not hesitate to pursue the amount in the way i have pursued these charges her reply was " I am afraid you will have to go down that route" you will be afraid you snotty moooooooooooooo lolol thats my thought anyway. and out of prinicipal im going to do it. so my suggestion is go for it again. after all it is your money and dont it feel good ive paid off my debt to them, and got a little bit over
  14. hi barry they do have 40 days to comply. i already had my statements so cant help you on the statement bit, but my preliminary letter had an answer quite quickly offering a ridiculous amount, but i heard nothing from my letter before action, it was only the court action that they respond to, they defend the claim, then a week or so later you will receive a letter refunding the charges, plus interest plus the court fee if applicable, sorry i cant be more helpful just a quick question have you posted your own thread? as you will have more of a chance of an answer to any of your questions good luck not that you will need it;)
  15. its disgusting i got charged 30 for going 2.00 over, they make me puke anyway you go get em i just have;) it truly is inspirational reading everyones posts, mind you ive been sat here for 3 hours now reading everything lol good luck with your quest (you wont need it though)
  16. dogspods i seriously thought that as well. but ive just received a letter today and they are refunding my charges + interest
  17. aww brimden, thank you and yes i was so worried, having never done anything like this b4 always been on the receiving end of threatening court since i was divorced 2 years ago!!! (because of the debt the divorce left me), it was nerve wracking i did have a headache making sure i did everything right, i thought at one point when the recorded delivery wasnt showing as being delivered that they hadnt received the letter before action, and i would be the one going to court because i hadnt given them time to receive it etc etc, and then i did have a laugh with mechs about the page 2 on the n1 court claim form, that was so funny i still laugh about it now. but it had got me so worked up about getting it right i failed to see the second page and also i wanted it to be filed for court action before i went on holiday. oh my god when i think what ive been through it does give you such inspiriation and you feel oddly powerful, that you are on the other end so to speak. I would like to think i have some intelligence somewhere but no where near enough to take on the bank without the help and support and confidence i have gained from this site. long may it continue, in the knowledge that we will not be battered down by banks, and we do have the right. good luck with yours and if i can help anyone in anyway i would glady do so xxxx
  18. good luck hedgehog believe me you wont need it but i like wishing it anyway lol go get em!!!
  19. dont worry i had the same problem, just add it to the letter before action (14 days after the preliminary) even after the halifax settling i still have one £28 charge to claim
  20. lol thank you so much although cant enjoy yet, not in my palms lol but it will be ill make sure of that good luck with yours x
  21. ditto to mechs lizzy just a waffle, chocolate, strawberry, maple?????????? nooooooooooo just waffle lol I had exactly the same letter as we all did just carry on good luck
  22. barracad - thank you survey done have pm'd you about donation. Strude - Thank you and good luck with yours Realist - Thank you and good luck with yours Malcontent- Thank you will let you know how i get on sgian -Thank you, yes over the moon when i have it in my palms!!! good luck with yours Lizzy- Thank you good luck with yours Marilyn - Thank you it wont be long hun and thats a promise!!!!! Hedgehog - Thank you and good luck with yours phew think that covers everyone lol will keep you posted on how i get my balance. roooooolllllllllllllllllllllllll on Monday good luck everyone not that you will need it !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. ohhhhhhhh myyyyyyyy godddddddd halifax has paid in full £2981.58 but no cheque and no money paid into the "closing" account do I ring them or wait? with the balance i owe halifax i have about £493.15 to myself but no way of getting at it because the bank took my debit card and cheque book!!! any advice greatly appreciated. Thank you for all of your help and this is a brilliant website I would like to stay around and help others if i can
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