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Everything posted by blinkyblinkyblonk

  1. thanks colour me happy ill just go with it now. if the other letters i sent recorded have been delivered chances are that the halifax has as well. I will carry on as normal on the assumption that they have received it and file my claim on monday thanks for your help
  2. i posted the letter before action recorded delivery, on the 5th june and it is still showing as not been delivered. arghhhhh but i sent a couple of other items recorded on the same day and they have been delivered, it just had to be the blooming halifax thats not showing grrrrrrrrr im going to ring the post office. Too many being sent to that address pmsl!!! had to be the flaming halifax one didnt it just my luck :mad: Do i send another letter before action if it is lost? or do i just wait to see if it arrives??? any help from luvveryly peeps gratefully received thank youuuu
  3. i too posted the letter before action recorded delivery, on the 5th june and it is still showing as not been delivered. arghhhhh but i sent a couple of other items recorded on the same day and they have been delivered, it just had to be the blooming halifax thats not showing grrrrrrrrr im going to ring the post office. the only thing to do is send it again.
  4. congratulations soooo sooooooo nice to hear victory's here's hoping i will be writing on my post soon
  5. hi sue good luck in your quest ive just sent my lba off on the 5th june, I also have paper free online banking and have claimed back since march 2005, i was maybe too eager and should of followed the dpa request but i had all the statements on my pc, its too late now i know as i just did the preliminary letter as i knew how much they took from the statements. I cant remember if i was charged before march 2005, even as it stands its a substantial amountthat i am claiming.
  6. hi dellydaisy, thank you for your words of support it is much appreciated, and good luck with yours
  7. thanks very much, ill keep all me chins up lol just waiting for 19th now to file my claim, ill have to go to the courts in person as i dont have a debit card, but ohhh what a worthwhile trip lol watch this space!!!!!!!!!!
  8. hi colour yes a horrendous nightmare have just phoned co-op and the application has been referred to the underwriters, should hear in a few days:( She also advised to go into a branch I might do that actually, then they can see me face to face which looks something like this:mad: will keep posted on my sarga for a basic "bog standard i want access to my money when i want it" account lol
  9. hi colour me happy thanks for your reply yes it was a step account, just phoned customer services and she said something on the experian credit report must of made them decline. she advised me to get a credit report from them just to see if any one is using my details. I explained i was on a debt management plan, and she didnt seem to think that was the problem, im wondering if halifax have put something on there, as they were the last creditor to go on my debt management plan, and they havent acknowledged my notice of a debt management plan yet, because they keep sending me letters to say ive gone over my overdraft limit, and you will be charged £28.00, all the others have been covered by the dmp. and I didnt have a problem opening a barclays account! I wonder if its because the statement i sent had most of the bank charges on, which in someone elses eyes ie bank would think i cant manage my bank account properly, and as usual if the halifax hadnt of kicked me while i was down, hence the proportion of charges in one month i might of been alright. I wish the nat west could just tell me exactly what made them decide to decline, and I would of been able to shed some light on it. I think its a case of "little Britain" "the computer says noooo" lol
  10. Thank you so much mechs and mechs wife its even better now many thanks for taking time to alter it for me
  11. ooo i just had to reply to this, ive spotted him in salisbury wiltshire!!!! on the 1st june 2006 apparently!!
  12. well still no word from the halifax im not surprised though ive just been declined for a natwest step account gee thanks hit a person when there down never mind i will continue my search for a basic bank account (I only wanted natwest cause they have a solo card with it) im sooo mad )
  13. hi tina welcome I just wanted to let you know that I am on a debt management plan and halifax is one of my creditors, I also had this worry, so on my post i put this, and had a good answer these charges are unlawful and it doesnt matter that you are on a debt management plan you are entitled to claim these unlawful charges back. feel free to read my post and others and its a good idea to familiarise yourself with the step by step guide. and the templates. It truly is inspirational reading through this website, if you have any other worries then just post a reply to your original one and you will get help, but first point is to read and read and do lots of reading lol if it wasnt for this website i wouldnt have gone this far on my own, because i would have had no knowledge to do it, but hey now i have and there is no stopping me. debt management plan or no debt management plan lol:D I am treating them both as seperate entities. although if they do pay up i will clear the debt i have with them and have a little xxxxtra for myself hope this helps good luck
  14. im not sure if anybody else has been offered a refund after the lba, i got offered my refund from the preliminary letter, and said thank you ill take the £605 but if the money is not paid in full by the 19th june i will have no other option but to claim the full amount on my letter before action. In my Letter before action i made references to my preliminary letter reminding them of what i stated in it. hope someone else can help you good luck
  15. hi welcome if you familiarise yourself with the faq you will get a feel of what do to, there is a step by step guide and templates to help you, I do suggest a good look at other peoples posts so you know what happens at what stage. good luck in your quest after all we are all in the same boat. if you do have any questions just post them on your thread and the lovely moderators will help you, or the lovely helpful people will help you also, it is best to take a couple of days reading through the threads so you are sure of each stage, that is what i have done and it gave me confidence to continue, i am now at the stage of having sent my letter before action. good luck
  16. thats the way to do it thats what i said as well you go go go i am
  17. hi i read this post with interest as i am about to embark on a debt management plan and because of the ridiculous charges the halifax have brought about have made them go on it in the first place! (halifax are one of my creditors). however I have treated them separately at the moment, the halifax is on my dmp and i have sent the letter before action to them, if you are already paying them i dont see a problem, as somebody suggested it does reduce the debt in the end if they were to pay it straight into the account, if they send you a cheque you have the opportunity to decide. i wait with interest to see what they are going to do with my case as they have now shut my account, but when i had the gesture of good will there is a box to say pay into account or pay by cheque, im waiting with baited breath, hope this helps in some way good luck with yours power to the people:)
  18. welcome and the best of luck with your claim, i too mulled through the posts for several days before deciding to go ahead, it really is a useful sight and it gives you inspiration when everybody's claim is settled in full ive just sent my leter before action off on monday and they have until the 19th june to respond ! good luck with yours power to the people!!
  19. thats excellent news well done and many congratulations and i do agree with the statement Berks lol
  20. hi delirous I too sent my letter before action on the 5th june and they have until the 19th june to reply, although i've had a gesture of good will amount far lower to what im claiming, im watching your post with interest as we have the same time frame. It seems, through reading other peoples posts that they file the court action and then the halifax defend and a short while the halifax pay up, with the money plus interest plus court fees. im hoping this too will happen to me but alas i am prepared to go to court. good luck with yours
  21. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!! Excellent show, I almost missed it but my mum rang me and told me so only missed a bit!. well done to Dave Bookworm and Lisa, The only bit I didnt like which i think someone has mentioned before was Martyn Lewis 4 steps, about the court bit, if I didnt know much about it that would of scared me!. But ive been reading this website with interest, so nope not scared anymore, but other than that a great show. I will gladly help all newbies and the idea of having helpers on each bank I put my name forward. This website seems to be slow this morning it takes about 3 minutes to turn a page lol, wonder why?????
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