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Everything posted by breeze1996

  1. D&L are Direct and Legal, are the name so another forum said. They seem to be a company who want to help you reduce your debts, by taking money off you for the service. B&E group is Baines & Ernst and Blair Endersby based in Manchester they also have a South African call centre in Durban .They deal with Debt Management and IVAs they also charge a fee to set up and run these type of solutions. looks like you phone and pay 6p min to say go away.
  2. Colour, I want everyone to realise the photo is real and not a fake, and true colour will give me results all the tories want.
  3. You said it's for D/D . Personal or Buisness? As the others have said there is a stay in place unless it's hardship. I know people like to say you can claim and get it back but the banks know they can hide behind the stay because the OFT still need to present their report. You may think you can just claim and get the money back but other than your claim being logged at the court I would be shocked if you got more than the standard wait and see reply back.
  4. Just what I think The plot to give Maggie a "State Funneral" was maybe hatched by Tony Blair, he wrongly thought he would be thought of with as much affection once he had left office, and so was hoping to make it the normal that all PM'S got the same massive send off. Maggie goes to war, so does Tony. Maggie rules with a steel fist in a velvet glove. Tony would like to rule. We think Maggie was one of the greatest, Tony thinks he is the greatest.
  5. Waiting for a boobjob call 55378008 turn upside down if you don't get it.
  6. I got the offer of pay 60%. Then asked for CCA got offer to pay 50% 3 Weeks later got a letter saying no CCA exists and debt has been returned to capital one. So wait and hopefully you too will get the same letter.
  7. Don't forget walkers crisps have free tickets in a BOGOF offer. have just looked up too. you need a train to stoke on trent and then there are buses all morning. look up first travel bus number 32a. Just under £5 for day ticket. Train travel looks to be around £15. I think i would offer a mate £20 to take me, and let him knock that off the price of his ticket.
  8. Has anyone had a CCA found from them? I ask as I too have just been sent a letter saying no CCA exists and they will return the account to the original person.
  9. If you go back to your ebay sale and click on the sellers name, you will see a number highlighted, this is his ebay score. When you click on this it will show you all his sales and you can see if he has done this before. This could then be printed off and use if he is selling more than one car to show he was trading. Just a thought
  10. person whom does no evil, sees no evil and speaks no evil. Even against the banks. that was saintly. 1St Life Line is just a life saver.
  11. I have just signed up for a BT contact and they do tell you quiet clearly that it is for 12 months and they say it 3 times and i was told the call is recorded. So I think you may be out of luck. also how long have you got left? as you said it has been quiet a few charges each month so your time may nearly be up anyway.
  12. Well then he knows the 1/2 wages is a lie. So he must be on £500 a week net. I think the best thing she can do is send the dog to one of the homes that rehouse the pets that way she will know the dog is safe. Get her to make sure she has a housing office and also a doctors note to say it's not good for her or your parents to be housed together as it's causing stress. I know he wants to be involved with the child but she needs to speak to him about his attitude, and explain it is causing his child to be upset. Since she left she has no rights to the house it seems, if she had stayed she could have made him pay for the house. It also says she needs to be careful she isn't classed as making herself homeless as they won't rehouse her. His name being on the birth cert gives him rights to read school report and stuff like the doctors, and about holidays abroad so becareful he can object.
  13. Nothing decided today OFT not ready to start a case will be sending a letter 24th or 25th July to judge.
  14. Just a thought it could be a married name, if the mum had been married then her maiden name could be Shipman.
  15. Check the CSA site it gives a calculator for working out payments. £200 a week wages pays £12 a week to the child. If a parent has 3.5 days access. Also could it cost him more if he goes for her wages as you said he has a good job. So he could be the one who ends up paying more, and once child goes to school or the dad gets a girlfriend I bet the mum ends up with having the child more than the dad does. I'm a single mum, he has no say in who your child can see. Bedtimes, well just say he is in bed by then anyway, but demand the dad has the child in bed at the same time. Unless the child is badly treated tell her it's all just a bloke trying to play power games because she has moved on and he hasn't.
  16. Someone is listening for Legal Begals. They have been talking about old terms, and the QC is fighting our corner very well. There is going to be a Case Management conference at 2pm. Also the Judge thinks the OFT should apply for an injunction against charges being applied, but I will believe that when I see it in print as a legal document. Also did the judge actually say that?
  17. I read on legalbegal that OFT may be applying for a stay on Bank Charges. Could this really be true?
  18. It looks like someone called in the big guns. He needs to win or it will look bad on his CV. Just think do you really think he would have taken the case if he didn't expect to win. The man has gone from strength to strength and I really do think this is a case of putting someone who will fight every step of the way for the side that employs him.
  19. Did anyone clock that Donna was trying to snog Jack, and in a side shot it looked like she got him to. The second Doctor is Human and can't regenerate so will just be a very bright half human male. Cos a really inteligent male doesn't exist.... and him and Rose kissed so does that mean 1/4 time lord babies for another episode?
  20. Ask him to write you a reference as well. or put it in writting that he will not give you a bad one. I've been this route and employers lie, never go alone to any meeting alone and never ever trust someone who works for the company to be a witness, they have to look to their own jobs. I know you want to clear your name but sometimes it's just best to take the money and run, it's a long hard slog, and you will be made to doubt your words in the end. Bad feelings will run through the company as others will always think something must have happened, no matter how much you say different. Sorry I know what i've said isn't nice but if it's making you ill take the money and run.
  21. Just had a laugh over your posts. My Angels are 6 and 11.
  22. I can understand your worries and if you have a deposit with the landlord then he could take that as the last payment, I agreed that he should be paid the rent and yet you are robbing Peter to pay Paul to raise the deposit for a new house, can you not get rehoused by the council? As to the post matter, If any is opened that is an offence, not sure about the holding onto it once it's been put through the door. After all they could say you just didn't pick it up.
  23. Do you all thing the stay will end in july? as the Historic terms will be the ones under review in about 3 weeks time. I keep reading and it looks like the judge really wants to sort this out.
  24. Just checked this out as my sister wants to join BT. Told them it was on our site and they said it has no time limit, you just have to ask for it.
  25. Ask the CSA for a break down of how much you have paid and what is due, they have to send you one, it will list how much is due each day / week / or month for the child how much you have paid and everything else too. I'm not sure how long they have to produce it but just keep asking and it will arrive. That way it will show you how much you owe. Also it could be your employer is causing this problem, because they don't send payment till the 2 week after they take the money from your wages and this means that by the time it is applied to your account it looks like you are in arrears even though the money was taken from your wages. hence if you pay £68 a week you would owe over £150 they took as their computer would see it as such.
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