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Everything posted by breeze1996

  1. But his face has more line than BT. I know Bookworm, you were not looking higher than his chest......
  2. This may see backwards, but if she never in tends to put his name on the Birth Certificate, doesn't want to use the CSA and will claim no money off him, why not just ignor him. Never put anything in writting to agree the baby is his, keep writting to the Solicitor to request silly info and she can cost the ex lots of money, as the first letter is free or cost very little it's afterwards it will cost him to contact her. Also if he is violent get a court order against him to stop him coming to her house.
  3. If you send in your Budget forms also include copies of as many debts as you can find. Abbey are now asking for these, and if you don't they will take the 6 weeks to reply ,only to ask you to fill in a form they now use and to request copies of your debts, they do say you don't need to send them, but when I asked the lady told me it increases your chances of getting a payment for hardship by 20% because they are classed as proof of Hardship.
  4. This Dispute has been running in my house for a couple of months. The OH rants and raves about how good Daniel Craig, and what a great Bond he is. Me, I've watched Casino Royal and it's a good movies but it's not a Classic Bond Movie. He is wrong for the part, too cruel looking, not enough humor in the movie. I really don't like the way Bond is so dirty all the time. No matter how well they dress the man, he just doesn't have the Charisma that is part of Bond. It just smacks of another Timothy Dalton, a thug trying to play the Hero. Yes I know I'm being cruel, but what does everyone else think.
  5. Why have you not been paying? As far as I know, from a friend who went through this the debt will not be written off and you will have to pay, the CSA can even put a charge on your house to recover the debt if the mother request it. Nor will the debt be written off once the child reaches 18. You could try offering to settle for a cash amount with the mother, and then the debt can be closed.
  6. I read this case, as it interested me. I think the Rankine were saying no CCA had arrived but they did exist and the Companys said they had been sent. The Judge thought they could have or were sent so the Rankins ended up paying. They had however had a fair few debts written off before this.
  7. Also to do with low-fat items. Read the full fat once as sometimes there is no difference in the fat levels, just clever labels that say only 5% fat and an extra few pennies on the price.
  8. I agree, send the letter. Don't pay. I would think they have no CCA and are just trying to see if they can get anything from you.
  9. If you really have proof they owe you why not put in a court claim, it won't cost much and they will have to answer or pay up by default.
  10. I meant if you cross reference all the known payments against their statments then you could send them a list of payments no included on your statment and ask them to explain where the money has gone. I had to do this myself and once you show them what payments are missing they (the missing payments) seem to appear. in which case your overpayment can be reclaimed. I used to work in an Accounts Office and for an Accountant, so know if you can prove the overpayment with dates and reciepts the company suddenly find missing money.
  11. If you say you have the records of payments why don't you ask for your statement of the account so you can show which payments they have lost. I am sure you could send them a letter under the data protection act to get copies of every item of information they hold on you, including phone calls. If you can show the account is in credit couldn't you take them to the small claims court for a refund.
  12. What if the Chancellor has put down a condition thay they pay up, as it would put them in a good light and improve the way we all feel.
  13. Mich get your mum to have all the meters read. It's the fact he will have to pay that will get him and that could be over £500 if you think of them all. £150 Electric. £100 Gas £100 Water £150 BT. It really adds up and your mum will forget to do it unless you remind her. He may have D/D on her account for Car Insurance and stuff. Then if he tries to get half the items in the house she can counter claim for unpaid bills. plus she will have proof. Jackie you are so right.... NEVER PUT THEN ON THE RENT BOOK.
  14. I do know a bit about these, did he sign a letter taking him off the tenancy? If not your mum has no way of keeping him out of the house, even the police won't stop him. I know this because we pleaded with my sister not to let her boyfriend put his name on hers. Until his name comes off he can still enter the house and your mum can't even change the locks as the police will still say he is just entering his own home. Your mum needs to speak to the landlord and ask them what she needs to do. It normally takes a court order for him to be removed, however if he causes trouble the Police will get an order to keep him away from the house. As too the goods does your mum have the bills? If she does then she can prove she paid for them, also items in the house before he moved in I'm sure he has no claim on them. Also don't forget she must make sure to tell him what his share of the household bills are. BT, Water, Electric and Gas. Also tell the council so her Council Tax is back to a single persons rate.
  15. CCA it before you pay it. Just think how mad they would be if we could get this message out to more people.
  16. Would it be possible to have a list of which banks own other companies? I just wanted to know reference the £35,000 rule. As now so many are linked.
  17. Why not put some of the spikes down. The ones that let you drive in but not out. then they will ruin the tyres if they don't have to come and ask to be let out. Like a naughty school child.
  18. So what did you call her? Jorja what? I just love the name, we have a real friend call Georgia, but write it your way.
  19. You seem to be one of the ones whom get stuck in a glitch. Can you not take in all this info and show them how difficult it is to attend? Also get your boyfriends parents to write and say they want you to leave you may be able to use this to get help from the council to find a flat.
  20. I think it could be a condition of singing on that you attend. You could try getting a job for a few hours a week that would still let you claim housing benefit and other help. The allowance you get is suposed to cover your costs for attending, or so I was told years ago. I think all it's for is to help motivate you to get back to work.
  21. Thanks Pt you explain it much better, reading it was very long winded. Most people here have no CCA or one that is unreadable, as you say not the same thing at all. So the DCA's will have trouble using it. Unless they want to give us all £60,000 as a gift, in which case I would gladly pay they out of the money once it clears.
  22. Rankine case I just read it. Unless i've got this wrong the companies had proof the documents were sent. The Rankine said not. Also the couple wanted to start a business charging for helping other people. The judge thought they were trying it on, to see how much debt they could write off.
  23. Good manners for debt Collectors by Hugo First. Your money or your life by Stan Den Deliver Handing over money for debts by Ken I Havesum. Junk mail by Phil De Basket CCA Required by Major Setback CCA Required (The Reply) by Stefan Nonsense Will he win by Betty Wont Help Needed with Claim by Linda Hand Adventures in Court. Where have you been By Helen Back Letters from DCA by U Dunni
  24. Not sure of the exact details, sister will be online later and ask her she is just cross he has been on these sites.
  25. No it seems just the address details were entered hence why the bill arrived on her doorstep.
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