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Everything posted by breeze1996

  1. I just had them call me and it makes me so cross. "Is this ******" Yes, who is calling? "Capquest! we need you to confirm some details" what is this about please? "Sorry we need the details to comply with the Data protection!" Yes and I need to know what this is about to comply with my Data protection before I can give you personal details... "I'm sorry then we can'r continue this call" he put the phone down on me wonder why?
  2. i was thinking more along the lines that the bank think your good for a loan of £20,000 and have agreed they made a mistake. Right now it won't affect you but what if in 4 years time once this is paid you want more, they will agree and lend it you, but if your credit score shows you took them to court, you may find the Mortgage you need for that new house you want is very hard to find. I know £12,000 is £12,000 but you could lose and find they want to take the house you have now...
  3. i think I would just accept the 0 % and pay for the next 3 years, too take it to court to get it written off just seems like looking a gift horse in the mouth. You could end up having to pay more not less.
  4. I swear this is ture it just happened.. Answered the phone to debt collector Look he says I'm really sorry we had to send your checque back but the office can not take cheques. £150 cheque sent. Was sending another this week too... How about I reopen the account online and you just pay £50 each month, you don't need to pay till october. I really am sorry if i caused you any worry i've put a stop on us visiting as you have been paying each month and i just hope this will be Ok. He didn't sound new, just like he was trying to help.. It's council tax so will have to pay..
  5. I did hear that too ages ago, but it is only interest that could be taxed as it's like you have invested the money with the bank and will have to pay that to the taxman.. I.e interest payable on £10,000 of returned funds Interest payed by bank £1000 tax payable at 25% would be £250... £11,000 refund tax payable would be £250 the figures arn't right but just to show.
  6. not sure if this will work but did for my sister... She said she had not read the wording on the book, was very sorry it had happened and was willing to pay back overpayments...
  7. I saw in the dailymail they were reducing the fees from £35 to £5 for not having enought to clear an item. Is this going to help much?
  8. Phone kwikfit and ask for a quote, as they have a set price, i think.
  9. You can look on the site and they will tell you how much he will have to pay, but £30,000 only pays about £300 per month for 2 children via the CSA, so she won't be any better off and could well lose money and her ex may then feel he is being chased and react badly. She needs him to put it in writting so he can't take even more off the amount he pays. Also tell him he will need to take the children more in the holidays due to her needing to work. Make him realise that the £100 less per month will cost him his time and effort. Maybe he could also be asked to by clothing for school uniforms and such to help out,so that he is still paying towards the children.
  10. How about writting to the person listed as the last owner and getting them to send you a letter saying whom they sold the car too? After all they must have been paid for the car.
  11. It looks like they paid you the right amount of money i think you don't have to pay tax on the months notice. Was this person covering the job before as if he was or if he covered your holiday leave they can reuse him. I'm just thinking about what sort of case you can bring, as they paid you the monies you would have been owed and I just wonder in current times how much more you could claim and just how long it would take to get.
  12. Have very lucky for the News of the World to have caught Harry saying something that will upset someone. I wonder just how much they had to pay to get hold of something like that? If the poor boy had said it on Saturday that would have been news worthy instead they drag up something that is a mountain out of a mole hill, and 3 years out of date. It wasn't meant as anything other than him having a joke with friends after all the end bit was the joke call to his gran. With all the bad news about the credit-crunch doesn't the fact the media and news are showing it up so much, show how desperate they are for something, anything else to report on.
  13. did you buy the oil when you topped it up as this would be proof it was not low.
  14. Why not just put them on the pavement, so they are still in the same place, just not on the road. Have googled and it seems you can report them to the police and the council for bylaws. They get told once then have to pay a fine. Also where did the cones come from do they have a number to call for them to be collected.
  15. You have got to listen to this it's so funny. The Harassment is on the other foot. Gay lover indeed.... lol
  16. what about doing a transcript of some of the recordings and singing it to say this is a true copy of what was said, after all you have the proof. Also if you mark it for the boss only private and personal he will have it open and be reading it before he realises what it is. After all most of us will read a letter to the end even if we won't admit it, then he would know what you feel he needs to. Also you were there so no one can object to you making a record of something you witnessed.
  17. It seems you can go in with ID and ask for it to be closed. Stand firm and if the bank so no ask them to sign to confirm you have been in and asked for them to close the account, and that they know you no longer want to be on the account, and that the other person is now to pay all charges on that account. This should make them remember you can close it.
  18. Yes, and boys was it embrassing for both of us. Better yet, got embrassed by my little sister call someone fat when they were 9 months gone. Has anyone ever told someone they need to go home for an emergency just to escape a bad date?
  19. the times do a good one too. Mine was £10 a month
  20. Hey don't raise my hopes.. it may be warm there. House of Commons London SW1A 0AA
  21. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general-debt-issues/93848-amex-allied-international-credit.html Seems like they couldn't supply a CCA to this person. Think they may be fishing for a payment. What would happen if someone paid the reduced amount to this company. would it mean the other £8,000 could never be collected by the original company? Yes I do know that no CCA means no debt.
  22. Debt UK Ltd 27, Chenies Close, Coventry, West Midlands CV5 9HR Tel: 024 7695 0040 quick search turns up an address and phone number.... yes really.
  23. Ask them for a wage slip of what will be paid before you return the goods. That way you have proof they agreed to pay you. Also print out a reciept for the goods and get them to sign it, and take a witness. Put this in writting and send it to them that way you have agreed to do as they asked but the matter is in dispute and you will have shown you intend to return their goods, even if it doesn't happen on their agreed date. In other words cover your ****.
  24. I think you can back tax it. If you find the old reminder and just pay for it. It seems there is a £80 charge for not being taxed and it looks like it will be cheaper just to back tax it.
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