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Everything posted by raydetinu

  1. It always pays to stop and consider all options, do research before any major purchase! Result, pleased for you, got a second chance.
  2. depends what their terms are, if you still purchase a car from them they may let you switch plans. or they may just charge you an admin fee. Also you may be able to cancel if they have not given you all the information needed to understand what the contract involves; i.e. all the terms, repayments etc.
  3. just take it back and tell them whats wrong and see how it goes from there?
  4. it really depends on the date of the last contract you have, not when you stared residence.
  5. LL cant increase rent unless current contract allows that as a provision! or at the start of a new one. Have you given LL written notice that you are vacating with the correct period, or is it at the end of the contract.
  6. Do not let them take any internal photos! Do not accept any viewings unless convenient and that Agent has told them it has a sitting tenant, so could all be a waste of time. You never know LL may give you a large inducement to move?
  7. need a bit more info. about the contract, start date, end date, has it gone periodic etc. Only thee LL can agree to somebody being added, removed from a contract. Was proper notice given and accepted by the LL. normally you cant remove name from contract as that would limit LL's recourse if anything went wrong?
  8. Great news, hope it all goes well and does not take too long. Unfortunately this is not an uncommon occurrence! main contractor/developer subs out the works and does not supervise or make checks, inexperienced operatives etc. However, insurance scheme inspectors are supposed to pick up any defective work along the way as are building control.
  9. Eric, If the council was not used as the Building regulation authority then they will not have any records; The client/builder can use any number of regulation inspectors or building regulation checking firms, since it was put into the private domain. Planning has nothing to do with building control.
  10. Gallery! This is an advice forum, not a social media site! and that's what we did when the OP raised the problem of non-protected deposits and LL not getting rent. It just flowed from there. This is not the first thread on the subject. But from what's been said there does seem to be some illegal activity! So unless you can offer some practical advice to the OP and others that appear to be owed money, there is no point in you posting anything!
  11. well you are entitled to all the certificates from Premier! Its your house they are guaranteeing! Chase them hard, not by phone though. if copies of certificates not forthcoming, then that's suspicious in itself. Keep everything in writing. Also the building regs would need to be signed off, but may not be the council, could be private, so check with them as well. Defo get a good surveyor or structural engineer to do a report on each house. If you have a mortgage, get them involved as well.
  12. Does not really help anyone; not advice just an opinion! If as you say you are neutral, were you not put off by the comments above and make you think twice, most uninvolved people would be, or at least investigate a bit further before dealing. So if you have any evidence, such as deposits protected, contracts honoured, best to say nothing or we might just think you are a bit biased!
  13. OK M51, all for making things less complicated.
  14. I stand to be corrected, but is not form S21 4a to end a periodic tenancy?
  15. If you do that then you are tied in for six months? or until she defaults on payments! same result. and she still may sue!
  16. you need to use form S21 4a to end a periodic tenancy, make sure you give the correct notice and get the dates right, but you must first return any deposit for it to be valid. And then hope she does not sue you for non-protection!
  17. As long as car is roadworthy and not in a dangerous condition then it your problem. The seller does not have divulge any history as long as the car is legal. However it was miss described, like not been in accident or HPI free, you may have a case. caveat emptor!
  18. S21 not valid, if deposit not protected. Tenancy still valid with new owner ( unless repossessed ). problem for seller if he has sold it with vacant possession, as it will not be! You need to find out what the sale situation is?
  19. Hang on a minute, bedroom tax does not apply to private rental agreements; the council will only pay what the claimant is entitled to, irrespective of the size of property! So if there has been an overpayment it has nothing to do with how many bedrooms it has. I would suggest you do nothing at the mo. and evict if she falls behind with rent, and return deposit when you issue a section 8, and hope she does not sue for non-protection of deposit. That way it is all down to tenant. You could get further advice on the landlordzone web site.
  20. I suggest if you want to stay, you contact the LL and get it sorted out. Have they issued you with an S21 yet?
  21. Was the existing supply for the cooker actually connected to the meter or branch connection. If there was no gas cooker and the branch or supply disconnected then I would assume they deemed it was no longer needed and did not reconnect it, un less specifically told to reconnect it.
  22. Building control is entirely separate and nothing to do with Planning, and as such can ask for anything and everything they think necessary to approve and sign off on the build. All the above SAP,EPC etc. will be required for any substantial extension, not only new build. Did you make a full plan submission for b.regs? if not why not! OK takes a bit longer but you would get a list of things that need to approved before you start. Building notice submission, you are totally at risk!
  23. Not really 8.1 to 8.3, if these clauses are acknowledged by the tenant either by their initials or referenced to in the main contract then little they can do, as IMHO would not class as unfair. Tenant could have crossed them out by agreement or plain just not accepted them before signing contract. Old adage; read the contract before signing it! however the others could be challenged to reflect the actual cost rather than just punitive!
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