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Everything posted by raydetinu

  1. Good luck, with any sense he will not continue, as judge will probably through it out anyway.
  2. Hope they don't get away with it. Dont understand why the Police have not done anything, like they did down here in Cornwall?
  3. go through your contract with the agents and note where they have not fulfilled their side of the agreement or performed poorly! Write to them pointing these areas out and this is why you are terminating the contract, which you are entitled to do. Hopefully they will see that and not worth continuing, however they would still have the right to take you to court but you have a valid defence.
  4. This sounds like a health and safety issue ( blocking escape route! ). Suggest you send a photo to LL ( freeholder or whoever is arranging the works and point this out ). Also may worth contacting local council environmental health dept. As for upgrade electrical work, this would be in your lease, regarding what you pay and notice etc. May be worth contacting Andydd on here, as he is our Lease expert.
  5. As with any auction, Its Caveat Emptor; buyer beware! If it has no major faults, I doubt a court would uphold your claim. However no harm in trying?
  6. No, your contract is valid, they are in breach of TS rules, nothing to do with you.
  7. any increase, does not have to be via an S13, but you can ask for one, as it sets your rights etc. No you do not have to accept but then you may get a S21 notice for repossession. Yes if you accept then you should get a new contract with the new terms etc.
  8. yep, give notice now, however if the tie in ends in 4 weeks that would be the end as well. I presume you don't pay anything until sold! I cant see them paying for an EPC for nothing? however it must be included in any advertising, or is a breach of Trading Standards
  9. correct the LL is in breach of the regulations for gas safety and you can report this to HSE on line. They take this seriously and may take action on the LL. Also the property should have an EPC, if not this can be reported to trading standards. Electrical safety is also important, but no legislation on certificates required at the moment, however the LL has a duty of care to ensure al is safe and you should request details of any checks/inspections. The council after inspections will contact LL and inform of what action they require. make sure you get things in writing/email for records.
  10. A few basics; Have you actually signed an AST yet? but does not really matter as you have paid, but would be an extra. Did you pay a deposit, which has to be protected; usually a months yet or so. Anyway you would have a valid claim against the LL for breach of contract, and you should keep a record of all out of pocket expenses and inconvenience. I suggest you email the LL, and Agent to tell them what this is costing you to keep waiting, extra rent/monies/moving changes and ask tell them you will be sending them the bill and of course if you still want to move in you will not be paying any rent until you can.
  11. you need to email the agents and describe what you are prepared to do as previously understood from the original agreement and get them to check with LL if acceptable and see where you go from there. If carpets need replacing, not worth cleaning them!!!
  12. Have you tried using headphones??? or indeed wifi speakers, such as VEHO much better than the squeaky laptop speakers!. then you be a long way from the laptop.
  13. It should be signed for, to confirm it was delivered. No signature then no prove it was delivered., however it has been known for couriers to sign it! Also the courier or postie should have left a note telling you the house no.it was left at. And they should not do that unless specifically agreed they could do that. Have you checked they do have a signature? If you do not wish to take seller to court then the only thing to do is give bad feedback!
  14. Agree with U67, cannot see any problem and you would both benefit from the privacy. have a word with the neighbour about your proposal.
  15. Was the deposit protected? if not they cannot deduct anything! if it is then they need to contact the scheme and raise a dispute, which they will look into. ( LL can only claim for what is fair and not include fair wear and tear ). or she can take LL to court for return of deposit and let a judge deicide what is fair. ( can do tis on line MCOL ).
  16. They are unfair and unless agreed, you don't have to pay! Why did you renew your contract, it could of just gone periodic? did you speak to LL? does he now they are charging these fees to you? they are probably charging the LL as well for a new contract administration?
  17. probably best to open with LL, if you want to stay, and discuss the rent. she may want security as well, that you are going to stay; and maybe agree to sign a new contract for a slightly higher rent, say £675 ( negotiate ).
  18. sit tight, do not alert her to the fact notice is invalid! wait until she starts court procedure, who will throw it out if deposit not protected. she will have to issue S21 notice after she has returned deposit. then you can sue for non-protection. so you have quite a few months yet. but maybe worth looking for somewhere else, but take your time.
  19. sorry to hear that; it happened to me a few years ago, went on my own as a consultancy and so far so good. all the best for the future.
  20. The easiest way to sort is to contact the deposit scheme, (which you should of done when you moved out ) and raise a dispute which they will look into. and resolve providing you and the LL agree to it. Any monies not in dispute must be returned to you within 14 days of you moving out.
  21. the council may be interested, but be careful as things are subjective and sometimes personnel!
  22. Go for it, claim the lot and let the judge decide! and also add that the deposit was not protected, judge may well rule on that but no guarantee. the only thing not clear, is at what stage in the contract you were, had it finished and become periodic? did you both give the LL the required one months notice in writing? ( joint tenants?) if not then he may be correct in wanting keep some of the deposit in lieu of notice?
  23. Not sure what's right here? Was the deposit protected by DPS? which is a custodial scheme, i.e they hold all the deposit! not LL. or was it another insurance backed scheme? where LL keeps deposit. If DPS, they should still have it, unless you did not raise a dispute, and handed it back to LL.
  24. how long was the AST for? that should of raised alarm bells when asked to agree to it rather than a proper contract! I would also suggest that the text agreeing that they did inform the tenants they could stay may well trump the AST if taken to court as tenants did not actually sign the AST. So we have a verbal conflict, perhaps worth seeking legal advice and taking it to court.
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