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Everything posted by raydetinu

  1. was an inventory/condition report done when you moved in to compare with the one on exit? Difficult to prove any damage or condition if nothing to compare it too!
  2. They will want and independent report on the fault though!
  3. phone them, local court or contact money claim on line.
  4. you can take court action on anything, but best to get problems sorted. If you do you may get a S21, however the law may be changed so they cant chuck you out if you complain, but not yet. best to leave it till you leave as long as you have it all recorded in some way, letters, emails etc. and their response or lack of. make sure anybody working on your boiler is gas safe registered; have you got a gas safe certificate for the property.
  5. thanks 4502 for clearing that up. OP may not need a solicitor; OP just needs to set out his position to the LL and see what they do from there. OP stay where you are and keep up with the rent.
  6. but OP signed an AST in 2008? does this not supersede/ cancel the original tenancy ? was any deposit paid and is it protected?
  7. They have no right to take check out fee from deposit. up to you if go through ADR, but usually good place to start, as if you win that and they still wont refund you have that decision on your side. Nothing to stop you in fact doing both, Start proceedings if you wish, but send them a letter before action stating that you want all your money back or will start proceedings. As for the notice, you gave that when you signed the six month contract.( contract valid for six months and that's it ). can only be extended by agreement, which is taken if LL does not issue a S21 before the end of the contract.
  8. as long as dealer has offered to repair at his cost, that is all he is obliged to do. You cannot insist it be done locally unless he agrees, or you come to some arrangement, such as he pays parts only. Fom his point of view he does not want to pay somebody else their profit etc. and can write off labour costs and get parts at trade.
  9. not with standing any of the above, I hope you have now put a drop box on the inside of the letter box, to stop dog accessing the flap. Because if it happens again you would be in deep do do!!! ( so to speak ).
  10. you need to check with PO, no houses or flats should have same no/street/post code!
  11. agree notify insurers and let them deal with it. You will have to make a statement though.
  12. Of course you don't have to pay if they are not doing what they had signed up to. I trust you put all your complaints in writing and it would be useful if all defects were documented and dated. Also I presume you wrote to them terminating the contract and why! That's it; if they take you to court you will have evidence of non-performance.
  13. RO, cant really see the point on posting on old threads! If any body has a problem now, they will start a new thread and hopefully get current advice. You probably have sound advice to give, but of limited value on old threads, as most people will not trawl though old threads! suggest you wait until a new thread or question comes up.
  14. I know O2, can be awkward, but it is worth keeping on at them; It does depend on who is on the end of the phone at the end of the day. Always best to contact service team at or near the end of your contract and get the best deal or you will go somewhere else; Tesco offer great deals at the mo. I have been with O2 for about 20 years now, nearly always bought my own phone from somebody like 'Expansys' current deal is unlimited calls, unlimited txts, 5GB data, all for £19/m sim only.
  15. As far as I am aware and the DPS say, you do not have to re protect deposit when contract goes periodic; it just carries on, on the same basis. The only time this became contentious is when the contract went periodic after April 2007, before that date you did not have to protect deposit, however the court ruled that a SPT is in fact a new contract, regarding deposit protection, and therefore when the localism act came in on April 2012 the deposit had to be protected, for all contracts that came about after April 2007.
  16. other than re-filing and starting again, that's it. but you must be prepared to attend or get somebody to represent you (maybe ?). up to judge!
  17. If you get OK on the electrics ( in writing and he is qualified etc.) then I think the risk would be minimal, but in your situation its one you may have to take.
  18. yes its 14 days from the day you move out, if there is no claim on it ( damages or dispute etc. ). You need to let the deposit scheme you have moved out and the date; they will then contact LL about releasing it, if LL makes no claim within 14 days they will release or instruct them to release if insurance based scheme. If LL or agent do not refund money the scheme will. Any amount not in dispute must be released to you. The disputed amount must then be lodged with the scheme, until resolved.
  19. I think the fixed term aspect of your AST has been superseded by the LL acceptance of your notice and not saying you will have to pay rent to the end, and in fact is planning to move straight back in, so not out of pocket or claim for expense. But there will be if you stay! So as for minimising costs, suggest you move out to temp accommodation if necessary until new place ready ( hopefully new LL or insurer will pick up tab for that ). Pregnancy not withstanding of course, the prospect of upsetting someone is going to be high!! Its a risk and I sympathise.
  20. No need for new deposit protection, just rolls over as long as LL pays fee etc. best to check with scheme that protection is in place with new LL. Rent can only be increased once in 12 months, and have to give a minimum of one rent period notice, however if you have paid it then you have accepted it. Council were notifying you as interested parties so you could comment or object to the proposals, before they give approval. Contract exists if you have been formally notified of change of LL and their details( contact address in UK etc. ). I believe you are now on an SPT basis, ( however you do say you signed a six month extension in August? ) so LL would have to give you at least two months clear notice of repossession, as M51 says, which as you know after that date they can court action to evict which could take a few more weeks. so if you have not had an S21 yet you are ok to about February at least; could be more but would depend on how far advanced their plans are for starting work. The Council will not let you know when the Application is approved; you can check progress and comments on the Councils Planning Portal. Maybe worth getting all the tenants together and approaching the LL as a group, as potentially you could delay their plans if you stick together! and maybe negotiate a longer notice period or incentive for things to go smoothly.
  21. How do the council know when the refurb works will start? and why would it require Planning permission unless major alteration work envisaged! granting of planning permission is valid for three years, so LL can start work anytime before that expiry date. Maybe an idea to ask LL/LA what the programme is for the works.
  22. Quite, it does not have to be fault free, but cannot be sold if dangerous or un roadworthy ( unless any faults are described and detailed ). anyway more fool them for paying a deposit without even seeing it!
  23. You seem to be a bit stuck, but the situation was not exactly a surprise regarding the pregnancy! ( hope all goes well with that, avoid stress if you can). You just have to do what's best, and see how it goes. Good of the LL to modify contract, which I presume was all done in writing and signed where modified? However now it would appear you will have to stay beyond your date of the 10th and negotiate something with LL. and negotiate with new LL regarding new flat. ( have you paid deposit and first rent for that? ). Good luck and hope they will understand the predicament you are in.
  24. This is not clear, if you signed an AST, the minimum term is six months ( that it is why it is called assured, you have a secure contract for six months ), if no period is stated then that is what deemed the minimum period. If you had another type of contract with no fixed term that would be a periodic tenancy! month by month and as such once you have given LL notice that it is it you cannot take it back, the S21 is therefore irrelevant at this stage and if you stay beyond that LL is entitled to the extra rent as said. Your notice must also end on the day before a rent period day, with a minimum of one months notice. so from what you say would actually end on 30th November 2014! however if LL has agreed to you moving out on 10th November, so be it. just to be clear, is there a deposit and has it been protected? As for new flat, if you have signed a contract and paid the deposit and/or rent then a contract exists and the LL must honour that or compensate you if he cannot meet the dates, by providing alternative accommodation or financially.
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