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  1. Hi everyone, Well, the judge set aside this judgement in early October on the basis that I wasn't present. This was in spite of the fact that they knew I lived in the USA and had written to them to ask whether I can join proceedings by skype of conference call. No response received to my letter. Do I have any further choices, or is this it? Thanks for any advice.
  2. Hi, Still nothing received by the courts from the defendant, so I'm guessing they are using delaying tactics. Does anyone have any idea how I find out what their bank details are?
  3. I think what they are saying is that the court did not receive their original defence within the time limit allowed , and therefore the court awarded judgement to me by default. I think they are planning to resubmit their paperwork so we'll see what the judge says about that. Either way, I'm not prepared to drop this issue. They were a bleeping nightmare to deal with the whole time they had my property to let and even if I just cause them a headache, it's working for me! Thanks for taking the time to reply, it's much appreciated. I'll let you know how it goes.
  4. Just had an email from them saying they are still fighting the judgement (claiming their paperwork not received by the court). So, looks like I won't be at the enforcement stage yet. After this experience I will never let my house out again
  5. I've looked at all of the options for enforcement of the judgement and a bailiff I belive can take goods, but not goods that pertain to that person or business's work. The letting agents have an office, but it's filled with computers, desks and office equipment, so that route didn't look that good to me as I can't imagine there would be enough qualifying goods to the value of my claim. Whereas if they had their bank account frozen and the judge made the order to deduct what I'm owed from there, that seemed to me to be the more productive path. Would welcome your opinion guys, and thanks!
  6. Thank you for responding. The value is 3095.00 GBP. Can you tell me what a HCEO is?
  7. I have taken a lettings agency that let my property to the small claims court and have received a judgement as they defaulted and did not reply to the summons. The judgement was mailed to them on August 3, so they have received it by now. I have sent a polite but firm email requesting payment in full within the next 7 days, but I'm anticipating that they will ignore this. The next potential step is enforcement via a third party debt order, but it states in the instructions that I must appear in person at the court when this goes to the judge. I'm resident in the USA, so this isn't practical. Does anyone know whether this can be done by Skype?? If it can't then what type of enforcement would be best? Would appreciate any help and advice - thanks in advance!
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