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Tony P

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Everything posted by Tony P

  1. If they admit you passed in 2002 they clearly have some record of it to agree with you. Therefore what is their problem in you applying for a replacement license? I can possibly understand you would be breaking the Law if drive (you mean ride?) "without a License" (meaning it is lost) - until you receive the replacement.
  2. You should study and follow Scouse Magic's Post #4 above. Ensure you follow the time limits. Post up here the Court papers you received, having covered all info that can identify you or this case (Court Claim number, your name/address, vehicle number, date/time of alleged parking, 'ticket' number, etc.). Once we have that a Defence specific to the nature of the Claim can be prepared. Reference to your Father's death will not move PE, who are avaricious in the extreme, nor the District Judge who has to deal with points of Law, not emotion and sympathy.
  3. It's your call at a difficult time for you. That is what keeps them in business - frightening unnecessary money out of those who cannot understand, fight or cope. If you fight, you will get full support all the way through the process from people here.
  4. My understanding is that although Local Authorities are responsible for demanding, pursuing and collecting Business Rates, they do not keep the money but pay it over directly to the Government. This being so, there seems little direct incentive for Local Authorities to look into the matter - other than social responsibility which, if they are cash strapped, would be an expensive luxury for the Council Tax payers to suffer with no gain.
  5. Not quite right - a CCJ can only issued if you fail to pay what the Judge ordered within the time limit he said.
  6. Would these not be Business Rates ? My understanding is that although Local Authorities are responsible for demanding, pursuing and collecting Business Rates, they do not keep the money but pay it over directly to the Government. This being so, there seems little direct incentive for Local Authorities to look into the matter - other than social responsibility which, if they are cash strapped, would be an expensive luxury for the Council Tax payers to suffer with no gain.
  7. Matt. As well as please answering SgtBush, I'm a little confused (not difficult!) over dates/timing and need a clearer idea of the sequence of events. A. Following DVLA's letter of Jan 2013 you wrote a letter 'comfirming' it had been sold. Still January? B. When was the bike actually sold? (both the Ebay auction end date AND when the guy paid and took it away, if different by more than a day or two) C. When did the 'tax' run out? D. If the 'tax' ran out after you sold it (B), did DVLA still send you a reminder to renew the 'tax' in the month it expired? As an aside, you would know the Ebay avatar of the Buyer. Did you try approaching Ebay as to his identity in view of both DVLA's initial letter and the Court Case?
  8. Thanks Sam and Ray. The Finance Act 2013 received the Royal Assent and became Law a few weeks ago (I know from other contents of personal interest, the Statutory Residency Tests!!). The SORN will be one less 'chore' for me - and one less "nice little earner" for DVLA! DVLA have not caught up yet - I just renewed a SORN expiring at the end of this month. The next is in 4 months so I will await with interest to see. Interesting, I recall in Cameron's opening year he asked people what Laws/Regulations should be removed. A large response was the need to re-SORN annually. Not exactly People Power, but good to know someone listens - sometimes.
  9. A question for those who know more than I. I have a number of vehicles in long term storage on SORN and it is my intention to keep them thus for the short/mid term. Mail to my UK address, including SORN reminders, takes many weeks, sometimes months to reach me so I must rely on memory to do it on-line. However the SORN expiry/renewal dates are spread throughout the year. QUESTION. Is it possible to get SORN dates altered so they all expire at the same time and I only need remind myself to do this once a year? TIA
  10. Great. I understand your elation (and why not?) but don't be grateful. How many just pay up, encouraging them to try the same elsewhere, as often as possible? These Sсammers should not have put you in that position in the first place. They tried it on to get your money, but like most bullies, withdrew at the hint of a contest. Others, please note - and be grateful to Shezza for showing it is possible.
  11. Driver or Registered Keeper, don't pay! But don't ignore it. (Neither admit to being the Driver when they contact the RK.) Read the Stickys and the box when you put your mouse on parking eye, and take it from there. Come back for specific help as the matter progresses
  12. I would seek the opportunity to 'talk' to them through a Magistrates' or County Court. That will give a reasonable (but not certain) chance of an informed, impartial referee who rules and both parties must accept.
  13. To appeal to PoPLA you first need a reference code. You only get this from PE's rejection of your appeal to PE.
  14. When they reject your appeal they should provide a PoPLA reference number for an appeal to them. Come back here, or study the Stickys.
  15. More information needed. Are these supermarket visits in the course of his Employment or his private use of the car? Private I guess, so the Contract of Employment needs to be looked at, particularly in relation to private use of the car. Are we talking about 'Penalty Charge Notices' issued by Local Authorities and Police or does the wording of the CoE have a wider wording that could include supermarket 'parking invoices' ? (assuming the Employer knows or cares about the difference) The Employer is the RK so receives Driver enguiries and is liable for RK liabilities arising from the car's use. The charging of a Fee for the admin of dealing with these is usual within Car Hire Rental agreements - so why not here?
  16. Yeah. Great sentiment. What I find difficult it why your altruism has been dormant for a quarter of a year. And if anyone else got hurt during your dormancy should they be looking to you for redress, you having failed to protect them from themselves, following you becoming aware of 'your' problem?
  17. If they were so confident of their position they would have zapped you months ago. So why not?? Think about that. They are not being friendly - just trying to con or sсam money from you. Otherwise you would have had Court papers by now!
  18. Excuse me others - Ray, I am unclear on your post. I have a 1962 car in various boxes and lock ups around west London. I bought this in 1990 and put 'it' in my name/address. I since moved from that UK address but let this be as there was no chance of the car hitting a road for the time being. If I register a change of address to a current one that will find me, will the car come into the Continuous Licensing/SORN cycle? (a real PITB as it will be a few years yet before it is reassembled!) Your post suggests if I just change my address with them there are no consequences DVLA-wise, for years to come, as long as it remains off public roads/etc. That would be great. TIA.
  19. Not really off topic - Thanks Eric's bro for reminding me of dear old Mrs Carlill. 121 years old and still on the ball. Fiesty woman!
  20. SORN - or as below. Yep. But the moment he taxes it, it then falls within the Continuous Tax/SORN and Insurance system thereafter.
  21. http://www.britishparking.co.uk/write/Documents/AOS/12_AOS_CoP_June_2013_update.pdf BPA Code of Conduct (third version - they keep making it up!) - 13.4 You should allow the driver a reasonable period to leave the private car park after the parking contract has ended, before you take enforcement action.
  22. Yes. It would clarify or open a number of queries/avenues regarding their following their trade body's procedural rules, or not. We can take it from there once we know what happened to the 'appeal' you never made and their reply you never received!! Try not to admit to being the Driver by not using the first person singular.
  23. If the Invoice is withdrawn/cancelled the victim feels relief, even gratitude. Whereas he should be angry with the shop(s) he was using for their part of the ongoing sсam on their own customers that they invited to spend money with them. Also let the shop know both directly and by not shopping there again.
  24. If PE wrote rejecting your 'appeal', they should have included a reference for you to appeal to PoPLA (and cost PE £27+VAT) and is binding on them but not you! But you never got it because you never sent an appeal! I would also insist on a copy of PE's rejection of your 'appeal' to them.
  25. No they don't want that. They wanted to frighten you into paying straight away. However the BPA "rules" require they must now offer you POPLA (which will cost them money). If the POPLA decision goes against them, they are bound by the decision and have to cancel the 'ticket'. If the POPLA decision goes against you, you are NOT bound by the decision - opening the way for more threat-o-grams and possibly Small Claims Court papers, where you can defend yourself to an impartial and better legally qualified District Judge, than the law students POPLA use.
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