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  1. Hi all Further to my earlier threads regarding me having a ticket and Parking Eye still wanting £100 this was my response.... "Please supply a photograph of car windscreen showing lack of parking ticket or over stay of time" I also added......"May I draw your attention to the last paragraph on your parking charge reminder" It states " We would like to remind you that,if you were the driver at the time of the parking event you are required to pay or appeal the parking charge" I would also add that I was not the driver. Outcome = Parking charge dropped..........Yay.
  2. Hi all I have noticed that on the bottom of the parking note sent by parking eye it say's " If you were the driver at the time of the event you must pay the charge now or appeal" Now to me that means, if you WERE the driver? also it means pay up now OR appeal. What do you think.
  3. Hello all, We did have an endowment mortgage which has recently been paid up. Over the years when the rates went down we kept out payments the same so that we would not have to much to make up. Last month we made our last payment and to my joy didn't have to make up any payment. But strangely we didn't get any back either. What are the chances of the final payment being exactly right after 20 odd years! Has anyone come across this before, or is someone conning me?
  4. Thanks for your reply and your link to Hawkshead. Incidentally I have just noticed what the last paragraph states on the invoice, it says " We would like to remind you that,if you were the driver at the time of the parking event you are required to pay or appeal the parking charge" See, if you were the driver. Well there is one answer to that.
  5. Hi all, I have recently had a great time in the lake district, now about a fortnight later I have had a parking charge from parking eye for a car park in Hawkshead. Through the holiday we used many car parks including the one in Hawkshead twice. So of course we had a ticket for every car park visited. surly they should provide a photograph of my car with no ticket. Of course I didn't keep the ticket, I have been driving for forty odd years and have never ever kept tickets. Comments/advise please.
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