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  1. Sorry to repeat this subject again, but we have been given a fine by DVLA, now being dealt with by the Enforcement Centre. Here is our story.... Dates are approximate...... We sold our old car to a friend (22 Dec 12). The following day, we sent our doc for change of ownership and the new keeper sent the Sorn. The tax was due at the end of Dec, but as she was having an extended stay with family she sent the sorn. A day or 2 later the new keeper goes away and we do our thing.......... Then out of the blue, around the 20 Feb, we receive a fine for failure to declare or tax the vehicle. On enquiring about the vehicle and this particular subject, niether DVLA or the enforcement Centre can share any information. So we challenge using the appropriate area on the penalty letter. A week or so later, mysteriously the new log book arrives at the new keeper.... But it takes around 5 days for us to receive our acknowledgement. Only last week on the 21 Mar we received a rejection of the appeal saying we can still pay at the reduced rate if done before 20 Mar..................... Yeah, check the date.... Even if we did want to pay. They printed/ wrote the letter on 13 Mar and the post date on the envelope was 18 Mar. Great system!! On another enquiry at this stage, DVLA stated they do not record when Docs are received, but should... "should" be processed within 20 days. But how can they audit this then? My wife has worked in a legal system and I in a place requiring proof of stuff also for legal reasons. Surely they should date/ time stamp things otherwise have no case? Part of their rejection states that we did not notify them.... Yeah we did. By post. As too did the new owner. Because they owned the vehicle. But DVLA also say we should have sorned the vehicle or tax it as it was our responsibility until the acknowledgement was received. This is actually my wifes car/ excar so its actually all her paperwork etc. But am I right in saying we are correct to fight the fine witha chance of being successful. £40 half price, £80 even would bankrupt us, but I'm not in the habbit of paying fines for things I haven't done..... Or in this case subsidising improvement to a poor DVLA system. MY wife requested another complaint letter today, which is quoted on the back of the letter from the enforcement letter as being processed within1 day of request. But the person on the phone quotes we'll get it in 7-10 working days. Further more evidance that These departments rules/ guidelines/ regulations/ procedures are all a bit willy nilly to say the least and don't tie together. Should I/ we dispute this again with the letter I've seen on another post from May 2012 "failure to notify?
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