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Everything posted by citizenB

  1. Surely you would claim from the Shoe shop, who in turn would then need to submit a claim to Hermes for the lost package ??
  2. I must admit, I did wonder how items coming from China, are often listed with free postage on Ebay !.
  3. Semen ?? Human, animal ?? I was slightly concerned to see such a huge tanker of 'Semen' so, I looked the company up and if I read this correctly, they are listed in the following sections. Liquid Nitrogen Manufacturers Nitrogen Gas Manufacturers Veterinary Glove Manufacturers Artificial Insemination Glove Manufacturers Liquid Nitrogen Gas Manufacturers Liquid Nitrogen Container Manufacturers Veterinary Instrument Manufacturers Liquid Nitrogen Tank Manufacturers
  4. BF, it would appear from post # 1 that wheresmystuff received the vouchers from his/her employer !
  5. I do try to support local stores wherever possible. So this is a great idea, thank you for bringing it to my attention.
  6. That will upset 'The Orange one' cos he seems to think that having caught it (or not as the case may be), that he is now immune !
  7. It's not the role of a mediator to provide legal advice. cjcregg... This is rather a random statement to make and hardly worth discussing when there is a Guidance Note in the CAG library which BankFodder provided in 2015, giving great detail about mediation.
  8. The very first meal I cooked for my husband in 1969 was an absolute disaster. Having been brought up on a farm, chickens were fresh from farm yard to oven. So I did not realise that I had to defrost the one I purchased from the supermarket.. the awful smell coming from the oven was the plastic bag containing the chicken innards !! Our landlady, who lived in the ground floor flat of the converted property, came to my rescue with a cookery book titled 'Radiation, New World, Cookery Book' Which despite now falling apart is still regularly used. I found one for auction on eBay, (mine is actually in better condition) selling at £52.00.
  9. https://www.accountancydaily.co/five-things-you-need-know-furlough-and-zero-hours-workers The link above is more for Employers, however, it looks to me as though they should have received her permission to furlough her and put this in writing and her furloughed payments should be based on the previous year's earnings for whichever month she is being paid. You might want to wait for more experienced advice and/or contact HMRC to obtain further information. 2. Do I need to get a zero hours worker’s permission to furlough them? Yes, it is best to discuss your decision with your worker first and make sure you have their agreement before you put them on a period of furlough. You should also make sure that you put this decision in writing and make it clear that their furlough status is only temporary. 3. All eligible workers are entitled to 80% of their wage as part of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (JRS). How is that calculated for zero hours workers? Good question. If your worker’s pay varies because they are on a zero hours contract, then the 80% limit will be based on the same month’s earning from a previous year, or their average monthly pay during the 2019-20 tax year - whichever is highest.
  10. If the item was damaged in transit, then I would think it is up to the trader to claim back the postage fee and allow you to return it post free !.
  11. You are probably right, Hightail.. however, just because those 2 fields are possibly not available right now, they may well be in the future and the stunt performer sounds very interesting !
  12. It is quite interesting, a bit of fun if nothing else. Although with a lot of people perhaps losing their jobs through the pandemic - people might find it worth the effort to find out what else is out there should they have the need to change career paths.
  13. A friend has been sending me some funnies, which I thought I might share with you all. For the Rule of Six.. this will confuse them !
  14. Surely it wont matter if we stay or leave the Human Rights act ? Unless the country we want to deport the criminal/immigrant to, accepts them.. then we wont be able to get shot of them anyway ? Or did I miss something.
  15. They just want to keep them low.. 50,000 was just a figure in line with what the Statistics Agency are saying. ..
  16. Yes, I had seen this and also the first person to die in the UK (Nottinghamshire) apparently was tested on February 21, 2020. Interesting that government did beggar all until almost the end of March !! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-53907629
  17. It was inevitable that the figures would be massaged one way or another, no way could government allow figures such as 50,000 + deaths be allowed to hit the headlines !
  18. I think this was more to reduce the footfall. Local stores were only allowing 10 people in at a time.. by allowing only single shoppers, they kept their queues down.
  19. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/coronavirus-dominic-cummings-petition-163511204.html://uk.yahoo.com/news/coronavirus-dominic-cummings-petition-163511204.html Over 1 million people have signed petition for Cummings to be sacked
  20. What if you are like me and have a basic phone where you only make calls/texts and send images.. and not able to download apps !!
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