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Everything posted by Hammy1962

  1. 80mph is definitely, really, an offence. Whether or it is reported or followed up is another matter. 'Not really an offence' would be a great defence though. H
  2. What??? Just doesn't make sense. Anyway. Does anyone remember that 80's sitcom with Richard Briers and Penelope Wilton - Ever Decreasing Circles................................. Must be the Sun H
  3. So, just playing devils advocate for a moment. If you do get you money back from the seller, you end up with a repairable shaver and a refund. How fair is that? Best 'I got a free shaver' post I've seen in ages. H
  4. As DX said, it should be relatively easy to change the battery. Take it apart, Google the part number of the battery and fit a new one. Why does everything have to be a financial fight? H
  5. Peterbard, the OP took advantage of a discounted rate which had a condition attached to it that it would be\will be, non refundable. On what grounds should the OP now claim a chargeback? H
  6. I agree with Emmzzi in post #3. The Covid-19 precautions are not 'nonsense'. Lots of people are dying because of it and you are just the right age to consider yourself invincible. The future is uncertain for many, many people. H
  7. How is it possible to spend 94 minutes in Aldi? H
  8. How about, if the booking was to stay for an Event, try and bank the booking for when, if, the event goes ahead. I would expect that if this is agreed it will be on a Goodwill basis but it might be your best bet. H
  9. Sorry, it was a bit vague. The point I was trying to make in the post above is that other posters have said the OP has 'The consumers protection pursuant to the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and Consumer Contracts Regulations' . on their side. With an accusation that Booking.com's actions could be illegal when in fact nothing has actually changed to these acts or regulations with regard to the Pandemic. Then further down, 'its an unfair term', which is ambiguous at best. Then further down, 'breach of contract', which it is, on the face of it, not. My view is these snippets and soundbite's all look very good but have no basis in law and would fail the test if they ever got in front of a Judge. Most of the time companies give in for peace and quiet and to avoid adverse publicity. Any Port in a Storm................ A ship in distress will seek shelter in any port (or phrase!) it doesn't matter whether it is relative or not, just flailing about in the dark. I expect to be banned or end up a Mod after this!! H
  10. Ok so I'm back, I know!!! Just to point out that it's breach of contract now, none of that legislative guff. I bet the 'Contract' didn't say anything about Covid-19. Any port in a storm...................................... H
  11. Booking.com's offer of cheap deals in no way falls foul of 'UK Legislation' whatever that is. Paying for something and not being able to have use of it is not an automatic right to a refund. Even 'in these times'. The OP booked a discounted rate hotel room based on a clear non-refundable rate. Now they want a refund. Anyway, I'm out before I get banned. H
  12. I suppose that Booking.com could end these cheap deals, make everything refundable under any circumstances and increase the prices offered to cover the extra expenditure and any loss caused by block bookers who cancel at the last minute. Then everyone pays the inflated prices. Consumer protection may be king, but in this case, the consumer needed protecting from themselves. Booking.com terms are clear, not unfair. I sure if the OP makes enough noise Booking.com will cave in, but that is not the point I'm trying to make. H
  13. The issue I have is I use Booking.com an awful lot. It's very clear that the cheapest deals are those which have a no refund term. They are very clearly identified. I personally would never use these, sometimes very good, deals if there was ANY chance of me wishing to cancel. An 'Event' is just too risky. However people are still tempted by the cheap deals and then fall back on ambiguous 'Acts' and 'Regulations' when it all goes wrong. I'm all for action against hidden terms but in Booking.com's defence the poster would have known exactly what was going on. You can't have the cake of cheap prices and then refuse to eat it when you don't like the cake. My opinion, many will disagree. H
  14. Not trying to be difficult, just interested, but which law are they breaking? H
  15. And........................ We did Honest truthful answers and we got the enhance level on the two categories assessed. Not nearly as complicated as we first thought. H
  16. 'After the manager was confronted they said it was voluntary (if you wanted to go in)'. That is a great help in these difficult times................confrontation. H
  17. They don't offer email support as it's a huge security risk. They have 24\7 Web Chat. An 0345 call is charged at normal rates, they provide an 01 number if you have a calls inclusive package. They also have an 0800 free phone if you have a Barclaycard. What else could they do? H
  18. It's probably covered under 'Glass' in your car insurance policy. Probably £75 excess to pay and it probably won't affect your NCB. It's just like a windscreen. Trying to argue a defect will be nigh on impossible, just get it replaced, by National Windscreens if possible, not Autoglass. No point in going out to look for a fight, especially in these difficult times. H
  19. Hang on, I stay in these IHG Hotels all the time. Most of them operate a car park 'Program'. It's very easy to register a vehicle for a meeting, or a stay, and if you forget, a friendly call to the hotel Manager if/or when you get a parking notice is all it takes to reverse the charge. I suspect it was not due to your 'tact' but common hotel policy. If the OP uses the hotel regularly why then, have they been caught twice, one is bad enough but twice is just careless. I'm not defending these companies as I hate them as much as the next man but, sometimes, they work in our favour. For instance the HiE Derby Pride Park on Football match days or nights. It used to be a nightmare getting parked or getting a parked car out because the car park was two deep full. Now its fine. Generalisations are never helpful. H
  20. Well, that's good, for the first time in many years I have learnt a new word. H
  21. I think you should appeal or refuse the FPN and then when\if it gets in front of a Judge or Magistrate you can be as flippant and sarcastic as you want. That would help your case no end. H
  22. Without wishing to diminish how worried you might be about this I had a Mondeo Vignale 2.0 TDCI Powershift. The Vignale is a trim level, the mechanics are the same. Anyway I had the same error come up several times, probably more. It's almost certainly a software error and always cleared for me with a restart. It happened from new and was still apparent when I changed it. The gearbox oil and filter change might cure it but might not as well. Just leave it as to meddle could introduce lots of complications. If you send me a PM with your full 17 digit VIN I can check the software levels for you. H
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