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The GodMother

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Everything posted by The GodMother

  1. LinkedIn is another good place to look. My Son put his CV on there and had 20 offers of a job in 36 hours. been promoted internally 3 times since October last year when he started there. Were looking at another promotion again some time soon and a 12 week all expenses paid trip up North for him further work.
  2. I would not be bailing my son out learn to stand on his own feet. The police wont really do anything just tell you to contact action fraud
  3. Deffo sound desperate think the barrel needs a new bottom based on this. Tho thanks l can say this is the longest one l have heard.
  4. I know what the OP has put Dx its just that the claimant has said they got it for him. Putting the claimant the money was only paid out due to them getting it for the OP or even the initial contact from the claimant would be necessary IMO.
  5. Following on from Andys post ask for Proof they got the money for you and proof that you could not have claimed this yourself.
  6. Thatbis within the last 6 yrs so you need to get hold of agreements. Maybe even check bank statements.
  7. hey my friend has just done some of that tho he has fully sold up paid of his debts and left the country. His girlfriend/fiancee was refused permission to be here so he has gone to her. Living it up like a King in the Philippines
  8. Why are you bailing him out. I would not have but more importantly at least 1 of those debts says to me that his girlfriend might be usinghisname for credit. 1st thing l would have him doing is getting a contract between his girlfriend and him on her repaying the debts she took out in his name then showing her the door. Sounds like she has took over and is running his credit into the ground a bit controlling IMO
  9. My advise cut the card up ad go from there no temptation then. The one with only £300 on pay of at a higher rate then close and pay off the next highest one. rinse and repeat. Not a lot you can do about the redundancy just get threw.
  10. Yep you can send a CCA request. Tho have you moved since taking it out.
  11. I know that but the claimant is stating different hence why l asked if they got anything from the claimant saying we got your money back. Is the claim number different to the claim number from the PPI people.
  12. Did you receive anything from the PPI company regarding the claimant and did the claimant actually get you the PPI back
  13. There are a couple my other half and l laugh at them. One is a ethical hacker as well. Kitboga Trilogy media Scammers payback
  14. Just tell the company all calls are recorded for legģ⁶6al reasons.. they dont like that and tend to hang up.
  15. There arr dofferent rates for different ages none of them mention £9.36 tho. Are the company also based in the usa as the adamant salary isvused there instead of average salary.
  16. What is being done about this employees hours. Has a member of staff been brought in on a temp bases or are they being split between the current staff.
  17. To answer your question No. If the accountant or a employee dont notice it then nothing can be done. NMW is the law on what has to be paid.
  18. As the bike was Stolen in London l would advise you contact the MET but be prepared for them to be not helpful. Insurance company's are know to be awkward and will do anything to get out of paying.
  19. I feel sorry for you it must be hard knowing what is going on. Where my Son works there is a guy that is contracted for the same hours as him, 25. After Christmas the guy started to get funny as if my Son got 2 days off work in any week then he would call in sick to get a extra day. Management soon cottoned on and now they are scheduled different
  20. That will help. Can you print off the google maps stuff and the Revolt Purchases especially ones that show the exact place eg €29.00 Chanel Paris France . It would help prove you cant be in 2 places at once. Another thought can you contact revolt and ask if they have date and time stamped transactions they can send you out for the whole time you was abroad as that would be even better.
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