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Everything posted by cream70

  1. Unfortunately yes. Your local court will do this free of charge. Because it is a moving traffic offence it will be the PE2/PE3 forms. If you are in time, just complete in form PE3. If your out of time, complete both forms. check the date it states in the order of recovery that you have to file the statutory declaration by. Here are the guidance and forms. http://www.justice.gov.uk/downloads/courts/bulk-centre/traffic-enforcement-centre/statutory-declarations/OOTApplicationPack.pdf
  2. The adjudicator has not bothered to address the issue of certification of the camera. You application for a review of the adjudicators decision should be successful although you have less then 5 days to apply.
  3. Unfortunately, it is the end of the line, as you are out of time for a review of the adjudicators decision. To be successful in regards to 'ghost tickets' you really have to attend the parking tribunal in person with a well prepared case, as more often or not it is your word against the parking warden.
  4. Your main appeal point should be that the the wording in the PCN has been adjudged to be "defective and unenforceable" by at least 3 different adjudicators. http://www.patasregistersofappeals.org.uk/statreg/StatRegAdvanced.aspx case ref: 2100628598 2100549287 2100498211 211032734A 2110285432 If the PCN is unlawful then the contravention cannot have occured. http://www.patasregistersofappeals.org.uk/statreg/case.aspx?caseref=211032734A
  5. Also request the attendance of the warden at your appeal.
  6. Just restate your case to the parking tribunal. Tfl will almost certainly not bother to contest this.
  7. Your main appeal points are that the PCN was not lawfully served, and you have exemption for boarding and alighting regardless of whether you were displaying a permit or not. Ask for a personal hearing, and just restate your case to the adjudicator. adding any witness statements. In the meantime request through the parking tribunal, that the enforcement authority supply you with the: Original PCN Proof of service of the PCN i.e photos. Copies of photographs of the alleged contravention. The full PCN ticket history report. The full pocketbook notes of this parking warden from start to finish, for the day in question, manual and in electronic format the parking warden's logs. The traffic order of the road of the alleged contravention.
  8. You have just quoted the statutory leglislation which exempts you to park in this manner. The PCN has not been lawfully served, and the authority cannot provide proof of service. As you have nothing to lose, why don't you appeal? The wording in the PCN maybe an issue as well. Case ref:2100600726 http://www.patasregistersofappeals.org.uk/StatReg/StatRegAdvanced.aspx
  9. Have you checked the photographic evidence? http://parkingphotos.lambeth.gov.uk/
  10. May have interrupted a well known and nasty ticket [problem] known to have been used by desperate CEOs to get around observation time issues and so issue more tickets. "Every photo is date stamped via the camera so if a PA come across any vehicle offending they could set the camera 10 minutes or so fast - log the details in of the vehicle, slap an empty ticket bag on the car and take photo's to look like it's been ticketed, remove the bag and note the tax details etc before walking away. The driver returns and assumes he's okay coz he was only gone a few minutes and there's no ticket. About 10 minutes later somewhere out of sight, the PA prints out the ticket and bins it !!! Because the camera time is 10 mins fast it coincides with the PDA time and ticket - if the driver appeals, the photos are there which show the ticket on the car." It's a [problem] that is a almost impossiable to disprove. You will need to request a a copy of the original PCN, pocket books notes (paper and electronic), on street logs, original photos and as advised above, their protocol, regarding issung PCN's and camera evidence. Islington will almost certaintly reject your appeal as you are making an accusation of what is tantamount to fraud. At Patas stage make it a personal hearing and request the attendence of the warden. There will probably be a some discrepances which you can exploit. Someone had some sucsess regarding this very issue although the appeal points were more wide ranging. http://www.patasregistersofappeals.org.uk/StatReg/case.aspx?caseref=2100416126
  11. Indeed you can..........This particular YBJ has also been adjudged to be not compliant with the Traffic Signs Regulations & General Directions 2002. http://www.patasregistersofappeals.org.uk/StatReg/case.aspx?caseref=211014019A you will have to request from tfl, recent photos or siteplans to comfirm if this is still the case and proof of secretary of state approval to deviate from the prescribed markings.
  12. The PCN has been adjudged to be defective and non-compliant with the statutory regulations, irrespective of the alleged contravention or state of the box junction.http://www.patasregistersofappeals.org.uk/statreg/case.aspx?caseref=2100628598http://www.patasregistersofappeals.org.uk/statreg/case.aspx?caseref=2100549287http://www.patasregistersofappeals.org.uk/statreg/case.aspx?caseref=2100498211
  13. Their PCNs may also be defective and non-compliant. http://www.patasregistersofappeals.org.uk/statreg/case.aspx?caseref=2100498211 http://www.patasregistersofappeals.org.uk/statreg/case.aspx?caseref=2100628598 http://www.patasregistersofappeals.org.uk/statreg/case.aspx?caseref=2100549287
  14. http://www.patasregistersofappeals.org.uk/statreg/case.aspx?caseref=2100498211 here is another one http://www.patasregistersofappeals.org.uk/statreg/case.aspx?caseref=2100628598
  15. That may be their aim, but they have 56 days to consider your formal reps.
  16. Some one has lost an appeal over this specific point. http://www.patasregistersofappeals.org.uk/statreg/case.aspx?caseref=2110131370 The strongest appeal point is just quoting the the 2 Patas judgments regarding the non compliance of this particular YBJ and this one. http://www.patasregistersofappeals.org.uk/statreg/case.aspx?caseref=2110018174 Plus they have to supply you a copy of the CCTV footage free of charge when you register your appeal at Patas.
  17. Sit tight and wait for the order of recovery. Then fill in the statutory declaration ticking the box "I did not receive the penalty charge notice" Because it is a moving traffic offence, your statutory declaration will have to be witnessed and counter-signed by a solicitor or a court officer from a county court(for free) The order of recovery and charge certificate will then be revoked and the council will probably reissue the PCN.
  18. The parking warden is almost certainly going to lie and claim he issued the pcn to you by hand. So on the face of it ,it is his word against yours. If you can, try and obtain witness statements. This is a tried and tested template regarding "ghost" PCNs. All that you request will have to be produced at PATAS stage if they dare reject your formal reps. Hopefully the holes in this particular parking warden's story will become more apparent.
  19. Just one more thing. The double yellows snake into a side road called Shrubbery road where the restrictions appear to be 8am to 6.30pm Mon-Sat: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=fore+street+enfield&oe=utf8&ie=UTF8&hl=en&hq=&hnear=Fore+St,+London,+United+Kingdom&layer=c&cbll=51.621345,-0.061797&panoid=NdFB4Hn7838NCzFW8tLSHw&cbp=12,284.06,,0,11.99&ll=51.621387,-0.06212&spn=0,0.022638&z=16 http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=fore+street+enfield&oe=utf8&ie=UTF8&hl=en&hq=&hnear=Fore+St,+London,+United+Kingdom&layer=c&cbll=51.621393,-0.062111&panoid=gJR2dfSKRfzJQ4ZG8cn99Q&cbp=12,38.71,,0,20.01&ll=51.621347,-0.061798&spn=0,0.022638&z=16
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