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  1. Like I wrote before, you get the discount after you appeal even if the council rejects your appeal, which would be outside the 21 days but thanks for trying to make out I'm lacking in language skills again. Jamberson's reply was sufficient so I'm not sure why you felt the need to add your comment.
  2. If you appeal to the council the discount rate is applied even if you lose your appeal and that would be outside the discount period but you still get the discount, so it's frozen, I thought the discount period continued pending the PATAs appeal. I know what a discount is for I'm asking if anyone knows if the discount is frozen pending the PATAS appeal, not if anyone can define discount for me. If you know definitively please let me know, but don't try to make out I'm lacking in language skills.
  3. The discount period for parking PCNs is 21 days and I applied within that time.
  4. Hi got a response from PATAS - I lost, first time! I'm not sure the adjudicator has given the right verdict though, for two reasons. 1 - He's said I have to pay £130 instead of the original £65. I thought that if you appealed it froze the discounted amount otherwise it's a clear disincentive to appealing. I appealed within the 21 day deadline. 2 - He's quoted the Makda case but I thought that case was lost by Westminster. So, can I appeal or query this decision, and if so how? I have attached the PATAS judgement (patas) and my original appeal grounds (patas anon) are as below. Thanks. patas.pdf patas anon.pdf
  5. it's sent to them, then they pass on liability to me and the pcn is resent to me.
  6. ok thanks, can you pm me the links please? I hire the car from my taxi company. If I don't appeal they'll just pay it.
  7. Hi I appealled as follows. 1 - I believe this notice is out of time as the alleged contravention was 24 August and I received the PCN on 7 October.2 - I am a private hire driver, I was waiting for a passenger and I waited on the slip road instead of on Charing X Road so as not to cause an obstruction - the video footage clearly shows my vehicle was not causing an obstruction. I believe the relevant Traffic Management Order states there is no restriction on waiting by private hire drivers "...in any restricted street for so long as it may be necessary for the purpose of enabling any person to board or alight from the vehicle..." and this is what I was doing.3 - If you do not accept my appeal I request that you send me the specific Traffic Management Order for that location. And I got the attached response. Any advice please? CX.pdf
  8. Hi I'm a private hire driver. Was waiting for a passenger in the crescent slip road opposite the Garrick Theatre and got the attached pcn. Oddly a week before I waited on Charing Cross Road outside the theatre on double yellows but didn't get a pcn that time, but when parked well off the main road I got one. Anyway...the car is hired from my company, who in turn leases it from another company, this probably explains the delay in my getting the pcn. I have found this page whilst looking for info on the pcn.http://www.appealnow.com/taxi-driver-and-private-hire-drivers-High-Court-decision/ and I found a general statement that there is no restriction on parking "...in any restricted street for so long as it may be necessary for the purpose of enabling any person to board or alight from the vehicle westminster..." but I'm not clear if either applies to me. Advice greatly appreciated. Cheers. Scans of pcn pages below. ticket.pdf
  9. Hi Got a PCN from Haringey, was on a single yellow. I'm sure I checked the road sign a few metres away and it was as shown here. I didn't think to take a picture at the time, but I'm always pretty careful so I'm sure this is what I saw. Went there the other day to take this pic and can see that it can be flipped over to reveal another sign which says no waiitng or loading 7am - 11pm. There's a sign at the edge of the zone that says match day restrictions (it's near white hart lane ground) but I didn't notice this on the day. So, advice please. Is the PCN valid? If it is, can I claim that the sign was as shown here, would they have to prove that it had been correctly adjusted? Thanks. Pages of pcn also attached. scan0001.pdf scan0002.pdf scan0003.pdf scan0004.pdf
  10. Thanks for your replies, I am reassured now! Will update on final outcome. Cheers.
  11. Hi I work for a private hire firm. Was parked in McD's Gatwick and have received the attached "PCN". It was issued to the leaseholder, who passed it to my company and they have passed it to me. As yet it is in the company's name but they want to give them my name. I said they were under no legal obligation to do so, but I think they're going to anyway. So, I have read the sticky on private tickets, which says what I thought was the case, ie that it's best to ignore them as they are not legally enforceable. Any advice to the contrary, greatly appreciated. Thanks LGWBack.pdf LGWFront.pdf
  12. Hi I was in Great Queen Street just before 11pm the other day, picking up a passenger (I am a private hire driver). I parked in a bay and went out to look for the door number (half the blinking premises in London do not display the door number). When I came back a couple of minutes later there was a parking enforcement officer putting a ticket on my windscreen. I pointed out that I was waiting for a passenger but he wasn't interested. I am pretty sure as a private hire driver I can wait in a loading bay. Also the pcn states that the vehicle was observed for 1 MINUTE! I thought they had to wait 5 or something. Any ideas? Cheers. Scan of PCN attached, plus a photo of the sign which covers the bay. PCNFront.pdf PCNBack.pdf
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