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  1. Picture amended- thanks. It says on the ticket that the vehicle was observed from 10:07 to 10:08. Is it long enough?
  2. I parked a van borrwed from my brother in law for quite some time when finally, after about 3 weeks I got a PCN code 62. This is a rather small van and the driveway is a bit too short even for an estate car. Is there any chance of sucessfully challenging this PCN? Pictures taken by the CEO: Pictures taken by me: PCN: I have also found info on the internet that wording "unless this PCN is challenged" can invalidate the PCN. Can anyone confirm?
  3. I got their reply this morning and.... my representation has been accepted. There say that they are: "able to cancel the PCN as the CEO has not provided sufficient evidence to enable them to pursue this PCN". As adivsed in the letter posted by cream70, I requested evidence of the service and notes from CEO's pocket book. Here the CEO's version of events: "Parked on a single yellow line, unattended during issue. No Loading Observed, driver returned from building site and removed pcn from my hand when I tried putting it on windscreen and rushed to drive away avoiding photographs"
  4. You're great - thank you. I've just submitted my challenge via their website. Tehy now have 10 days to reply - I'll keep you posted.
  5. I think I found some useful info on Westimnster council's website. Firstly, in regards to loading/unloading on single yellow lines: Between 11.00am and 6.30pm - Monday to Saturday Commercial vehicles and motorcycle couriers can stop to load or unload for a maximum of 20 minutes. Private vehicles can stop to load or unload for a maximum of 20 minutes, but only if the items are too bulky or heavy to be carried from the nearest available parking space. IMPORTANT: Continuous loading activity must be apparent at all times, otherwise a Penalty Charge Notice may be issued. Secondly, their photographic evidence (available online) of the contravention consists of 2 pictures: 1. Picture of the tax dics taken at 16:23 2. Picture of the driver getting into the car taken at 16:23 PCN was issued at 16:24 when the car was already removed. There is not proof that the car was observed for some time before isuing a PCN There is no proof that PCN was served
  6. Hello again. You helpeg some time ago with my appeal and now I need your help again... My husband in a builder and he parked his car on a single yellow line outside the property he's renovating for a few minutes to unload some heavy tools and asked other workers to keep an eye on his car. He was soon alerted by them about a traffic warden presence. He was outside getting into his car before PCN was issued. He told CEO that he was only unloading some stuff but CEO replied that it is to late and that the PCN will be posted anyway. PCN definitely wasn't printed when my husband removed the car so it couldn't been served. No PCN came through the post, but today we received Notice to Owner which says: "On 20/04/2011 a Penalty Charge Notice was served by Civil Enfocement Officer WS59... with respect to the above vehicle on grounds of the following alleged parking contravention: Contravention code: 01 On: 20/04/2011 At 16:24 Contravention Description: Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours" It's 130 now which is a lot and we were never given a chance to pay reduced rate. How should I approach the LA (it's Westminster by the way)? Should I request some evidence of the service? What if the CEO says that the PCN was handed to the driver?
  7. HAPPY END! My appeal has been allowed. Adjudicator's reasons: "No double transverse lines separating ht eresident holder bays at this location from the adjacent shared use bays. Bay markings do not as required comply with diagram 1032 of The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002. The contravention has not therefore occurred. The appeal is allowed" Thank you once again for your help and advice.
  8. Just to let you know that Notice of Appeal has been sent on Thursday. I included most of your comments in it - lets hope we were all right :)I should get the decision in around 6 weeks - I'll let you know if there is a happy ending to this story.
  9. Thank you! I found the last case (Mr Johal's) very relevant and interesting.
  10. Thank you once again for your replies. I have now received a formal Notice of Rejection from Lambeth. This is what they say: "The above vehicle was observed parked in a place which is posted Residents Permit Holders Only, whilst displaying a pay & display ticket (...) It is the driver's duty to ensure that the time plates are checked and adhered to prior leaving the vehicle unattended. The time plate is placed adjacent to the bay. (...) Your vehicle was parked outside no 37 Edgeley Rad, and records show that this location has resident's only parking restrictions. There are clear signs and markings advising you of the restrictions" I went to that place this morning to take some more pictures. I was parked where now black Audi 4x4 is now, just outside no 39 (not 37 as letter says). I am not sure what to write in the details of appeal. Should I focus on ambiguous sign and road markings or more on the saab that was parked on the line separating bays?
  11. Thanks for all your replies. I just found out that is is possible to view pics taken bya trafiic warden on Lambeth's website. It's is interesting that neither of his pictures show the sign that wa just behind my car! You can also see road markings better than on pictures taken by me: I have also read that Lambeth has the highest rate of appeals won in the capital (78%).
  12. The sign refers to bays from that point to the right (they're both for residents and pay&display). I was parked on the left from the sign as I thought it only idicates the location of the meter. The only thing separating bays for residents only (where I was parked) and those for both reisdents and P&D was a single white line under saab's wheel. Obiously I couldn't see it (utnil traffic warden kindly informed be about its existence). The advice I offer will be based on the information given by the person needing it. All my advice is based on my experiences and knowledge gained in working in the motor and passenger transport industries in various capacities. Although my advice will always be sincere, it should be used as guidence only. I would always urge to seek professional advice for clarification prior to taking any action.
  13. It's 35 Edgeley Road, London (Lambeth council). The bays are separated by a single white line which is exactly under saab's wheel (see pictures in my first post)
  14. There was a sign resident permit holders only 5-6 meters to the left. You can check it in Google maps street view - go to 35 Edgeley Road, I was parked where a black convertible BMW is.
  15. I would be very grateful for any advice. I got a PCN for parking in residents bay without residents permit. First, that's what the sign says: Am I the only one thinking that the arrow shows the location of the meter? Unfortunately, the arrow means that Pay and Display bays are located from this point to the right, which is marked by a white line. The line wasn't visible, as there was a car parked on it: I've sent those pictures with my informal challenge, but the local authority "do not think I have made grounds for cancelling the PCN". They confirm that I have displayed pay&display ticket but my car was parked in a resident parking bay. Do you think that I have chances in winning an appeal?
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