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  1. Sorry for the late reply. I opted for the 'without a hearing' option on the N224 forms as we couldn't afford to pay the extra £40 per ticket to have it heard infront of a court officer, and I was somehow convinced that the N224's would get accepted as I have a strong case. Most forums said they would be indifferent between the two options. The information provided is exact to what we know, and what I have supplied on here. I'd get my father to present his case on here but I know everything about whats happened, if not more as I have taken ownership and been active in trying to get it resolved. My dad is not computer literate. Regarding how/why/what about the fake registration, I am letting the police deal with it. Regarding the notices, I only know what I have said. Only other possible scenario I can think of is that it was intercepted at royal mail offices.... would I be surprised? No. I do believe this person (fake registration guy) is a local and is familiar with the movements of me and my dad and hence taken advantage. My immediete concerns were crimes committed by this vehicle, but there seems to be none! :s All this info has already been supplied to the council in my TE9 appeal form, but from their perspective... until the police do not revert with suspects, my dad would be liable. Main thing is what do I do from here?? What is this Part 23 Rule 10? (Will it help?) Thank you....
  2. TE7/TE9 Refused - They said The notices were sent so I 'should've received them. Nothing about the fact that we bloody don't own the vehicle!!! Money hungry B***ds!! N224 Refused - No reason provided.
  3. Thanks for your reply. I initially filed the N224's on his behalf, but they reverted back to me saying that I could not represent for him. So I had my father (the respondent) file the N224's himself with the same content, and they were refused.
  4. I have checked with the bank/utility company and everything seems to be normal. Nothing 'dodgy' has happened since then either..... these contraventions date back to last year..... I have spent a lot of man hours writing letters, filing forms and bashing my head with the council and NCC !! It's really disheartening that yet still I am getting refused by the CC. I have been given an option to 'apply to set aside or vary the order under Part 23 Rule 10'...... Does anyone know what this means?
  5. It is hard to believe... I agree! And had I be in your shoes, I would think the same... but this is the knowledge that I have and I can only make assumptions as to what may have happened. If you can suggest someone I can speak with to find out more, or get further assistance from then please do let me know. Ultimately I am still indebted with a massive fine to the council that we have not been responsible for..... and there seems to be no way getting it waived!
  6. - False registration of a vehicle under fathers name - Identity theft I was provided a CRN, but their investigations are still 'ongoing'
  7. My dad lives in a normal terraced house in London. The contraventions were all timed from between 08:00 - 09:30, locally too.
  8. The mail interception and incorrect mail was previously bearable,. I.e. 3 years ago we used to receive constant bailiff letters for outstanding gas bills, which was resolved by phoning gas company and bailiff co. and advising that mail had been returned as that person did not live at the address. 4 years ago, we didn't receive our Insurance certificate for our car, even though the insurance company claimed they had sent it twice in first class post. As the occasions were not frequent, we had been reluctant to do anything about it... I challenged the council to provide me insurance proof regarding the car, as surely one cannot get away with driving a vehicle for atleast 6 months? But they were unable to deliver...
  9. My dad does 12 hour nightshifts everyday, so he is literally either sleeping during the day or at work in the evenings. I have been working in a different city for the past 2 years, and only came to London intermittently. Even with our time spent outside our home, I am bewildered that we have remained in the dark of what was potentially going on beneath our noses! Something clever has taken place which has prevented us from finding out and yet we do not know who this is, on the flipside I would not doubt for a second if the fault lied with the council as they are not the most competent, which I have come to learn over the decades of living here. The problem I face is that I am not being given the opportunity to explain this to anyone. I have wrote to the council and the County Court with the relevant Crime Ref and appeals etc, but they didnt want to hear it and constant bailiff harrassment is making lives hell! MY TE7 and TE9 forms were refused with no clear explanantion given, and now the N224 with no clear explanation.
  10. Well, we didn't receive the log book after the car had been registered, or any other correspondence associated to the car. We've had issues previously where our mail has been intercepted.
  11. Hello All... I am desperately seeking help. We been a victim of identity fraud where someone had registered a car on my dads name and got away with it for few months. In that short space of time, they incurred 7 parking tickets in my dads name. We first got to know about the fines after receiving bailiff letters by which it was too late to appeal..... So following on, I filed TE7 and TE9 forms to the county court. They all got refused as they didn't believ that we had not received any of the notices!! By this time each ticket was £400+. Few weeks back I filed N244 forms explaining the same thing for ech of the fine, paying a £45 court fee each. I have just refused letters today saying the N244's have also been refused!! Which is absoutely absurd and I am so angry!!! What are my options left???? I do not want to pay £500+ for each ticket (total = nearly £4000!!!) Please help!! Thanks in advanced! Jason
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