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Everything posted by jazztheman

  1. So what you are saying is that all social housing tenants can now expect service charges being introduced for all repairs and maintenance work?
  2. Thank you for all of your replies. I don't believe that this is an annual maintenance charge, the letter from the housing association states that "when you signed the tenancy agreement, the housing association did not apply the correct charges for provision and maintenance". Which suggests that an error was made with the tenancy agreement? Furthermore, there was previously no service charge for these services i.e The TV aerial maintenance charge and the Door Entry maintenance charge.
  3. I moved into a housing association property around three years ago. I received a letter from the housing association today stating that they now intend to introduce a service charge for the TV aerial maintenance costs and the door entry intercom maintenance cost. The reason why these new costs are being introduced from the 1st April is that when the tenancy agreement was signed the housing association did not apply the correct charges for provision and maintenance, however they will not be seeking the recovery of previous costs. Surely because a contract had been signed it cannot be changed?
  4. Thanks, Is there a time limit to register for probate?
  5. Thanks for all the answers to my query. I spoke to the bank and there is no problem for myself (being the executor) for the release of funds from her bank. I have dealt with my mum's finances for a number of years and the only creditor will be the Care Home that she resided in. Her estate is split equally amongst her five children. Is there still a legal obligation to apply for probate because her final estate is valued at around £13K?
  6. My mum passed away yesterday and on her will I was requested to be her sole executer. She has left no property and her estate (savings) is approximately £13K, to be divided equally amongst her five children. Because I have never been an executor before this process is all new to me. My question is, is there need to register for probate? and if so what are the reasons?
  7. Looking for advice on what to do regarding a purchase that I made for two self assembly wardrobes that I purchased online. When I assembled the two wardrobes which took ages, the final stages of the assembly were the doors I discovered that the doors were a slightly different colour and three of the four doors showed signs of de-lamination (the gloss finish was defective). I contacted the retailer straight away and I was informed that they would arrange to send out four new doors, this was three weeks ago. I have phoned them twice to find out what is happening and I keep getting fobbed off, told they would call me back and they don't. It is not simple matter of returning the wardrobes because of all of the assembly and all packaging has now been disposed of. I paid for the goods with a credit card if that makes any difference? I am happy with the wardrobes except the problem with the doors. Any advice please?
  8. alphaofficesupplies.co.uk I cannot find any clauses in their terms and conditions
  9. yes I did get a refund. I thought that once money had been taken it then becomes a contract and by cancelling the order they have broken their contract?
  10. I recently purchased some office products from an online office supplier. The products were very cheap and the sale went through and money was taken from my account. The order never arrived and I contacted the office supplier who informed me that they have cancelled the order due to a stock discrepancy at the warehouse, and a refund had been issued. The products are still in stock by the supplier, but now at a much higher price. The question that I have are companies allowed to cancel orders once money is taken?
  11. I purchased a Morphy Richards steam iron from Amazon back in July 2013. The iron has now developed a problem it's tripping the mains, checked the warranty on the Amazon site which states: *Standard one year guarantee can be extended to 3 years by registering your product with Morphy Richards. It seems that I forgot to register the iron when it was first purchased, but why offer a 3 year guarantee when you register a product? From now on I will make sure every new electrical goods is registered..
  12. Steve yes I am my mother's registered LPA. I have no problem with the DOLS assessment, because it is in the interests of my mother's health, safety and welfare. What I do object to is, not being told in advance that the DOLS assessment is to take place. If I was aware of this assessment I could explain the assessment to my mother before hand so that she would not become so stressed. I believe that I should have been informed prior to the assessment and it is one of the guidelines of the Dols assessment procedure that which was explained by the 'Best Interests' Dols assessment officer.
  13. Thank you for the update. So this recent change only affects the under 65's.
  14. Just realised that it was not DLA that my mother was previously receiving, it was Attendance Allowance (due to her age). Does the same apply?
  15. Thanks for the information, so I presume I will have to contact the DWP to verify this?
  16. My elderly mother moved into a care home around 7 months ago. Before she moved into the care home she was receiving high rate mobility DLA, because the care home was local authority funded her DLA entitlement was stopped. I received a letter from the DWP today and one of the paragraphs stated that there is a possibility of having her DLA re-instated, I have attached a scan of this paragraph. Has there been a recent change for this DLA entitlement for persons in residential homes?
  17. Update: Lidl's informed me to contact a company that deals with repairing these type drills. Which I did and I was informed to submit an online repair application form for arrangements to be made for the return of the drill for repair work, this was a weeks ago and I have not heard anything since. The service from Lidl's is appalling, it's got me chasing around everywhere just to find out whom is responsible. If it is 100% the store of purchase responsibility, please note that this a 3 year guarantee and not the usual 12 months, perhaps it would be more appropriate to write to the store concerned and give them 14 days notice to either repair, replace or refund the drill, failing to respond would result in issuing a claim through my local county court. Would this type of action be justified?
  18. I purchased an electric drill from a Lidl store back in 2012. The drill now has a fault, but luckily the drill came with a 3 year guarantee. I took the drill back to the store of purchase and they were not interested and informed me to contact Lidl headquarters, which I did. I was asked for my contact details and if I still had the receipt, which I have and I sent a copy via email. This is the last I have heard, sent a few emails about are there any updates, but no replies. I thought that it would have been the stores responsibility to handle guarantee repairs and not to be messed around trying to find out the guarantee process. Is it the store's responsibility?
  19. Thanks for the information, in hindsight I should have recorded the telephone conversation, but in reality how many people do this? May be clutching at straws, checking the T&C's there is no mention that the holiday is not refundable if cancelled. Surely this should be stated in the T&C's?
  20. Unfortunately I believe that I am out of time on a charge back? Just checked my statements: £100 (deposit) 2nd July 2014 £165 (balance) 31st July 2014
  21. T&C's Looks like I haven't got a leg to stand on. I just cannot understand why I was told that I could re-book at a later date?
  22. I booked a holiday last year for myself and my wife, a chalet rental for a week in West Wales. I paid for the holiday in full by credit card back in July 2014, the holiday was for Sept 2014. Unfortunately I had to cancel the holiday because my elderly mother was not well and had to go into a Care Home. I spoke to the chalet rental organisers, who informed me that they would try to find another party to take over the holiday, and if so I would be reimbursed. In the event that no one else would take over the holiday I could arrange another date for the holiday. No party took on the holiday. I contacted the company this week to arrange for the holiday to be taken this Spring. The company have now changed their tune and have told me that the cancelled holiday now cannot be re-booked and that I have lost my money. If I had known that this was going to happen I would have contacted my credit card company to see if there is anything that could be done to be compensated. I am now obviously out of time to inform the credit card company that there is a problem. Any advice please?
  23. I have a legal query regarding my mother who is 94 years of age and suffering with the early signs of dementia and lives in a care home, I am also her appointed attorney for health and welfare. I was surprised to discover one day last week a mental assessment with my mother was carried out at the care home (a Dols assessment), my mother found the experience stressful. Being my mother's health and welfare attorney I am not happy of not being informed. I believe that Social Services (Local Authority) are the responsible party that should have informed me, but what is very concerning is that I believe another family member was assigned to be her Relevant Person's Representative by the Social Services, again I was not informed. It is not much of a problem if the elected family member was a caring person but this isn't the case. I have written to Social Services about my concerns. If I am correct in my assumptions, do I have the authority to request Social Services to change my mother's Relevant Person's Representative? Any other information relating to this type of problem would be very much appreciated.
  24. When I was interviewed by the DWP to become my mum's appointee, there was no mention that my mum's entitlements would be paid directly to my bank account, the DWP also didn't take my bank information. Which is all very strange?
  25. Is it the usual practice for the pension money to be paid into the appointee's account?
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