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Everything posted by DOBBYDOG

  1. Ok, update ..... Have received all paperwork as requested by my SAR. Loads and loads of stuff ( mostly irrelevant to this ) There is an PPI certificate which before now i have never clapped eyes on ! There is also an application for PPI which was done by the mortgage broker, conducted online as the web address is at the bottom. My mortgage completed on 12th Aug 04 and the application and certificate is from 20th Aug 04. Additionally there is a another document which clearly states PPI declined ( by me ). Not sure where to go with this now I think the only thing i have got to back my case up is the documents which say declined. According to the certificate the policy was for 3 years which of course has now finished. But surely i would have never been able to excersise my rights within the policy having never had a copy until now and also never knowing i had a policy untill now. Do you still think i have a case here ? Any comments would be gratefully received ;-)
  2. DMD Special gone off today ( special delivery ) should be interesting !
  3. I'm all confused now with all the CSA stuff going on as not sure if this is the same or not. Would it be wise to send the statute barred letter or to make an offer of payment related to this post Many thanks x Good luck Rowbo. I hope you get it sorted
  4. See this Connought, 1st Credit, Citifinancial The letter you need is on page 4. Good luck
  5. Enquiry for a friend. Was claiming benefits many moons ago. Had a social fund loan for around £400. Stopped claiming benefits and started work in 2000. No contact or any payments since then. Now has letter from Fredrick International LTD asking for full payment of over £300. Question, Does the six year rule apply to this debt. Many thanks in advance. x
  6. Hey there. Have just read through your thread and took me around a week to read through DMD's. Looks like a long road ahead . Good luck ! Have subbed to your thread x
  7. Thanks CB. Am starting a new thred on this as seems to be loads with the Robberscums Robinson Way, Have Been Busy Havn't They !!!!!!!!
  8. I'm starting this new thread as a continuation of another thread i have Connought, 1st Credit, Citifinancial This is because things have changed and now Robberscum way are now on my case. A quick round up - Debt with citi financial, passed onto 1st credit. Then passed to Connoughts Collections who served a stat demand on me. I CCA'd them ( thanks to this site ) Letter back saying case closed and passed back to 1st Credit. Not heard from them but yesterday got letter from Robberscum Way ( see below ). Have had loads of help from Curlyben who has given me letters to send. I will be sending one which he calls a Diskman Dave special ( thanks DMD and CB ) Great letter !! ( sorry dont know how to put link up ) It appears they have sent loads of these letters out this week. Love to see their face when loads of DMD's specials land on their desk next wk Will keep all informed of progress as there seems to be loads of us :o Letter from RW -
  9. Well it did'nt take long for Robberscum Way to write did it Will now be sending CCA which Curlyben kindly gave me. Check out the letter below !!! So apparently, they are collecting on behalf of 1st credit ( citi financial ) 1 DAC collecting on behalf of another ? The thing that gets me is 1st credit and Citi have both put default on my file for the same debt. It appears on the credit file like 2 different, unassociated accounts, consequently looking like i owe double the amount:mad:
  10. Thanks Conor. This may be very useful to me. As you can see things are a little different after today But hey ho ! I'll get through it thanks to everyone on here x PS. Have tickled you !
  11. Hi there BB. Thanks for looking in. I CCA'd connought 15th August and received a reply on the 18th saying case closed and has been sent back to client ( 1st credit ) Then, this today from RW. Beggers beleif (Cant spell that ! )
  12. OMG, OMG, OMG :o I was at work today ( i am a district nurse ) and was driving to see my next client, when my mobile rang. I pulled up to answer :o Conversation went like this - Me - Hello (pause) Me - Hello Them - Is that Miss ******* Me - Who is this ?? Them - Robinson Way debt collection calling re, a debt from citifinancial :o I need to ask some security questions. Like a complete and utter idiot i answered the questions ( i know, stupid, stupid ) Them - We are calling to recover over £4,000 from you that citifinancial have asked us to do. Would you like to pay this today on a debit card !!! Errrrrmmmm !!!! now let me see ? AS IF !!!!!!! Me - No way !!! and i request that you contact me by letter. Them - would you like to discuss your financial situation today. Me - no i wouldnt, contact me by letter. Them - Ok we will do. OMG, OMG,OMG !!! What the el has happened to 1st credit ? Why is it now with RW. Feel sick ! CB NEED YOU MORE THAT EVER. X Going to the docs now but hope you can help me.
  13. Just a small question. Now that this debt has been passed back to 1st credit and say for arguments sake they hold the correct paperwork ie; CCA, can they just go ahead and start court procedings ? I just dont want to wake up one day and find a CCJ on my mat !!! cheers x
  14. Sosumi, i hope your migrain is better. I know how you feel as i get them all the time Wishing you good luck with this !!! I'm going to be tackling citifinancial soon so watching your thread closely as the advice you are getting, and the huge amounts of advice you have given on other threads is helping me loads, so many thanks for that PS. You have been tickled xxx
  15. Thanks for that ODC. Have just tried to buy some but message saying unable to decrypt the certificate ID. Never mind will try tomorrow Oh ! by the way who is this uncle Ken that lots of people are refering to ?
  16. Curlytots where on earth do i get these CAG stickers from ?
  17. Hey cheeky monkey Wont be long i'm sure. I've had a sleep now and the fight is back on. Bl**dy frustrating though waiting on these people
  18. Any news on this ? I'm just about to start with these bunch of parasites .
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