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Everything posted by DOBBYDOG

  1. Oooow !!! Thanks for that ! I didnt know raw onion could help with toothache !!! May be trying this but think i'll take a trip to the late chemist first. x
  2. Hi Rooster and thanks. I do have a chemist about 10 miles away which is open till 10. I drive so i think i'll take a trip down. I think i remember my dad using this stuff years ago. It stinks rotten from what i remember, but worth it if it shifts the pain Squarebob, your red pliers dont sound very attractive at all !!! I dont think i could ever do that, but totally understand people who do Lula is anbesol the same as clove tincture as Rooster suggested ? If not can i buy this at the chemist also ? Thanks guys x
  3. Hi all I've got really bad toothache !!!! I dont have a dentist, you know, usual story, cant find an NHS one that will take me !!! Diabolical i know I am gunna do my best tomorrow to get something sorted. Anyway does anyone know of any good home remidies i could use to get rid of the pain. Iv'e taken loads of Nurofen and they are knocking me sick now God, dont suggest i pull it myself :o eeeeek !!! Would just be interested to see if anyone has any good suggestions. Thanks guys xx
  4. Many Thanks Hell, that sounds much better In the post today !!! xxxx
  5. Will do CB. I'm already on it Many thanks as always xx
  6. Got my letter today folks !!!!! Like how it says final demand ! Its the first damm demand ive had off them :o
  7. How does this sound guys xxx LETTER BEFORE ACTION. Dear **************: I am writing in response to your letter dated 28th September 2007, of which I enclose a copy. You state in your letter that it is your responsibility to investigate my complaint and that this investigation will take between 7 – 10 working days. Unfortunately up to the date of this letter it has been 20 working days and I haven’t had any correspondence from you. I am therefore, again requesting full refund of £1200 taken from my advanced monies plus interest equal to the APR used by *********** or the relevant insurance company at that time, plus the 8% statutory interest that a court would award. If I have not heard from you within 10 days I SHALL be taking my complaint to the Financial ombudsman Sincerely,
  8. Hi to all, Well not heard a dicky bird I've been looking for ages and ages for a template letter for my letter before action, but can't find anything suitable. I am going to try to compile my own HONEST !! In the meantime if anyone has or can point in the right direction for one i could tweek with i'd be most grateful Many thanks guys xx
  9. Yeh, i think this is a follow on from the one in January (of which i didnt see ) It does'nt suggest that it's a repeat or anything. Perhaps from what you say he may have done a bit more homework this time
  10. Thankyou that is great Can't see the wood for the trees
  11. Next Friday 26th October there is a programme on ITV at 8pm. Insurance Uncovered: Tonight. Martin Lewis investigates the mis-selling of payment protection insurance, revealing how many veiwers may be able to claim big cash refunds
  12. Does anyone know if there is a set criteria for hardship cases or what they are likely to accept as hardship ?? Many thanks in advance. x
  13. Yeh !!!! Good idea. Would be very intersting :D and entertaining
  14. Got a missed call from 01563554540. Errrrm !!!!! wonder who that was Well at least there is an identified number today and not number unknown !
  15. Hi Hippy Chick. I think ODC wanted the number from where the text message came from and not the land line numbers. x
  16. ROFLMAO !!!!!!!!! Sorry had to have the last laugh :D
  17. This thing is quite cute !!! Have you nothing alot uglyer !!!!
  18. You've started something now ODC !!! There must be a way of getting this number. Dead MAD me now :evil: :evil: :evil:
  19. Mmmmmm !!! I think i'll sleep on it Robert and decide tomorrow. I'm quite busy at work this week so may leave to end of week I'll type the letter and envelope it though so it's nice and ready. x
  20. Wow ! that is relly weird. When i select the message reply doesnt even come up. It's no where to be seen and no way of replying at all. I get forward, move to sim, print via bluetooth and delete but no reply. God knows how they do this. It's ok for them to have my number to send text's to but i can't have theirs Grrrrrrr
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