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Everything posted by DOBBYDOG

  1. Can we actually SAR the CRA'S and what info would this give us ? sorry if sound a bit thick. x
  2. Hi there mrmarmite, keep us posted. will be interesting to see if you get the same. Was it with experian you signed up for as i think these are the culprits as they are offering free trial. Anyone know any different though please comment. Many thanks. xxx
  3. Hi there. Yep i would def think carefully about doing it now. Especially if you may have something which might just pop up. I suppose some would say its just a coincidence, but i dont think so ! I never receive letters or e-mails like that and all of a sudden hundreds of them and thats no joke, as soon as signing up to experian. I intend to ring experian on Tuesday to see what they have to say. If you still want to go ahead i def would'nt go with the free monthly trial, i would contact the other one equifax and do it by snail mail ( the £2 way ) and not online as this gives them access to your e-mail and anyway they dont offer a free trial so less likely to mess with you ( i suppose anyway ). All opinions still gratefully received as knowledge not very good ( learning fast though ! ) xxx
  4. Hi there. What a coincidence. I also received a studio christmas book yesterday! I did open it but threw it straight in the bin so did'nt even read the letter enclosed. It could have been the same as yours. Sorry i threw it away now. Have you recently applied for your credit reference ? I have, and have had nothing but trouble. I signed up to the free monthly trial with experian and ever since have been bombarded with e-mails and letters from different companies offering me credit. (Def not a coincidence) I have a seperate thread on it which i started today. A DCA has also reared its ugly head after years. Lots of people on the forum have said it is down to the credit reference agency !! I'm fuming to say the least !!
  5. Yep, i think the 'r' is so much more fitting and suited ! Thanks again for the info. Feel better now i've sounded off a little. x
  6. Wish i knew then what i know now !! Oh well just about calming down. Just have to go through the motions again !!!! x
  7. Thankyou so much for that ! i'll get on it today. Do i need to send the SAR at the same time as the CCA ?. Many thanks. x
  8. Unbeleivable ! and then to have the cheek to pass my details onto loan companies !!!! This one's from capquest though not Westcott but hey ! who knows who they deal with ! All comments very much gratefully received. x
  9. Hi there. I did'nt know what it was for at first but it says on the letter capquest frmly capital one which is a credit card debt. I had'nt heard from them for absolute ages so dont know if what says on credit reference is true that default occured in 2005 although has only been put on in the last week since signing with experian. I'm not disputing i had a credit card with cap 1 just ded annoyed now and gutted. I'm gunna take them to the cleaners for the charges as i'm sure it will clear the debt. Anway thanks for replying and any further help will be gratefully received. x
  10. Ok ! Here goes, i signed up with experian for their 1 month free trial. Thought i would get my free trials worth and checked it regularly. Anyway, since signing up i have got an out of the blue letter from Capquest re- a old debt with capital 1. Having checked my credit reference again this am, i am astonished to find a default from capquest for the sum of just over £500. This was'nt there a week ago ! They say on the report that the default occured in 2005 (not sure if this is right). Are these CRA's working hand in hand with the DCA's or what ? Additionally, i have been bombarded with e-mails and letters offering me quick loans. Needless to say i'm absolutley fuming over this (the fact that the CRA's appear to be responsible ). I shall be putting forward a CCA requst to capquest but i also want to add the fact they need to remove this default. Does anyone know if i can do this ? Does anyone have a suitable template which includes both requests ? Has anyone else had this problem. Sorry for all the questions but just when i seem to be getting in control of my financial worries ! Most of this debt is proberbly down to unlawful charges anyway so i will def be pursuing that one ! Lets hope they've just dropped themselves in it !!
  11. Connought, 1st Credit, Citifinancial Defaulted Twice For Same Debt ! Help Hey,not sure how i did that or if this will work but here they are anyway x
  12. WOW !!! all this info is just great ! should keep me a little busy over the weekend. Thanks for that. I have started 2 of my own threads about a week ago and getting some great response on one of them (feel free to browse ) not so good response on the other but it's not my priority at the min so not to worry. Think i'll be posting a third due to a nice red letter that has just dropped on the mat (god i cant stand anymore !!!! ) Thanks so much for all your advice ! xxx
  13. Arh !! i see. Yours is a little different to mine. Mine was'nt a credit card it was for an unsecured loan so i think this does;nt apply. Thanks anyway. Am going to look through any threads you have and will be watching closely. xx
  14. Hey UUN. Any news yet ? Taking their time ? Thanks for the replies on my thread. It's people like you preventing me from having a breakdown !!!
  15. Hi there BB. Sat up till 5 this am reading through your thread with great interest. Has given me great insight into what is to come for me !!!!!!!!!!!!!! .Citifinancial, ( i think ) sold my alleged debt to 1st credit who then passed it to connought who put a stat demand on me. After finding this great website i found the strength to start fighting back. I CCA'd connought who closed the case and sent it back to 1st who i'm now sitting and waiting to hear from ( God forbid !!! ) I cant beleive the amount of people who these parasites prey upon. I've been living in hell since the begining of this year with complete harrassment from both citi and 1st and hav'nt been able to speak to anyone about it. Just wanted to thankyou for sharing in your experience and showing people like me not to be intimidated, scared and bullied into a complete brake down and start standing up for myself. Will be watching closely. xxx
  16. Hi Lantana. How long did it take for 1st to contact you and what is an s85 ?
  17. Hi. I see where you are coming from and sorry if i sound a bit thick but my knowledge on the subject is terrible. It's not a credit marker on either, it actually says default on both. Many thanks for your advice. I think i need to improve my knowledge somewhat ! x
  18. Hi. Thanks for that. No i've never had any default notice from any of them. It just seems totally wrong they are able to do this. Making me out to owe twice as much money as i do. Must be illegal surely as untrue information about me can be seen by creditors.
  19. Hi there. Can anyone help me ? I have a copy of my credit report and have been defaulted by citifinancial for a debt. They have sold the debt to 1st credit who have also defaulted me. So, in effect i have 2 defaults by 2 different companies for the same debt, so it looks like i owe twice as much as i actually do. Does anyone know if there is anything i can do about this. Many thanks x
  20. Oh my god !!! how right you have all been. Got the letter from connought today saying case closed and have passed back to 1st credit. What now ? do i sit and wait or do i CCA 1st credit ?
  21. Hi. I wouldnt know the difference between a true one and a scare tactic. It looked pretty official although could be a load of crap for all i know !!!! I sat up till 4 this am reading through your thread. Better than any soap opera ! (in a good way x )
  22. CB I've just asked a question in my thread and was wondering if you could help shed some light on this for ma. Thanks. x
  23. Hey , can anyone tell me now that i've taken the plunge and sent the CCA do i just sit and wait or do i have to apply to the courts to get my stat demand set aside on the grounds of awaiting CCA docs ? never thought of this !!!
  24. Well ! My CCA has gone off today Oops ! scared. Did you have a nice birthday UUN ? Sounds like you did lol x
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