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Everything posted by green_and_mean

  1. The Council may have authorisation to use non standard signs from the dept of Transport.
  2. The signs are quite clear they state 'no stopping except loading' even in a normal loading bay in your average High street stopping to stretch your legs is a contravention as its not loading or unloading. If you are past the discount period then you could go to PATAS and try stating it was an emergency but if you are still at discount I'd personally pay if you have no other grounds of appeal.
  3. I appreciate that its in the evidence but there is no need to draw attention to it. You could point out that you usually park in a permit bay which has its own time plate, there is no connection between parking bay hours and yellow lines sometimes they are the same sometimes they are different.
  4. I've never been but hear its fairly informal so taking a child should be ok, take something to keep them occupied it will annoy the adjudicator if your attention is being distracted by the child. It wont take long you are the only person arguing so its up to you how long you take to put your case. Be confident you have a better than 50/50 chance of getting the PCN cancelled. Just be clear you were mislead by the big yellow sign, the Council failed in its duty to CLEARLY sign the restriction due to not following govt produced guidance. Do not highlight the fact that you live nearby it may make him think you should know the hours better.
  5. Take copies of your evidence also ie the traffic signs manual and print outs of past cases won on this point.
  6. All insurance is based on risks that are determined by the insurer if that were not the case we would all pay the same. Some companies use different criteria to others so the only option is to shop around.
  7. There must be loads of possible ways to get around this by driving to a nearby bus route, tram stop, train station, walk from car, cycle from car etc if all the 2,500 staff at the hospital have the same attitude its not surprising there is a parking problem!
  8. Walking a mile would just add 10 minutes to your journey. They cannot 'ban' staff they will just make it permit only or max 3hrs free for visitors 8-6! If you work 8-6 you will have to move your car after 3hrs however if you finish before 11am or start after 3pm you will be able to park for your shift.
  9. You do move a few times so the longest 'stop' is only a few seconds, adjudicators usually dismiss anything less than 4-5secs. They do not have much sympathy with your reasoning about the vehicle in front, you are supposed to await a clear exit just hope the car in front leaves you a space.
  10. Its one PCN per breach of a regulation, if you park in a bay that ends at 10pm and you got a PCN at 9.30pm you could get another as soon as the restriction commences again regardless of the length of time in between.
  11. Technically the box is non compliant IMV as its not at a cross roads so should only be on the opposite carriageway to where you are. The 'road' on the right (your left) is just access to a private drive way not a part of the highway.
  12. Why would the CEO pick on a legally parked car out of the thousands they see each day many of which will be parked in contravention? The CEO will get paid his salary regardless of the outcome, the driver would be £120 better off, so who is more likely to lie???
  13. If you were doing nothing wrong why did you drive off surely if the ticket was being issued for being on the footway and you were on the road the logical think would have been to take a photo yourself using your phone or wait for him to take a photo of the car which you claim was legally parked?
  14. http://www.sandwell.gov.uk/downloads/file/3711/west_bromwich_and_oldbury_red_route_leaflet_july_2012 It seems the restriction has been in place for sometime, personally I cannot see grounds for appeal
  15. Far more helpful! Can you do the back to? Were did she park the only Telford way I can find is a dual carriageway
  16. So she got a PCN, which we haven't seen, in a location we do not know, based on signage we haven't been shown indicating a restriction who's traffic order also hasn't been seen either and you want advice?
  17. Obviously you failed to understand the report in the paper!! The Council make no income from parking that's what 'making a loss' means. The story is about enforcement being passed from the local Council over to the County council to make it cost effective and break even.
  18. No copy of PCN, no photo of sign, no location......what advice did you expect to get? Nothing you have posted so far makes sense, for starters the PCN is neither for parking in a loading bay or a permit bay.
  19. Indeed they don't as they have no powers to do so, however the law does prohibit them the TSRGD 2002 was made law 7 years after your leaflet was issued. How is a driver meant to know if regulatory signs are backed by a traffic order or not? Using your logic Councils can paint advisory yellow lines provided no timeplate is used which is simply not the case.
  20. Just goes to show adjudicators can be as stupid as drivers on occasions! I fail to see how any normal person would think moving the car so as not to inconvenience other road users whilst at the same time obstructing the footway is acceptable or how you can park a vehicle on the footway to give assistance to yourself, but such is the stupidity of the adjudication system.
  21. Regardless of any dubious interpretation you seem to have forgotten to cut and paste part 2 of the exemption... (ii)the vehicle was not left unattended at any time while it was so parked I would like to see the OP explain to PATAS how the Council managed to tow the vehicle without him noticing or convince them that he stayed with the car overnight as it actually broke down the day before?
  22. 'RENDER' means to provide or give NOT receive, how was the vehicle parked to give assistance at the scene of a breakdown?
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