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  1. i have already approached the council to complain about the taxi guy parking in my disabled space it has made a bit of a difference ie he now leaves me enough room to get out but if i,m out shopping he will still park in my space i contacted the council highways and the guy there told me i was a nuisance and hung up on me i also approached my mp not any help there at all- --maybe 2015 will be a better year.
  2. thank you for your reply- --my problem with my disabled parking bay is it seems anyone can park in it - --some weeks ago a taxi driver that lives close parked in my disabled bay that i had paid for it has the disabled word painted on it- --as i do not speak to this person i called the police to ask them to please ask him to move his taxi his reply was that the bay is not classed as a disabled bay but classed as a courtesy bay and he did not have any notion to move his taxi- -the police phoned me back to inform me of his reply --the problem now is my wife or myself can not go out to do any shopping at all now because this taxi person takes every chance he can get to park in the disabled bay- --i phoned my council some time later and they informed me to make my bay legal would cost thousands of pounds ie to put up a blue badge on a pole stating the bay was only for disabled badge holders only- -my council is gloucester council council- --i have mentioned this to several people and they all said the council advice is wrong so i am at the stage now where we do not know what to do-- -i am very ill and also a pensioner who do i turn to now- -thank you for any reply. nedw
  3. i thank you for your kind reply i will follow your instructions--thank you--ned
  4. i thank you for your kind reply i will follow your instructions--thank you--nedw
  5. my local council has put a disabled bay outside my house with the word DISABLED painted on it i have found out it is only classed as a courtesy bay and any one can park in it even people with out blue badges how do i get this put right--thank you.
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