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Everything posted by ashmk

  1. I'm pretty sure benefit over payments do not become barred but wait for someone else to confirm.
  2. When you sign up to brighthouse use a free sim you can get easily online. Give them that number until you have you overpriced goods then throw the sim away. They can call and text as much as they like then.
  3. Talk to Hermes direct and get an account with them. If you send that many a month they will always pay out when something gets damaged. I have an account with them now and as soon as some damage happens they say sorry, how much was it, send us a photo then pays out. If they see you spend lots with them they won't argue over the odd claim and pay out fast. Sadly when you don't have an account they seem to drag their feet. By going via interparcel they have no idea you are a loyal customer spending lots of money with them. On a side note, at the beginning of this thread which was started in Jan 2011 I said I would never use hermnes again. Well how things have changed, now most of my mail goes via hermes and its very rare anything goes wrong. And when it does they fix it without much question.
  4. Women have to have something to rant about, this is just the latest thing that nobody really cares about to kick up a stink over. Personally, I couldn't give a tuppenny toss.
  5. The bank are fobbing you off. Ask the bank to chargeback.
  6. I should think sooner or later Brighthouse will have their wings clipped and have to start repaying all the money they have tricked people out of. It's only a matter of time. Well done for not shopping there again. Remember to tell your friends so they stay away from Brighthouse too.
  7. £436 for a Hoover! I hope for that price they send someone round twice a week to push it around the house. In all seriousness. You have been mugged off. Don't shop at Brighthouse again. Save up and buy one for a quarter of the price elsewhere.
  8. I can't see what possible case she has if you do not own the gate.
  9. I have a PS4 and I love it. Personally I would not have an xbox one because they are not as powerful as a PS4 and Microsoft would, if they could, charge you for the air you breath while playing. I guess it all boils down to what system your mates are using and you go with the flow. I do have a camera for my PS4 but I myself rarely use it however my 5 year old son does like it. I use my PS4 on a 55inch screen @ 1080p. It looks awesome. If you don't have a HDTV (or computer monitor) then you really won't get maximum benefit for the visual improvments. (You can buy PC monitors with HDMI input now for a lot less than a HDTV.) But, at the end of the day.......... He will be over the moon if you get him one and I don't think it will be a waste.
  10. But it's ok for able-bodied people to be penalised every time they want to park while disabled people get free parking for no apparent reason? You can not cherry pick equality. If things are to be equal then it must be equal across the board and if that means you have to pay a couple of quid to shop like the rest of us then sobeit.
  11. Nobody pays any extra. Everybody pays the same. You pay a pound, I pay a pound. It's really quite simple.
  12. They should just charge everyone the same and be done with it. Much easier, much fairer, no discrimination anywhere.
  13. Did you have permit for residents bay. (not that it makes a jot of difference)
  14. I know someone who did this. They just sent a polite email and were refunded. It was easy. Have you tried asking nicely or did you rant?
  15. Can't see anything wrong with it, it looks great. Stop being fussy and enjoy your wedding.
  16. Just an idea but can you show a cash withdrawal from your bank account for that amount on the rent day (or around the due day) . Any activity is better than none and might swing things in your favor. And it was a silly idea not to get receipt but whats done is done.
  17. Sounds like the company is being fair. They are giving you back £40 when they could do nothing. I think a lesson could be learned. First don't leave it till the last minute to order stuff in case something goes wrong and second, if there is an issue, report it to the company right away.
  18. Get on Twitter and complain to them. Bet they sort it quick. @verynetwork
  19. Photograph every inch of the place before you go and get todays paper in some of the shots.
  20. I won't move away from 7 now. At least not until 10 is a year or so old and all the creases have been ironed out with a service park. And most importantly if the start menu is not there or does not function like 7 does then I'm not interested. I have no interest in these 'tiles' they are pushing. I get that it works on a touch device but not for a desktop, they serve no purpose when you have a mouse. They just take up screen real estate.
  21. I like 7. It does a great job. I don't really see the need to upgrade. Although I do expect 10 to be good. Windows 98 was good, Windows ME was not so great, Xp was good, vista was terrible, 7 was good, 8 was terrible so going by that 10 should be good.
  22. Just last week I wiped my wife's HP Windows 8 laptop and installed vanilla Windows 7 on it. HP consumer grade laptops are the very worse laptops you can get. They are full of bloatware and other nonsense that is only there because HP get a commission. Since it's had Win 7 put on it it runs sweet. If you buy a business version of the same laptop you don't get the restrictions. Finding windows 7 drivers for the wife's laptop was a challenge but once I found the same business version of the laptop is was easy because they are all listed on the HP site. It's all about money and greed with HP, they can help but they might lose a commission on some useless software if they do so they don't help. I would never ever buy a HP product again. Ever.
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