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broke dave

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Everything posted by broke dave

  1. Absolutely BRILLIANT. Well done for a piece of expertly written and witty journalism. If on ly this could be put into the Judges Journal (whatever that is). I bet the DJ concerned is dining out on this even as we speak. I can just see the Ken Barlow (the Judge) getting ever more frustrated. I hope the Barclay's barrister was called Deidre
  2. Send this letter: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/671-2-letter-preliminary-approach.html and a schedule of your charges which I will put a link to in a minute. (no need to put the link in it is in the above post)
  3. Go for it rosey. Everyone here is behind you. The test case could delay things but we don't know until we try do we? The worst thing that can happen is you have to wait for your money - so don't think about what you could do with it (I made that mistake). Carry on as you are, make the claim, and when you eventually win - wow its like winning the lottery. Above all try not to worry. Any problems just post something on your thread and people will reply with support. Good luck. bd
  4. Thanks passive, Not had a chance to look at it (see my post on the business thread.) Will look tomorrow and give feedback. bd.
  5. Wow!! This thread and, my thread have got bloomin' popular whilst I've been out. We've got something going here CAGs. Absolutelt knackered at the moment as have spent most of the day looking after one of my wife's ponies (poor old nipper the shetland has got laminitous-if that's how you spell it?) And no we are not rich having ponies - he is on loan - we are skint having ponies and a bloody great Black Horse!! Off work tomorrow so, ponies permitting, will have a good read through all of the posts and offer my input. Try not to worry too much about the banks when you go to bed, think of Nipper on ENFORCED bed rest and deprived of grass!!!!
  6. I think I've answered some of this on my thread. I, like you, went MCOL first time. This time I will go N1 route. Got to get through LBA first. 14 days and counting.
  7. Stick with it Nightowl. All is not lost - from my reading it is up to individual courts as to whether they grant stays until after the test case. This site is working on opposing these stays if they occur. Hope everything is ok with water and electric (and wine!) :D bd
  8. Skeggs, Only just started on business account so learning as I go along. Much of what I have learned was here: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general/68191-claiming-business-account-lets-new-post.html Thought I had found that link from your thread If we all stay on the main business account thread for general info. I think this will help everyone. If you can't find anything or just want support then go to individual threads. Make sense?
  9. With you on that photoman. Your draft looks good; will see if I, or anyone else, can make it look brilliant. Looking at the Telegraph (briefly) it seems that the banks are thinking that they may have shot themselves in the foot. Maybe, we at CAG, can prove that they have indeed done this. Remember, they have tried all sorts of tactics to put us off and we keep coming back. At last we have forced them to 'show their cards' we can now mount an all out attack. No need to rush, they are relying on 18 months of very little happening. So if it takes us 18 hours, days or weeks we will take them on (was going to say take them by surprise- but as they make a habit of watching this site it would be no surprise) Looking forward to this now - keep up the fight.
  10. Its OK. Found the problem - was looking at the LTSB threads not the General threads.:o
  11. Seems to be a problem again - just posted the above but the thread does not come up to the top. It is because I have entered this post through a link from another post????
  12. Started my business claim just over a week ago. Rather depressed after Friday's announcement but just had this reply from GaryH: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/lloyds-bank/105794-broke-dave-ltsb-business.html post #12 Good luck everyone.
  13. I'm also claiming on my business account (sole trader) and just had some advice from GaryH; see this link: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/lloyds-bank/105794-broke-dave-ltsb-business.html post #12
  14. May as well keep going. You should be at the front of the queue when the test case is over. Why is the test case going to take so long? And yes, 12 months worth of interest - at a better rate than a savings account
  15. Thanks Gary, That's lifted the gloom over the broke household! LBA aleady sent so will wait for the fob off letter and its off to court we go.
  16. Have a look at this for what is required for court: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/33060-basic-court-bundle.html Don't worry about the AQ, mant courts have dispensed with these. Don't panic; any questions post here.
  17. Just read zootscoots post with reference to OFT. It says that it is unsure whether business claims will be investigated. Can anyone clarify? Like a lot of others feeling a little deflated at the moment. It would be great if I could still get the business claim through as this is the biggest of the 2.
  18. Excellent; well done. Should give some hope to all those due in Cardiff.
  19. broke dave


    Firstly, send them your schedule of charges. Did you use this site to calculate the interest? Secondly, don't panic. We are all here to help. Keep all of your questions to this thread and you will find help and win. Good luck, bd
  20. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/show-post/post-487345.html It says Non-compliance letters but it is the link you want
  21. There is a letter I will try and find it for you. Congratulations!!
  22. Tell me about it. Just had a 10 minute break to do the washing up - ain't life exciting . Can't wait to go back to work.
  23. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/101412-document-library-work-progress.html That's 3 of us who have found it then
  24. Don't worry about your overclaim. Mine was for £60 which I couldn't later find on the statements! Had many sleepless nights until told on here not to worry. They paid it all earlier this month.
  25. Send and fax another rejection letter. Also write to the court informing them of what **** are trying to do. Attach copies of your rejection letters for the court to see. Inform the court that the claim is not settled and you wish to continue with court action. Good luck.
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