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Everything posted by Alphageek

  1. I just think it's a little strange that the bank asked in their email to let them know if I was applying to have the latest order set aside. It's almost as though they want me to apply. Just wondering if there is a procedural trap awaiting me if I do so.
  2. As you say Shadow, back to the real world. Just a little diversion before I update you on what has happened with this case. In the same County Court, but different DJ, I had a claim against another creditor struck out because I missed filing the allocation questionnaire by one day. I was out of the country and returned the day it was due to be filed by, took it to the court building late at night and posted it by hand. I received an order striking the claim out to which I filed an N244 application to have it reinstated, presenting evidence to show I was out of the country. The application was dismissed and the claim was still struck out. Now, don't get side tracked with that as I am dealing with that matter in another thread. I just tell you this so you can compare and contrast with this case. The bank made their application to set aside the directions order about a week out of time. I have received this from the Court. Today, I have received this from the bank via email. and their amended defence (don't forget they missed the deadline to file their initial defence in the first place and I agreed to a 14 day extension for them to file) Apart from the fact they think the date is 2nd September 2009 () they really are scraping the barrel bringing the McGuffick case up aren't they? To my question: Should I apply to have the order of 3rd Nov setting aside the directions I asked for and allowing the bank to amend their defence to be set aside?
  3. You need an EX107 if you want to request a transcript of the hearing. Her Majesty's Courts Service -Forms and Guidance
  4. Alphageek

    advice please

    Amex do not sell accounts to Newmans. They just use them to do the dirty work. How long ago did the account fall in to arrears and they defaulted you and put the fraud marker on your CRA files?
  5. You have probably replied to them by now, but I would have changed just one thing. Cheeky beggars!
  6. They had the brain cell wielding employee that week BB
  7. Hi spooky, have a read of this; BBC NEWS | Business | Five-year block on repossession - it might put a smile on your face and give you an idea on how to approach the case.
  8. Sorry to hear about your predicament. I can't help with CSA matters, but hang tight as someone will be along to advise you soon I would think.
  9. Yes, I've had the pink pigs in the past LOL They also send some nice postcards as well.
  10. I don't think that would accomplish much to be honest. You'd be better filing a claim under the Protection from Harassment Act.
  11. Received email from court confirming receipt and acceptance of the document I filed.
  12. Sent it to the court's e-filing service. I have had replies from them in the past, so I know it's read.
  13. Hi Shadow, I was just reading that thread yesterday and today. If the posties don't strike for too long, the 2nd CPR 31.16 letter will be with them soon. As ever with these morons, it's going to be a long game I feel.
  14. Who, not this lot surely?
  15. Thanks for reminding me about this. I changed mine my local trading standards department's phone number when I was reclaiming charges from them.
  16. What a disgusting bunch Capital One are. Since I last updated this thread, I have sent the 1st CPR31.16 letter to Ms Renshaw. Capital One have passed the account to Capquest in their guise of FTC who have in turn passed it to ScotCall. ScotCall have actually sent two doorstep callers to my O/H's house. Sadly for them, she wasn't in. All while this was going on, she has logged over 200 calls to her house and mobile phone and received a small number of text messages to her mobile from the pool of numbers Capital One use. So, I have printed and will mail in the morning the following. CPR31.16 letter two to Ms Renshaw and Capquest and ScotCall are getting this.
  17. I have let this thread slip a little and now NDR (No Debt Recovery) are involved. Quite what they think they are going to achieve is a mystery to me. I will get back to Littlewoods soon, but in the meantime, NDR are getting this.
  18. Excellent news Dave. They won't know what's hit them!
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