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  1. Hi DD thnx for popping back, you beat Gez too lol. Trying to find scans and ppaperwork so bear with me, heard back but got little. How is your case? x
  2. Hi everyone i,m back, lol well nearly ... think there is 5% left of me. I,ve buried my head in the sand as have far too much going on to cope with and have to reply to the court soon so thought better see what I should be doing. Have a feeling its too late or no point.... all the others that were having probs same time seem to have disappeared too???
  3. Hi everyone i,m back, lol well nearly ... think there is 5% left of me. I,ve buried my head in the sand as have far too much going on to cope with and have to reply to the court soon so thought better see what I should be doing. Have a feeling its too late or no point.... all the others that were having probs same time seem to have disappeared too???
  4. Bet Gez will say I am , yep am in a panic as usual. This site always calms me down tho, as you have again helped, thank you Me thinks they wont reply to court by the date and then be given another date, so my defence will be another embarrassed one with no docs. Seems yours is now behind me, how did that happen lol.
  5. Hello MKB, sent you an email but think you,ve changed pc.s. Good to hear from you, hows it going with your case? Ooooo so I dont have to do a defence by 5th of jan? coz thats the only bit I see for me....duh remember i,m a doughnut ..... and am now praying postie doesnt come here by the 5th but then again BH didnt reply in time on the A an Q and were given longer, so probably will again.
  6. Hello all, i,m back, thought i,d give you some peace over Xmas Had a letter from the court giving BH another week to send in their A and Q as they didnt hand it in on time!!!! mmmm don,t think they would have done that for me!!! Now have had notice of allocation to fast track, trial will take place during 7th june and 25th june at venue to be notified. Orders are, the claimant shall within 14 days of service of this order send to the defendant and the court A) a true copy of executed agreement and any other docs referred to within agreement. B) true copies of defaults and cancellation notices sent to defendant with any proof of posting that you hold. C) full breakdown of how amount claimed has been calculated, including all payments made and charges applied throughout duration of agreement. D) copies of pre contractual application E) copies of defendants proof of income provided to the claimant in advance of the credit agreement. F) copies of the payment protection docs. G)any other docs relied upon. If claimant fails to comply with order claim will be struck out without further order. 2. Defendant shall within 14 days thereafter file and serve the following Amended defence sufficiently particularised in response to the documents supplied by the claimant. 3. each party files completed pre trial check list no later 2nd april, claimant to pay £100 fee. Hearing fee of £500 must be paid by claimant. So how can I do a defence in response to the documents supplied by claimant when I havent had any from BH and rubbish from sols???? This has to be done handed in or whatever by 5th Jan so help would be great please x
  7. I know what your saying.... but I,m dealing with this secretly and would be alone if it wasnt for this site! My hand writing was awful on the form and then I printed attached pages Now I don,t know what I should be preparing for etc etc, who has to act next and what I should have ready???? In my next life i,m coming back as a man lol. ;-)
  8. MKB thank you sooooo much, lol I know owe you and Gez a meal if I get this sorted! I didn't reply straight away as took your advice and filled out the form then drove to the court and got it in, didnt really do a neat job but did answers as your thread and reply so am just waiting again now. I am so swamped under that its much easier to hide away but I realised you can't do that because in the long run it will break me if I ignore it. How is your case going? If I remember your a month ahead of me so hope you have good news? Will p.m you and thanks again.
  9. can anyone offer advice, I can hand the allocation questionnaire today so its in on time....
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