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  1. I am A victim of MBNA harassment see my story in Harassment by MBNA. They seem as if they do not want to go by the law. I suggest we publish the numbers that they use their bullying with and start to return the harassment and see if they like a dose of they own medicine. Would I be breaking the law to publish the numbers I have and others to add to the list and phone these numbers during the day as i feel the need.
  2. I am being harassed by MBNA. Last night I received 9 calls from them between 7.15pm and 7.45pm on some occassions 8 seconds between one call stop ringing and the next starting. They also try to use different numbers. I have asked them not to phone but they still continue. I even subscibed to the BT service to refuse to accept calls but they have used so many numbers my list is now full. Last week they phoned during the day 14:00 and phoned 11 times in 20minutes after my wife who is disabled and was in bed answered and when she told the creature at the other end of the phone that she was unwell and in bed she got the reply. "WHY WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?" Another time she answered the MBNA emplyee gave her all my details of how much I owed how much they wanted me to pay. I have sent a letter to request they do not phone but am still receiving. I have told them that I have reported them to the OFT but they stated that they do not come into the guide lines and don't give a dame. The final straw is they have continued to phone at 21:30pm. I was thinking of starting a thread to publish all the numbers they use so everyone can start to return the harassment and see how they like it if we can block their phone system up. Otherwise can some-one help and give me advice on how to deal with these bullies they are driving my wife and I into depression.
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