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Everything posted by smutley

  1. thanks you two! but being totally thick, do I put charges x 0.00022 or actually work out the figure ie 3287.37 x 0.00022 =
  2. I am currently filling in an Application Notice N244 to update my SOC's, I am also putting in the new POC, can someone tell me if I have completed section 17 correctly and what is the daily rate figure to put in ? This is for the hearing in Cardiff on 14th Aug (1)A declaration that the sums totalling £3,287.37 have wrongly been debited from the Account (2)Payment of the said sum of £3,287.37 charged by the Bank thereon. (3)Interest under section 69 of the County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of wrongful debit to date in the sum of £605.03 and at the daily rate of [ xx ] until judgment or sooner payment. (4)Court costs of [ xxxx]. Also, my account was opened in about 1990, are there any Standard Terms from then anywhere on this site so that I can add them as they only start from June 1998 - thanks Jenny
  3. Hi Welshcakes, I have updated my SOC's but should I only go back 6 years from the date I am submitting as my original SOC's started Feb 01... also should I in addition to the application notice N244 also submit another N1 claim form - just checking as dont want to make any other mistakes this time!
  4. I was hoping for a settlement to clear my overdraft situation, which has been caused by these excessive charges and get on with my life, but I will fight to the bitter end and have absolutely no intention of folding now at this stage... we must continue to be positive in our search for justice!
  5. lol, if they pay me the 3K or so that they owe me, at thats my overdraft, I will happily leave 0.01 pence in my account!!!;-)
  6. hi sponge....pants.... my Judge is Hickinbottom on the 14th... Directions Hearing.... It makes sence now why when I phoned Thomas Hickey from the Lit team several weeks ago he said settlement within 2 weeks, then when I rang to chase he denied all knowledge of ever saying that also that he had no knowledge of anyone elses claim being settled and also to get my paperwork ready for court, I think he already knew that there was something in the pipeline, just a shame that OFT didnt pass on the news to us at the same time.. but there you go, the Banks (Barclays) getting preferential treatment....getting my dosh back, I'd like to think so.. never say die!
  7. cheers welshcakes... a busy weekend for me ahead!! drinks on me on the 14th
  8. pain in the butt again here.... on the amended POC and SOC can I bring the claim up to date, ie include charges incurred since my original claim or should I just keep the period claim exactly the same as before.?
  9. Thanks Welshcakes, will take your advice and get the new amended POC into Court next week. (is there a special form for amendment or is it the same form I did before?) To clarify, on the Claim form do I put the total claimed to include the interest or just the charges and attach the SOC. Also as I get working tax credits I was exempt from fees last time so hopefully this will apply to the amendment.
  10. feeling a bit of a prat now, just been reading through my particulars of claim on the N1 form and I actually put .. THE DEFENDANT FROM FEB 2001 TO PRESENT DAY HAS APPLIED CHARGES TO THE CLAIMANTS ACCOUNT TOTALLING NOT MORE THAN £2,851.09 (SEE ATTACHED SHEETS) THE CLAIMANT ALSO CLAIMS INTEREST UNDER SECTION 69,,,,,,, AT THE RATE OF 8% A YEAR FROM THE DATES THAT EACH OF THE ANNUAL CHARGES WERE MADE (AS ITEMISED ON THE ATTACHED SHEETS) TOTALLING £1,692.90 MAKING THE TOTAL CLAIM FOR £4,543.99 So my actual claim has been made for charges plus my exagerated interest... sorry to be such a pain, but by sending in my 'updated' SOC which will make the amount claimed less, will this still be ok? Im going to bed now as the more I re read and re read Im driving myself nuts... will check in again tomorrow
  11. will take that Witness Statement with me, my order is exactly the same as the one you have quoted and I have already sent in the draft directions and letter also stating that I will be attending. I posted here because I thought there was confussion about 'direction hearing' and what was needed but I see that Saintly has put the link for them. Going to tip your scales again as you really are a star welshcakes!!
  12. Thanks for all the excellent advice ... will definately do an updated SOC and post off to B's and court over the next few days. Look forward to meeting you on the 14th !!! Jenny
  13. Thanks Welshcakes, my B's Defence looks like the standard one with no reference to to my figures... do you think it would be ok to take along to the court my updated SOCs so not to drawn Barclays attention to my mistake prior to the hearing?
  14. Well in view of whats been happening Southend and now the OFT case I wonder if our hearing date will even happen..... but I am now panicing like mad as I have just redone my schedule of charges and to my horror realised that I have overcharged my interest by around 1K... the figure I put on my N1 Claim Form are correct but when I calculated the interest (all by myself as I didnt know this site existed at that time) I sort of miscalculated with the formula!! Do you think it matters, would it not be the case that Barclays would have to prove different and as they did not offer any proof that my figures were true pre-estimates or is all this irrelevant now that OFT are making a case???
  15. hi, just read through these threads quote - just a request for directions (court bundle) by Monday. and I have 'Directions Hearing' in Cardiff on 14th Aug, only the advise I have been receiving is that the 'bundle' is not required at this stage as this is a hearing to give directions....
  16. a new tactic by Barclays... may explain why they are saying that they will be attending the Directions Hearing in Cardiff on 14th August, please post anymore info you get..
  17. Im too late to offer any help and support..... but please let me know how you got on... my Directions Hearing is on 14 Aug and looks like Barclays are going to attend and I'm as scared as you were!! Hope it went well today..
  18. mmm dont think my above post worked.... Thank you for your emails. Sharon Daboul is currently out of the office on holiday and I am dealing with her caseload in her absence. I have reviewed your file and note that the Hearing scheduled for 14th August is a Directions Hearing, which the Bank will be attending. Is this usual for Barclays to be saying that they will be attending the Directions Hearing at this stage.... getting scared now!!... does this mean that we will have to speak and argue our case, should we be prepared and take 'some of all of the bundle' with us??
  19. Thanks for such an informative message Welshcakes, have tipped your scales for you!
  20. lol you two.... sent off my letters and will be attending on the day as well ... what exactly will you be taking with you....? cheers in anticipation, Jenny
  21. Whoops, if a mod can change the heading for me to CARDIFF would be grateful!!
  22. Re: Cardiff Hearing 14 August - Please Post Details If You Have Already Received A Settlement. Do Not Post Anything Else Here, Please Go To The Original Thread. This Will Help Us With Our Claims Should We Have To Go To Court - Thank You.
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